World War

(RevoltofthePlebs) – Yes We Can, Afghanistan

Bringing Western feminism to the women of Afghanistan is the latest despicable tactic being tried by the US military in this ‘graveyard of empires.’ Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – IDF Retracts Claim al-Qaeda was on Flotilla, Corporate Media Silent

Israel has retracted its absurd claim that al-Qaeda was involved in the Gaza aid flotilla. But don’t expect the corporate media to report this. From Democracy Now:

The Israeli military, meanwhile, has been forced to retract its claim that passengers aboard the flotilla were agents of al-Qaeda. An Israel Defense Forces press release sent out two days after the assault says approximately forty flotilla passengers “are mercenaries belonging to the Al Qaeda terror organization.” The independent journalist Max Blumenthal says both he and an Israeli colleague asked the Israeli military press office to substantiate its claim. No evidence was provided, and one day later the press released was modified. The original headline was changed from “Attackers of the IDF Soldiers Found to be Al Qaeda Mercenaries” to “Attackers of the IDF Soldiers Found Without Identification Papers.” Commenting on the retraction, Blumenthal writes, “The more Israel’s claims about the flotilla’s terrorist links are challenged, the more they fall apart.”

Indeed, the fairy tale may fall apart, but that does not mean the pro-Israeli corporate media has to report the truth. – Source: Infowars

(DigitalJournal) – Castro speculates Obama might strike Iran to win second term

Former Cuban President Fidel Castro believes if United States President Barack Obama orders a nuclear strike of Iran, he will win a second term. He also believes the U.S. could attack North Korea soon Read More Here

(SouthLebanon) – US Media’s pro-Israeli Bias: Response to the Freedom Flotilla Slaughter – Read More Here

(Blog) – Review of Zionism, Militarism And The Decline Of US Power by James Petras

The hegemonic influence of Zionist-Israeli forces over America’s foreign policy, particularly Middle East policy, is a phenomenon without historical precedent. While right-wing radicals, with their focus on patriotism and constitutional values, set off early alarms about this perceived foreign domination, the Left pretty much slept through its insidious ascent to power. Read More Here

( – Elderly activist shot and ‘let bleed to death’

Released activists who had been on board the ‘MV Mavi Marmara’ claimed yesterday that the commandos waited more than an hour before treating the wounded. Read More Here

(Blog) – The Legal Framework of International Law The Attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla by Israeli Navy Commandos on May 31, 2010 – Read More Here

(Telegraph) – Gaza flotilla: Israel accused of ‘sabotaging’ Irish aid ship Rachel Corrie – Read More Here

(BushStole04) – Why did Israel Attack Civilians in the Mediterranean?

Israel weighed in advance the consequences of its attack against a humanitarian convoy of ships carrying aid to the Gaza Strip. What were its objectives in triggering a world diplomatic crisis, and why did it defy its Turkish ally as well as its U.S. protector? Read More Here

(AFP) – North Korean diplomat: ‘War may break out at any moment’

In a speech to the international Conference on Disarmament, Ri Jang-Gon, deputy permanent representative for North Korea at the United Nations in Geneva, blamed the “grave situation” on South Korea and the United States. Read More Here

REPOST – (ConsortiumNews) – Obama’s Timidity and Deaths at Sea – Ray McGovern

Casualty figures are still arriving in the wake of Israel’s Sunday night-Monday morning commando attack on an unarmed flotilla trying to bring relief supplies to the 1.5 million Palestinians crowded into Gaza. Already, at least nine civilian passengers aboard the ships are reported killed, and dozens wounded. Read More Here

(Infowars) – Memorial Day and the Freedom Flotilla massacre – Read More Here

(TodaysZaman) – Israel killed more than 9, threw wounded into sea, witnesses say

Planes carrying 520 aid volunteers and nine dead bodies of activists killed by Israeli security forces on Monday returned home on Thursday, with many claiming mistreatment at the hands of Israeli military officers and other officials and additional allegations that not everyone has returned. Read More Here

Video: CENSORED Mainstream Media – Israels Simultanious Demonstrations Against Fascism All Around Israel

(ABCNews) – American, 19, Among Gaza Flotilla Dead

Furkan Dogan Was Shot Five Times, Including Four Times in Head – Read More Here

(MSM) – UN Orders Israel to lift Gaza Blockade

UN chief Ban Ki-moon has demanded that Israel lift its blockade of the Gaza Strip immediately in the wake of a deadly raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla.

