It’s Official – America Now Enforces Capital Controls – Tyler Durden

(ZeroHedge) – It couldn’t have happened to a nicer country. On March 18, with very little pomp and circumstance, president Obama passed the most recent stimulus act, the $17.5 billion Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (H.R. 2487), brilliantly goalseeked by the administration’s millionaire cronies to abbreviate as HIRE. As it was merely the latest in an endless stream of acts destined to expand the government payroll to infinity, nobody cared about it, or actually read it. Because if anyone had read it, the act would have been known as the Capital Controls Act, as one of the lesser, but infinitely more important provisions on page 27, known as Offset Provisions – Subtitle A—Foreign Account Tax Compliance, institutes just that. In brief, the Provision requires that foreign banks not only withhold 30% of all outgoing capital flows (likely remitting the collection promptly back to the US Treasury) but also disclose the full details of non-exempt account-holders to the US and the IRS. And should this provision be deemed illegal by a given foreign nation’s domestic laws (think Switzerland), well the foreign financial institution is required to close the account. It’s the law. If you thought you could move your capital to the non-sequestration safety of non-US financial institutions, sorry you lose – the law now says so. Capital Controls are now here and are now fully enforced by the law.

Let’s parse through the just passed law, which has been mentioned by exactly zero mainstream media outlets.

Here is the default new state of capital outflows: Read More Here

Video: Greece On Brink of Bankrupcy – the E.U. Bailout

(BBC) – Greece is 300 billion in debt, and the biggest E.U. country leaders have met in Brussels and agreed to bailout the Greek economy. Continue reading

Switzerland forbids “swine flu” vaccine for pregnant women, young and old!

Swissmedic, the authority in Switzerland that gives permission for the use of drugs, today announced that the “swine flu” vaccine Pandemrix will not be allowed to be injected into pregnant women, children or young adults (below 18 years of age) or elderly (above 60 years of age). Continue reading

The Real Sicko Movie

After watching the television coverage of the Roman Polanski arrest in Switzerland, I have been amazed by the tolerance the mainline media has shown for the director’s conviction for raping a 13-year-old girl in the U.S. in 1977. It is as if the act and conviction of the ‘great’ director was not really that big of a deal. After all, isn’t it more important that he produced many highly acclaimed films and that he is among the high society elite? Continue reading

MSM: US Lawmakers Vote to Punish Iran’s Fuel Suppliers

(Reuters) – As Washington and Tehran began talks over Iran’s nuclear program, U.S. lawmakers approved legislation to bar foreign companies exporting gasoline to Iran from also delivering crude oil to America’s emergency petroleum stockpile. Continue reading

Nano Particles used in Untested H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccines

Vaccines which have been approved by the responsible government authorities for vaccination against the alleged H1N1 Influenza A Swine Flu have been found to contain nano particles. Vaccine makers have been experimenting with nanoparticles as a way to “turbo charge” vaccines for several years. Now it has come out that the vaccines approved for use in Germany and other European countries contain nanoparticles in a form that reportedly attacks healthy cells and can be deadly. Continue reading

Have Physicists Cracked the Stock Market?

(WashingtonsBlog) – New Scientist is reporting that physicists have largely figured out how to predict the end of bull markets: Continue reading

Gestapo Chief Became Top Truman Advisor

According to Wikipedia, Heinrich Mueller, (b. April 29, 1900) Chief of the Gestapo and Adolph Eichmann’s boss, “disappeared in May 1945 and remains the only senior figure of the Nazi regime who was never captured or confirmed to have died.” Continue reading

Swiss army stockpiles “swine flu” vaccines in preparation for mass forced vaccination

The army in Switzerland is starting to stockpile “swine flu” vaccines as it gears up for a mass forced vaccination of the Swiss population in autumn, according to a report in the Basler Zeitung. Continue reading

Startling New Evidence That The ‘Swine Flu’ Pandemic Is Man-Made

I submit this paper will provide more than enough hard evidence to at least result in a series of criminal indictments of charges of MASS MURDER, and CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT WORLD GENOCIDE against Novartis Pharmaceutical principals and agents and others. Continue reading

ICRC: Israel Traps Gazans in Deprivation and Despair

Founded in Geneva, Switzerland in 1863, the International Committee of the Red Cross is an “impartial, neutral and independent organization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence and to provide them with assistance.” It also tries “to prevent suffering by promoting and strengthening humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles.” Continue reading

Japan secretly trying to divest out of their US debt?

From the original article:

Two Japanese nationals were detained by Italian financial police last week after trying to enter Switzerland with $134 billion worth of undeclared U.S. bonds, mostly Treasury bonds, an Italian daily said Wednesday. Continue reading

Sarkozy’s Secret Plan for Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccination

The French Government is developing secret plans to impose mandatory vaccination of the entire French population, allegedly against possible Swine Flu disease according to reports leaked in a French newspaper. The plan is without precedent and even defies recommended public health advice. Continue reading

MSM: China Increases Gold Reserves 76% to Fifth-Largest

(Bloomberg) – China boosted its gold reserves by 76 percent since 2003 and has the world’s fifth-biggest holding by country, said Hu Xiaolian, head of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange. Continue reading

Putin Warns US About Socialism

Russian Prime Minister Vladamir Putin has said the US should take a lesson from the pages of Russian history and not exercise “excessive intervention in economic activity and blind faith in the state’s omnipotence”. Continue reading

Video: Daniele Ganser – How false flag operations are exposed

In the comming days, I will post several german-speaking interviews with Dr. Daniele Ganser, an academic historian from Switzerland who has researched false flag terrorism in Europe. Besides his publicity around the 9/11 truth movement, I think also his historical work about the so-called “secret armies” is extremly interesting. Continue reading

Global Television for Our Future Global Leader

Surprise and even shock were among the reactions to my recent column about how elite members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Switzerland, were considering a proposal for a new global television network to usher in a state of “global governance.” It sounded authoritarian, even totalitarian, to some.

Here are more of the troubling details. Continue reading

NATO In The Persian Gulf

From Third World War To the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative

The NATO summit held in the Turkish city of Istanbul on June 28-29, 2004 was nothing less than epochal in terms of its geopolitical repercussions, where several historical thresholds were crossed and post-World War II international taboos violated. Continue reading

The Davos World Economic Forum (WEF)

Competing Ideologies: Davos v. Belem

Founded in 1971, the Geneva-based World Economic Forum (WEF) meets annually in Davos, Switzerland to bring together top business and political leaders as well as mostly neoliberal minded intellectuals, economists, journalists, and others. Continue reading

The World is Facing the First Truly Global Economic Crisis

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s speech at the opening ceremony of the World Economic Forum Davos, Switzerland January 28, 2009 Continue reading