Video: Neocon Petraeus Stakes Out Conflict with Obama over July 2011 Afghanistan Pullout; Lays Foundation for GOP Presidential Draft in 2012

(RussiaToday) – General Petraeus has said he does not plan to run for President, but he is also making remarks that directly contradict Defense Secretary Gates and President Obama on the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. Is there a political motive at play? RT contributor Webster Tarpley said yes! He argued that while Petraeus said he has no current plans to run, this does not mean he does not have an agenda. When push comes to shove Petraeus may be on the ballot, argued Tarpley. Continue reading

Video: New York Times Planted Story on Afghan Mineral Wealth Designed to Prolong US Occupation, Spur Neocon-Backed Petraeus Presidential Candidacy

(WebsterTarpley) – To provide a new and spurious economic looting argument for making the US occupation of Afghanistan virtually endless, and to advance the candidacy of General David Petraeus as the principal neocon warmonger candidate for president on the Republican ticket in 2012 – these are the purposes of the story planted in the June 13, 2010 New York Times under the byline of James Risen, who is acting as stenographer for the neocons in the great tradition of his predecessor Judith Miller. In retrospect, this article may well be seen as the opening gun of an overt push to place General Petraeus in the White House in 2012 as the new Field Marshal von Hindenburg. Continue reading

Video: Sen. Lieberman – Deny Citizenship to Suspected Terrorists

(KurtNimmo) – In addition to providing an excuse to expand New York’s electronic panopticon, last weekend’s fizzle bomb event has prompted the usual neocon suspects in Congress to call for severely rolling back the civil liberties of Americans accused of terrorism. Continue reading

David Ray Griffin: The IRD’s Attack on My ”Silly” 9/11 Theories

(OpEdNews) – A right-wing neocon organization called the Institute on Religion and Democracy (IRD)1 — which devotes itself to attacking religiously and socially progressive churches while supporting US imperial policies (going back to the Nicaraguan Contras funded illegally by the Reagan administration2 ) — has recently put out a press release attacking my next book, which is scheduled to be published this coming fall. Saying that I am “back with another outrageous book” in which I allege “new absurdities,” the IRD claims that I am “this time alleging that the Obama administration is attempting to undermine 9/11 Continue reading

Dick Cheney sticks nose in KY Senate race to back Rand Paul’s NeoCon opponent

(America20xy) – On Trey Grayson’s campaign site today is a quote from former Vice President Dick Cheney:
“I’m a lifelong conservative, and I can tell the real thing when I see it.  I have looked at the records of both candidates in the race, and it is clear to me that Trey Grayson is right on the issues that matter – both on fiscal responsibility and on national security.”
Continue reading

John McCain’s Attack On Liberty – Chuck Baldwin

Anyone paying attention knows that John McCain has been a Big-Government Globalist Neocon (BGGN) for virtually his entire senatorial career. As with many BGGNs hiding out in the Republican Party, McCain likes to talk about smaller government, but his track record is littered with the promotion of one big government program after another. But, what else would one expect from a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)? Continue reading

The Road to Armageddon – Paul Craig Roberts

The Washington Times is a newspaper that looks with favor upon the Bush/Cheney/Obama/neocon wars of aggression in the Middle East and favors making terrorists pay for 9/11. Therefore, I was surprised to learn on February 24 that the most popular story on the paper’s website for the past three days was the “Inside the Beltway” report, “Explosive News,” about the 31 press conferences in cities in the US and abroad on February 19 held by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, an organization of professionals which now has 1,000 members. Continue reading

Video: Bomb Iran Drumbeat Picks Up Pace

(KurtNimmo) – It looks like years of incessant propaganda about Iran seem to have paid off. According to a recent Gallup poll, Americans consider Iran to be the “least liked” nation on the planet. “Canada retained its top position in Gallup’s annual country ratings, with 90% of Americans viewing it favorably, unchanged from 2009. Iran continues to rank last, with 10% this year,” Gallup reports. Even the reclusive totalitarian state of North Korea fared better than Iran. Continue reading

Grounds for Hope and Despair – Paul Craig Roberts

My February 16 column, A Country of Serfs Ruled By Oligarchs, received confirmation from high places on the very day it appeared. Popular Indiana Democratic U.S. Senator Evan Bayh announced that he was quitting the Senate. Yahoo News gave this account:
“In an interview on MSNBC this morning, newly retiring Sen. Evan Bayh declared the American political system ‘dysfunctional,’ riddled with ‘brain-dead partisanship’ and permanent campaigning. Flatly denying any possibility that he’d seek the presidency or any other higher office, Bayh argued that the American people needed to deliver a ‘shock’ to Congress by voting incumbents out in mass and replacing them with people interested in reforming the process and governing for the good of the people, rather than deep-pocketed special-interest groups.”
Continue reading

