Analysts: New Era Of Chaos Has Taken Hold

Banking collapse has already happened; Crisis is worst ever; Financial system has effectively disintegrated; Mass social insurrection likely Continue reading

MSM: Soros sees no bottom for world financial “collapse”

(Reuters) – Renowned investor George Soros said on Friday the world financial system has effectively disintegrated, adding that there is yet no prospect of a near-term resolution to the crisis. Continue reading

The Davos World Economic Forum (WEF)

Competing Ideologies: Davos v. Belem

Founded in 1971, the Geneva-based World Economic Forum (WEF) meets annually in Davos, Switzerland to bring together top business and political leaders as well as mostly neoliberal minded intellectuals, economists, journalists, and others. Continue reading

Financial plot; Soros; Russia Iran Venezuela; Indonesia

Soros, Jewish Hungarian-born American financial speculator, former member of the Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations, former member of the Carlyle Group. He is pro-Israel and anti-Russia.

Is the financial crisis part of a plot?

If there is a plot, is one of its aims the weakening of Russia, Iran and Venezuela?

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Worse than the Great Depression

The mainstream media and Wall Street have reached the consensus that the current credit crisis is the worst since the post-war period. George Soros’ statement that ”the world faces the worst finance crisis since WWII” epitomizes the collective wisdom. The crisis is currently the ultimate scapegoat for all the economic evils that currently plague the global financial system and the global economy – from collapsing stock markets of the world to food shortages in third world counties. We are repeatedly assured that the ultimate fault lies with the Credit Crisis itself; if there were no Credit Crisis, all of these terrible things would never have happened in the economy and the financial markets.

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British Pound Collapsing Under Weight of Bankrupt Banks Liabilities

Jack Crooks writes: Great Britain’s Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, is meddling in the Bank of England and U.K. Treasury, much the same way that our Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke have done. And now everything that Mr. Brown is struggling with underlines why his home currency has performed so poorly recently … and will continue to disappoint. Continue reading

More Economists Say Crisis Is Worse Than Great Depression

More prominent economists have declared that the U.S. is facing a depression that may be even worse than that of the 1930s.

Noting that current efforts to rescue the mortgage industry are less successful than those used during the 30s, Edward J. Pinto, former chief credit officer at Fannie Mae has warned that the current crisis could be worse.

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Road to Ruin: Twenty-Five People at the Heart of the Meltdown

The worst economic turmoil since the Great Depression is not a natural phenomenon but a man-made disaster in which we all played a part. In the second part of a week-long series looking behind the slump, Guardian City editor Julia Finch picks out the individuals who have led us into the current crisis. Continue reading

MSM: Jim Rogers – ‘Sell any sterling you might have. It’s finished’

Investment guru issues grim warning as sharp fall in inflation hits pound

Fresh concerns about the British economy and fears for the stability of the UK’s financial system pushed sterling to new record lows against the dollar, euro and yen yesterday. Continue reading

MSM: Jim Rogers calls most big U.S. banks “bankrupt”

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Jim Rogers, one of the world’s most prominent international investors, on Thursday called most of the largest U.S. banks “totally bankrupt,” and said government efforts to fix the sector are wrongheaded.

Speaking by teleconference at the Reuters Investment Outlook 2009 Summit, the co-founder with George Soros of the Quantum Fund, said the government’s $700 billion rescue package for the sector doesn’t address how banks manage their balance sheets, and instead rewards weaker lenders with new capital. Continue reading

Worse than the Great Depression

The mainstream media and Wall Street have reached the consensus that the current credit crisis is the worst since the post-war period. George Soros’ statement that ”the world faces the worst finance crisis since WWII” epitomizes the collective wisdom. The crisis is currently the ultimate scapegoat for all the economic evils that currently plague the global financial system and the global economy – from collapsing stock markets of the world to food shortages in third world countries. We are repeatedly assured that the ultimate fault lies with the Credit Crisis itself; if there were no Credit Crisis, all of these terrible things would never have happened in the economy and the financial markets. Continue reading

Direct Justice Enforcement


hang em highSeven years after 9/11, we witness another, greater and even more enjoyable collapse, that of the American financial pyramid. It took some twenty years in building; its collapse took only a few weeks. Let us cut the hypocritical crap: this was a wonderful show, no ifs, ands or buts. The US stock markets boomed when they bombed Baghdad and Belgrade, they prospered when they robbed Moscow and squeezed sweat from Beijing. When they had it good, they had plenty of money for invading Iraq, threatening Iran and strangling Palestine. In short, when it was good for them, it was bad for us. Let them have a taste of their own medicine!

“They” are not the Americans, and “we” are not the rest of the planet. “They” are a small sliver of the American population, the get-rich-quick crowd from the East Side of Manhattan and similar places. The last twenty years witnessed a great shift of money upwards, to a smaller and smaller pack of greedy beasts. While the majority of Americans lost the ability to send their children to universities, these fat cats bought themselves villas in Florida and houses in Tel Aviv. Worse, they spent their billions buying up the media in order to subvert American democracy and send American soldiers to fight wars in far-away places. A big part of the stolen money was siphoned off to (counterfeit-)Israel, where apartment prices went through the roof and are still rising. Continue reading