Speaking on his return from visits to Brazil, Malawi and Uganda, Ban told reporters on Wednesday that the underlying problem behind Monday’s tragedy was the long-running, crippling Israeli siege of Gaza which he described as “counter-productive, unsustainable and wrong.” Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – Former UN Assistant Secretary Urges Irish-Americans to Defend the Rachel Corrie – Read More Here

(AlterNet) – Activists on the Ship ‘Rachel Corrie’ Challenge Israel’s Unjust Gaza Blockade and Zionist Myths – Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Mavi Marmara Activist and Member of Knesset Threatened with Death

Can you imagine what would happen if members of Congress called for the murder of Dennis Kucinich on the floor of the House for his opposition to the illegal war in Afghanistan? Or if Michele Bachmann was violently threatened for her support of the Arizona immigration law?

Haneen Al-Zoubi, a Palestinian Arab member of the Israeli Knesset, found herself precisely in this unenviable position yesterday. Read More Here

(IPS) – Neocons Say Obama’s Waffling On Gaza Ship Attack May Give Israel Excuse to Invade Iran – Read More Here

(CSPAN) – Video: Ron Paul Points Out That Israel Created Hamas

Ron Paul on the House floor noting that the just like the U.S. created Bin Laden, Israel created Hamas. View More Here

(Infowars) – June 4 – Video: Ex-Mossad Agent Victor Ostrovsky Criticizes Israel’s Handling of Flotilla Raid on Alex Jones Tv

Alex also talks with author and former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky about the Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla. Ostrovsky is the author of the 1990 New York Times bestseller By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer and The Other Side of Deception. Continue reading

A Middle East Peace That Could Happen (But Won’t) – Noam Chomsky

(TomDispatch) – In Washington-Speak, “Palestinian State” Means “Fried Chicken”
The fact that the Israel-Palestine conflict grinds on without resolution might appear to be rather strange.  For many of the world’s conflicts, it is difficult even to conjure up a feasible settlement.  In this case, it is not only possible, but there is near universal agreement on its basic contours: a two-state settlement along the internationally recognized (pre-June 1967) borders — with “minor and mutual modifications,” to adopt official U.S. terminology before Washington departed from the international community in the mid-1970s. Continue reading

Video: Wikileaks to release new video showing murder of scores of Afghan civilians

(Uruknet) – Remember this from May of last year?

Wikileaks, the scourge of governments from China to the US, will soon release a video related to this killing of more than a hundred innocent Afghan civilians in May 2009. This comes on the backdrop of the release of helicopter footage of the slaying of Iraqis in 2007. Take note of what the US were saying when the news broke last year of the casualties: Continue reading

MSM: Israel pounds Gaza with missiles

(AlJazeera) – Three children have been reported injured in eastern Gaza City after Israeli aircraft carried out a series of missile attacks across the Palestinian territory.

Palestinian hospital officials said the children were injured by flying debris after the air raids that came in the early hours of Friday. Continue reading

Film: Children of Gaza

A moving, must-see video that first aired on Channel 4 (UK)’s Dispatches on 15 March. BAFTA-winning filmmaker Jezza Neumann follows the lives of three children for over a year. The children are amazing: well-spoken, reflective, resilient, understandably vengeful and fearful, but very endearing. The toll this inhumanity has taken is also clear. Continue reading

Video: Lindsey Williams on Alex Jones Tv – OPEC’S Debt Obligation Crisis & Israel’s Ties To Hamas!

(February 25, 2010) – Lindsey talks with mr. X and gives alex the latest update on the future of America and it’s monetary system.Lindsey also reveals what the globalist plans are for the rest of the world. Continue reading

MSM: Israel Conducts Covert Assassination Campaign

(TimesOnline) – Israel is waging a covert assassination campaign across the Middle East in an effort to stop its key enemies co-ordinating their activities. Continue reading

Video: The Real Story Behind Israel’s Invasion of Gaza – Deliberate Attacks against the Civilian Population

Factual Findings narrated by Ross Vachon – Factual and Legal findings narrated by Noam Chomsky – Live Testimonies relevant to the Goldstone Report’s Findings Continue reading

MSM: Obama aide says Iran may lash out at Israel

(Yahoo) – President Barack Obama’s national security adviser is citing a heightened risk that Iran will respond to growing pressure over its nuclear program by stoking violence against Israel. Continue reading

