Turkey’s PM calls on world to rescue Palestinians from Israeli siege

(WorldBulletin) – Erdogan called on the developed world to rescue 1.5 mln-Gazans from Israeli aggressions and siege, ending human tragedy in the land. Continue reading

The Useless Logic of Round Numbers: A Massacre is a Massacre, a War of choice is a Crime

(GlobalResearch) – The media’s habit of revisiting certain issues at set intervals can be strange and even illogical at times. For example, many news outlets commented on President Barack Obama’s first 100 days in office, as well as on the anniversary of his election win, and then again one year after his inauguration day. With every new round number, more commentators joined in and discussions heated up between proponents and detractors of his government’s performance. Continue reading

Israel threatens another large-scale Gaza war

(PressTV) – Israel has threatened another massive war against the Gaza Strip as the impoverished enclave continues to suffer in the aftermath of the devastating January offensive. Continue reading

Wall on Gaza Violates International Law

The collusion between Egypt and the U.S. to build a wall separating Egypt from Gaza not only threatens Gazans’ health and quality of life, already severely deteriorated by the de facto Israeli blockade, it is a serious violation of international law. Continue reading

Nuke Gaza: A World Gone Mad

Israeli officials are right to worry. Gazans too. Yet Americans should worry even more. Israel’s “legitimacy” will not last. Continue reading

ICRC: Israel Traps Gazans in Deprivation and Despair

Founded in Geneva, Switzerland in 1863, the International Committee of the Red Cross is an “impartial, neutral and independent organization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence and to provide them with assistance.” It also tries “to prevent suffering by promoting and strengthening humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles.” Continue reading

Destroying Gaza

The recent meeting between US President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu generated speculation over the future relationship between America and Israel, and a potentially changed US policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Analysts on the right and left are commenting on a new, tougher American policy characterized by strengthened US demands on Israel. However, beneath the diplomatic choreography lies an agonizing reality that received only brief comment from Obama and silence from Netanyahu: the ongoing devastation of the people of Gaza. Continue reading

Egypt stops Gaza-bound medical convoy

Egyptian authorities have refused to allow ‘Viva Palestina’ activists trying to carry humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip to cross into the Sinai Peninsula. Continue reading

Red Cross issues harrowing report on situation in Gaza

A report from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), “Gaza: 1.5 million people trapped in despair,” paints a harrowing picture of a humanitarian catastrophe. Continue reading

The “Spirit of Humanity – Paul Craig Roberts

On June 30, the government of Israel committed an act of piracy when the Israeli Navy in international waters illegally boarded the “Spirit of Humanity,” kidnapped its 21-person crew from 11 countries, including former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and Nobel Laureate Mairead MaGuire, and confiscated the cargo of medical supplies, olive trees, reconstruction materials, and children’s toys that were on the way to the Mediterranean coast of Gaza. Continue reading

Report: Israeli Drones Targeted Civilians During Gaza War

Human Rights Watch released a report today on the Israeli military’s use of drone-launched missiles during the war against the Gaza Strip. The report details multiple instances of Israel targeting civilians and suggests that the nation was not living up to international legal standards with respect to verifying the nature of its targets. Continue reading

Israel Kidnaps Cynthia McKinney, Human Rights Workers

Today Israeli Occupation Forces attacked and boarded the Free Gaza Movement boat, the SPIRIT OF HUMANITY, abducting 21 human rights workers from 11 countries, including Noble laureate Mairead Maguire and former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. The passengers and crew are being forcibly dragged toward Israel. Continue reading

Israelis get four-fifths of scarce West Bank water, says World Bank

In some areas of the West Bank, Palestinians are surviving on as little as 10 to 15 litres a person each day, which is at or below humanitarian disaster response levels recommended to avoid epidemics. In Gaza, where Palestinians rely on an aquifer that has become increasingly saline and polluted, the situation is worse. Only 5%-10% of the available water is clean enough to drink. Continue reading

The Human Rights Situation in Occupied Palestine

On March 15, 2006, the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly 170 to 4 (with only the US, Israel, the Marshall Islands and Palau against) “to establish the Human Rights Council (HRC), based in Geneva, in replacement of the Commission on Human Rights, as a subsidiary organ of the General Assembly….responsible for promoting universal respect for the protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction of any kind and in a fair and equal manner.” Continue reading

Iran has hard evidence of Israeli war crimes

A representative to the Leader says Iran has gathered ‘thousands of documents’ which testify to Israeli atrocities in Palestine. Continue reading

Int’l organizations: Tens of thousands of Gazans are still homeless

A coalition of international humanitarian organizations in the Gaza Strip warned that tens of thousands of Gaza citizens are still homeless and do not have access to many basic services such as clean drinking water months after the end of the Israeli devastating war on Gaza. Continue reading

Investigating Israeli War Crimes in Gaza

Independent investigations and convincing testimonies, on both sides, provide compelling evidence of Israeli war crimes in Gaza. It’s time to hold the guilty accountable. Continue reading

Israeli assault injures 1.5 million Gazans

This week the death toll in Gaza passed the 1,000 mark, after three weeks of Israeli air and ground attacks. But surprisingly, no one has reported an even more appalling statistic: that there are some 1.5 million injured Palestinians in Gaza. How is it possible that such an astounding figure could have passed the world’s media by? Continue reading

We are all Gazan – Cindy Sheehan

My eyes are red from crying as I write this.

The images of bloody babies and maimed children and mothers and fathers wailing in pain are too much to bear for me.

Today, the defense forces of Yahweh’s “Chosen People” bombed two UN refugee centers. The schools, which Israel knew were being used as refugee centers (the UN was idiotic enough to give the GPS coordinates?) were demolished, dozens of innocent Gazans killed and Israel makes the convenient claim that Hamas was using the playgrounds as rocket-launching pads, which has been denied by the UN. Continue reading