Another Neocon Attack on Ron Paul

(LewRockwell) – Religious rightist Michael Gerson, a Karl Rove disciple and Bush speechwriter, was rewarded with a perch at the once influential Washington Post. So his attempt at thought control, while despicable, is also predictable. Oh for the days of that fake Brit and real CIA agent Bill Buckley, when he could expel Ayn Rand, Murray Rothbard,  John T. Flynn, Albert Jay Nock, and anyone else who refused to back the warfare state, from…from…the pages of his mag, I guess. Funny how establishment types still tell these fairy tales to warm themselves around the fires of burning books. It never worked outside the MSM. And now, thanks to the internet, Rand, Rothbard, and the rest are almost infinitely more influential than the excommunicating Bill, whose forgettable encyclicals have disappeared along with him. Read More Here

Video: Romney at CPAC – It’s the Banksters, Mitt

(KurtNimmo) – Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney told the gathered at CPAC Obama needs to stop blaming Bush for the deficit and high unemployment. “When it comes to pinning the blame, let’s pin the blame on the donkey,” Romney told at the event that should be renamed NeoconPAC. Continue reading

Video: Neocon Guerrilla’s in the Midst – Glenn Beck’s Take-down of Debra Medina

Were it not clear before yesterday in the manner which Glenn Beck sandbagged and set a trap for surging Texas gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina who was rising in the polls and closing in on establishment insiders Rick Perry and Kay Bailey Hutchinson, it should be clear now that Glenn Beck is an inside job, an establishment status quo shill masquerading and posing as a revolutionary. His job is to obfuscate the truth, to serve as an outlet for the supremely misguided and ill informed in America, a master manipulator, a minister of disinformation and propaganda telling authorized truths as a card carrying member of America’s propaganda matrix. Continue reading

Video: Warning – NeoCon Palin’s tea party takeover will facilitate Obama reelection

In an urgent message on the systematic betrayal of the tea party, Alex Jones warns against the turncoats and deceivers flocking from the weakened GOP and FOX News wings to harness the populist uprising that briefly found life outside of the traditional two-party system. Continue reading

Neocon Says Obama Should Save Presidency By Attacking Iran

(SteveWatson) – A Neoconservative commentator and scholar has stated that Obama can save his presidency and turn around his plummeting approval ratings by bombing Iran. Continue reading

ATF Responsible for Creating Large Part of Illegal Cigarette Black Market

(KurtNimmo) – Back during the days of the Bush neocon effort to create mass hysteria over manufactured terrorism, the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives attempted to link illicit cigarette smuggling and sales to terrorism. Continue reading

Call For Immediate Arrest of 5 Supreme Court Justices For Treason

(VeteransToday) – Five members of the Supreme Court declared that a “corporation” is a person, not a “regular person” but one above all natural laws, subject to no God, no moral code but one with unlimited power over our lives, a power awarded by judges who seem themselves as grand inquisitors in an meant to hunt down all hertics who fail to serve their god, the god of money. Continue reading

Americans want to be Slaves

Are Americans willing to trade their freedoms for a false sense of security?

This is the crucial question that must be answered before a successful struggle for liberty can be fought and won. If it is shown that the majority of Americans will readily trade their freedoms for a fake carnal security then the cause has already been lost. Continue reading

Neocon Gingrich Demands Muslims Be Profiled as Terrorists

(KurtNimmo) – Newt Gingrich said in a twitter the other day that the government needs to begin profiling people in response to the staged Christmas day underwear non-bombing. “We need a new policy of systematically going after terrorists that involves explicit profiling and explicit discrimination for behavior,” said the prominent neocon. “It is time to go to profiling of dangerous people.” Continue reading

Neocon Pundits Amp Up Demonization Efforts in Response to Possible Ron Paul 2012 Run

The psychological operations conducted by the government of conditioning the public through covert mind control and subliminal influence has been documented for many years. This continued throughout Ron Paul’s presidential campaign, and now that there is talk of a Ron Paul run in 2012 , even on Paul’s own website, with 94% of respondants favoring a 2012 run in the latest poll, establishment pundits on the so-called right are amping up a marginalization campaign of Dr. Paul and his supporters. Continue reading

Neocon Challenges Ron Paul in Texas

Tim Graney of Katy, Texas, has announced a bid to unseat Ron Paul in the 14th congressional district of Texas. According to FortBendNow, a news website in Houston, Graney is a small business owner and this is his first political campaign. Graney told FortBendNow the district needs a new voice in Congress, particularly in the area of foreign policy. Continue reading