Video: Gaza. Closed Zone

Despite declarations that it has “disengaged” from the Gaza Strip, Israel maintains control of the Strip’s overland border crossings, territorial waters, and air space. This includes substantial, albeit indirect, control of the Rafah Crossing. Continue reading

MSM: UN expert slams “tragic” international failure in Gaza

(AP) – A UN human rights expert on Wednesday condemned a “tragic failure” by major powers to end Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip or probe alleged war crimes committed during a military offensive one year ago. Continue reading

Wall on Gaza Violates International Law

The collusion between Egypt and the U.S. to build a wall separating Egypt from Gaza not only threatens Gazans’ health and quality of life, already severely deteriorated by the de facto Israeli blockade, it is a serious violation of international law. Continue reading

MSM: Binyamin Netanyahu must decide whether to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities

(Times) – The moment is fast approaching when Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, may have to make the most difficult decision of his career — whether to launch a military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities and risk triggering a conflagration that could spread across the Middle East. Continue reading

US Cutting Gaza Lifeline – Ann Wright

No doubt at the instigation of the Israeli government, the Obama administration has authorized the United States Army Corps of Engineers to design a vertical underground wall under the border between Egypt and Gaza. Continue reading

Morality vs. Material Interests – Myths of Our Time

(PaulCraigRoberts) – It is conventional wisdom that it was the draft that ended the Vietnam war. According to this explanation, cowardly college students subject to the draft and their unpatriotic families, forced an end to the war. This is Karl Marx’s explanation. Material interests, not empty morality, are said to have brought the war to an end. Continue reading

Israeli War Crimes: Delusional Self Defense, Delusional Congressional Vote

The 344-36 House vote last week condemning the Goldstone Report, which encourages Israel and Hamas to conduct “credible” independent investigations of war crimes committed in Gaza, may help Israeli leaders avoid prosecution in the short-term. However, the House vote and the negative US votes at the UN will have long-term detrimental effects both on Israel and on the U.S.’s moral authority. Continue reading

MSM: Hamas says more babies born with birth defects since Cast Lead

(Haaretz) – The Hamas Health Ministry is claiming that since the Israel Defense Forces operation in Gaza last winter, a higher percentage of children have been born with birth defects, the Ma’an news agency has reported. Continue reading

How Israel bought off UN’s war crimes probe

Israel celebrated at the weekend its success at the United Nations in forcing the Palestinians to defer demands that the International Criminal Court investigate allegations of war crimes committed by Israel during its winter assault on the Gaza Strip. Continue reading

Video: Salbuchi – False Flag Attacks in Argentina – AMIA and Israeli Embassy Bldgs

Argentina suffered its two worst terrorist bomb attcks in March 1992 and July 1994 against the Israeli Embassy and AMIA Jewish Mutual Building, respectively. Both were in Buenos Aires and show all the traces of False Flags. Continue reading

MSM: Doctor – 90% of war casualties at Gaza hospital were civilians

(Haaretz) – Ninety percent of casualties brought to Gaza’s main hospital during Israel’s winter offensive against Hamas were civilians, according to a new book by one of Norway’s most famous and controversial physicians, Dr. Mads Gilbert. Continue reading

MSM: Israelis shot Gaza civilians waving white flags – HRW

(Yahoo) – Israeli soldiers shot and killed 11 Palestinian civilians who were waving white flags, Human Rights Watch said on Thursday in a report on the Gaza war whose credibility Israel immediately questionned. Continue reading

Death of Political Prisoners in Palestine

The Palestinian Authority and Hamas movements have trespassed all the limits with their continuous arrests and torture of political activists, and then killing many of them them in their jails. The attitude of these two movements is now Jonaid jailsimilar to what the Israeli occupation has done and is still doing against the Palestinians in occupied Palestine. The Palestinian National Authority and Hamas have increased the incarceration of political activists, and committed hundreds of politicians, political activists and resistance members into their respective jails. Continue reading

Israel Pushing for Sanctions on Iran, “Time Running Out”

“Time is running out, and Israel has decided not to depend on the United Nations in terms of sanctions on Iran”, Israeli daily Ynet said on Friday. The Israeli Foreign Ministry has launched extensive diplomatic activities aimed at pressuring a series of the world’s leading countries to impose sanctions on Iran, even if the Security Council fails to make such a decision. Continue reading

