Turkish PM: We cannot ignore murder of Gaza’s children

(YNet) – “We cannot watch the murder of children in Gaza with indifference. This is not humane,” said Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose repeated criticism of Israel recently sparked a diplomatic row between the countries.

Speaking on Monday at the inauguration ceremony of “TRT al Turkiye”, the new channel of the state run TV station TRT, Erdogan said Turkey will always be on the side of Muslims wherever they are. Read More Here

The Boiling Frogs Presents Elizabeth Gould & Paul Fitzgerald

Elizabeth Gould & Paul Fitzgerald discuss Afghanistan and how US foreign policy and military decisions are based on miscalculated and misunderstood Afghanistan politics, history, and culture. They talk about the ‘real’ history of Afghanistan; how the media misled the public by not laying out the fundamental facts about what was really going on, and the consequences; the differences between Pakistani Taliban and Afghani Taliban, and how our policy since 2001 has been emboldening them; the role of Pashtuns; and more! Continue reading

Sibel Edmonds and John M. Cole on 9/11 era to present corruption of a spy nest in DC pointing to quite a list of neocons

An interesting listen that seems to summarize Sibel’s past info, attempts to clear a few issues that some have had (including myself), and offers a few proposals of steps forward: Continue reading

Nuke Gaza: A World Gone Mad

Israeli officials are right to worry. Gazans too. Yet Americans should worry even more. Israel’s “legitimacy” will not last. Continue reading

Ahmadinejad: Iran will keep nukes as long as Israel does

Iran will continue to progress in its nuclear program as long as Israel continues to have nuclear weapons, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said. Continue reading

Military.com – Ex-FBI Translator Claims Spying at DoD

After seven years of forced silence, a government whistleblower is opening up on what she learned while working as a Turkish translator for the FBI in the wake of 9/11 Continue reading

Top U.S. Scientist Arrested in FBI Sting Attempting to Sell Nuclear Secrets to Israel

Allegations mirror those long made by FBI translator / whistleblower Sibel Edmonds… Continue reading

Brad Friedman interviews Philip Giraldi, Peter Phillips

Philip Giraldi, former CIA officer and author of American Conservative’s explosive new cover story interview with FBI translator turned whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, detailing allegations of bribery, blackmail, theft of nuclear weapons technology by high-ranking U.S. officials and the Turkish and Israeli governments. Continue reading

Video: Sibel Edmonds Deposition

(August 8, 2009) – The long-gagged FBI translator turned whistleblower speaks publicly on the record, under oath, for the first time since being twice-gagged by the Bush Administration’s use of the “state secrets privilege”. Edmonds became a linguistics specialist in the FBI counterintelligence department following 9/11. Continue reading

MSM: Report – IDF, U.S. military to simulate Iran missile strike on Israel

(Haaretz) – The Israel Defense Forces and the U.S. military will soon hold a training exercise in which they will simulate missile attacks on Israel from Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Gaza, the pan-Arab newspaper Asharq al-Awsat reported Sunday. Continue reading

MSM: FBI Whistleblower – Hastert, Burton, Blunt, Other Members of Congress ‘Bribed, Blackmailed’

(HuffingtonPost) – Breaking Down the Under-Oath Disclosures of the Formerly-Gagged Sibel Edmonds…
It has now been over a week since the video tape and transcript from the remarkable 8/8/09 deposition of former FBI translator-turned-whistleblower Sibel Edmonds was publicly released. Previously, the Bush Administration invoked the so-called “state secrets privilege” in order to gag Edmonds, in attempting to keep such information from becoming public. Continue reading

Sibel Edmonds Deposition: Deep Corruption Beneath the Surface

Sibel Edmonds gave a sworn deposition in which she testified to her knowledge of treasonous crimes and corruption involving current and former members of Congress and State and Defense Dept. officials. Given the nature of the deposition, the lines of questioning focused on Turkish espionage and services obtained through bribery and blackmail by Turkish officials and proxies. Continue reading