Order of Magnitude: Globalists Want Obama to Increase Troop Numbers in Afghanistan

When it comes to escalating the brutal occupation of Afghanistan, Obama is no different than his predecessor and his warmongering neocon advisers. Last month Obama said he had not made an “immediate decision” on pouring troops into the country. And then word came down from the Pentagon indicating General McChrystal wants to escalate the conflict in a big way. Continue reading

Video: Corporate Media Seriously Under Reports Numbers at D.C. Tea Party

The corporate media reports “tens of thousands” in attendance at the Tea Party demo today in the District of Criminals. Sources on the scene, however, put the number at hundreds of thousands upward to over a million. Continue reading

AF-PAK War And The Battle For Oil

When announcing his new Afghanistan and Pakistan policy on March 27, 2009, Obama vowed “to disrupt and dismantle” the Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan and to “prevent their return to either country in the future.” But who are the Taliban? Any Afghan or Pakistani who resists the US-led occupation. Continue reading

Links: US ‘to be blamed’ in case of Israeli strike on Iran: Bolton

Israel will attack Iran by end of 2009: Bolton

Continue reading

You Tube Pulls Hundreds Of Ron Paul Videos

Popular C-Span Junkie user channel suspended, 6400 videos gone Continue reading

More War, Please – Campaign for Liberty

In “Julius Caesar” Shakespeare’s Brutus counsels “There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken on the flood, leads on to fortune.” Shakespeare was describing how powerful men seeking yet more power, blinded by hubris, collectively brought about the destruction of the very republic that they claimed to love. Continue reading

Globalist Think Tank Trots Out Iran Attack Scenario

In a hare-brained nightmare scenario dreamed up by the Center for Strategic and International Studies — home-base for neocon crackpots such as Michael Ledeen and war criminals of Madeleine Albright’s caliber — Iran manages to produce a nuclear weapon and drops it on Israel, ultimately killing 800,000 people. Continue reading

Neocon Rodeo

Imagine this headline “George Bush arrested and extradited to the Hague for crimes against humanity.” Upon further reading, “Prosecutors say George Bush is allegedly guilty of mass murder for the atrocities of 911 where over 3000 innocent people were murdered.” One would think, “justice is served,” but lets take a journey down this phantasmal path and weigh the ramifications of this price of corruption. Continue reading

Ignorance is Strength – Paul Craig Roberts

The American media’s one-sided and propagandistic coverage of the Iranian election has made an American hero out of the defeated candidate, Mousavi. Continue reading

Iran Claims It Has Arrested MKO Agents Fomenting Riots

Editor’s note: On November 9, 2007, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen wrote: “A State Department diplomat who recently returned from Iraqi Kurdistan revealed that ‘Israelis are everywhere in Kurdistan.’ Some are there for business reasons but a number are engaged in support for the PKK, PEJAK, and the MKO. This Israeli support, carried out with a wink and a nod from the neocon cabal in Washington, has strained Turkey’s relations with both Jerusalem and Washington.” Continue reading

Are the Iranian Protests Another US Orchestrated “Color Revolution?”

(Paul Craig Roberts) – A number of commentators have expressed their idealistic belief in the purity of Mousavi, Montazeri, and the westernized youth of Tehran. The CIA destabilization plan, announced two years ago (see below) has somehow not contaminated unfolding events. Continue reading

Stealth Jet Revolt Could Mean Pentagon Budget Showdown

Washington has been expecting a showdown between the defense secretary and Congress over his plan to radically overhaul the Pentagon’s arsenal. That fight may finally go down, after a key House panel defied Robert Gates Wednesday by adding money to keep making stealth fighter planes — with an apparent assist from a top Air Force general. Continue reading

Glenn Beck’s Outrageous Lie: Racist Von Brunn is “Hero of 9/11 Truthers”

There should be absolutely no doubt Glenn Beck is a government disinfo operative tasked with taking down the 9/11 truth and patriot movements. In fact, Fox News — as a primary fount of Operation Mockingbird — is tasked with attacking not only the 9/11 truth movement but the pro-liberty and Constitution movements as well. Continue reading

Video: DHS Takes Seriously Claim Militias May Collaborate with al-Qaeda on Bio Attack

According to The Washington Times, U.S. counterterrorism officials have “authenticated” a video by a supposed al-Qaeda recruiter who claims he has the ability to smuggle a biological weapon into the United States via tunnels under the Mexico border. In the video, Abdullah al-Nafisi also suggests that al-Qaeda might want to collaborate with “members of native U.S. white supremacist militias who hate the federal government.” Continue reading