Video: Corporate Media Seriously Under Reports Numbers at D.C. Tea Party

The corporate media reports “tens of thousands” in attendance at the Tea Party demo today in the District of Criminals. Sources on the scene, however, put the number at hundreds of thousands upward to over a million.

“But whether the marchers reflect a small minority’s continuing anger over the more liberal direction the country began taking in the 2008 election or something deeper that could have repercussions in 2010 and 2012 is one of the questions the march may begin to answer,” reports Politico this afternoon.

Politico and the rest of the corporate media would like to characterize the mass movement as a right versus left sideshow that is of little relevance.

In fact, there was no such “liberal” direction taken after the dog and pony show 2008 election — Obama’s administration is packed with CFR, Trilateral, Bilderberg, and Federal Reserve insiders and he continues the wars and occupations initiated under his predecessor. The elite are using left cover to push their one-world agenda. It’s business as usual, never mind CNN, MSNBC, and yes Fox News. The Democrats are under the control of the Soros one-world faction and the Republicans under the neocon one-world faction. It is all a parlor trick.

Glenn Beck covered the demo this morning on Fox. Beck’s task is to make the event look like it was organized by the Republicans. Beck will never tell you the original tea party movement was created by libertarians, not one-world Republicans. Beck will not tell you the vast majority of the participants believe both parties represent one party — what Gore Vidal called the Property Party, the small elite that own D.C., excepting Ron Paul and few other brave souls.

That’s why Beck calls Paul a dangerous kook and his supporters violent extremists. How many people in the streets of Washington at the moment supported Ron Paul during the so-called election? How many of them want to go back to the days under the Republicans and the neocon front man Bush? The Republican party is the party of record budget deficits and mass murder (more than one million dead Iraqis and counting).

Ignore the Associated Press — one of the crown jewel’s of Operation Mockingbird — and its insistence in the above video to focus on a placard thanking Fox News. Instead, look at the streaming crowd in the street outside of the of the corporate whorehouse otherwise known as the U.S. Capitol.

That’s the real story, not Glenn Beck interviewing shameless Republicans who want to gain mileage off the event.

It looks like the government will have to do something — and soon — otherwise the movement to take back the government and restore the vision of the founders will reach critical velocity and there will be no turning back.

Is a false flag event to whip the populace back into slavish obedience just around the corner?

Source: Infowars

One thought on “Video: Corporate Media Seriously Under Reports Numbers at D.C. Tea Party

  1. I refer you to a blog post by a local talk show host, she is a “TEA Partier” and she wrote a letter to our elected “reps” in DC, which she also used as a speech at the We the People event held Friday night (9/11/09) at a local theater and posted it to her blog at the station’s website. Here is the url:
    I copied her letter to my “reps” in DC, via their webforms, and told them I agreed with her completely. The letter is a bit long but worth the time to read, I’m sure it speaks for many others, too.

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