Ehud Barak warns Iran of possible Israeli strike on nuclear facilities

(Times) – With the US Defence Secretary standing at his side, Ehud Barak, Israel’s Defence Minister, today warned Iran that a military strike on its nuclear facilities was still an option. Continue reading

Destroying Gaza

The recent meeting between US President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu generated speculation over the future relationship between America and Israel, and a potentially changed US policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Analysts on the right and left are commenting on a new, tougher American policy characterized by strengthened US demands on Israel. However, beneath the diplomatic choreography lies an agonizing reality that received only brief comment from Obama and silence from Netanyahu: the ongoing devastation of the people of Gaza. Continue reading

Egypt stops Gaza-bound medical convoy

Egyptian authorities have refused to allow ‘Viva Palestina’ activists trying to carry humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip to cross into the Sinai Peninsula. Continue reading

Red Cross issues harrowing report on situation in Gaza

A report from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), “Gaza: 1.5 million people trapped in despair,” paints a harrowing picture of a humanitarian catastrophe. Continue reading

MSM: Amnesty accuses Israel of using human shields in Gaza

(AFP) – Amnesty International on Thursday accused Israeli forces of war crimes, saying they used children as human shields and conducted wanton attacks on civilians during their offensive in the Gaza Strip. Continue reading

The “Spirit of Humanity – Paul Craig Roberts

On June 30, the government of Israel committed an act of piracy when the Israeli Navy in international waters illegally boarded the “Spirit of Humanity,” kidnapped its 21-person crew from 11 countries, including former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and Nobel Laureate Mairead MaGuire, and confiscated the cargo of medical supplies, olive trees, reconstruction materials, and children’s toys that were on the way to the Mediterranean coast of Gaza. Continue reading

The Line Drawn In The Sands of Iran – Freemasonry vs. Islam

Reza Pahlavi, son of the former Shah of Iran, has continually appeared on satellite radio and TV shows beamed into Iran, repeatedly calling for civil disobedience in order to topple the Islamic Mullahs. He promotes a US-UN backed referendum to decide whether Iran is to be governed as a constitutional monarchy, which he says he can lead as Shah, or a “secular democracy.” Continue reading

VA State Police Say Anti-NWO and Gun Rights Activists are Terrorists

Another document designating Americans as terrorists has surfaced. The document, entitled “Crisis Controlled: Assessing Potential Threats of Violence,” authored by Trooper John R. Wright, is posted on the official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia, under the Department of Human Resources Management. Continue reading

MSM: Carter – Grief and despair for Gaza

(AlJazeera) – Jimmy Carter has spoken of his “grief and despair” at seeing the destruction in the Gaza Strip carried out by Israel’s 22-day offensive on the territory six months ago. Continue reading

MSM: Jimmy Carter to meet Hamas leaders after criticising Israeli PM

(Guardian) – The former US president Jimmy Carter will visit Gaza for a rare meeting with senior Hamas officials following his criticism of a key speech by Israel’s prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, on Sunday night. Continue reading

Blood for Bread, The role of US trained Palestinian security forces

Obama has come, Obama has gone and the theme is still the same: blood for bread is the magic solution for the Palestinian problem. Continue reading

The Rape of Gaza

How would you feel if you found out that an American school, paid for with your tax dollars, was bombed and completely destroyed by a US ally? This happened in Gaza just a few months ago, during Israel’s now-infamous Operation Cast Lead. Continue reading

Beyond Dissidence – Noam Chomsky

The US-Israeli attack on Gaza was a savage and brutal war crime. The term US- Israeli is accurate. Israel relied on US weapons, in violation of US, as well as international, law, and the US provided crucial diplomatic and ideological support. Continue reading

Video: Baroness Tonge – Israel stands accused of War Crimes

Baroness Tonge: My Lords, Tzipi Livni, the Israeli Foreign Minister, said that Israel would go wild in Gaza. They certainly did that, with the USA turning its usual blind eye. The UK and the European Union have behaved so feebly they were almost colluding in Israel’s actions. Continue reading

MSM: How Israel brought Gaza to the brink of humanitarian catastrophe

Oxford professor of international relations Avi Shlaim served in the Israeli army and has never questioned the state’s legitimacy. But its merciless assault on Gaza has led him to devastating conclusions Continue reading

Doublespeak on North Korea: Who Will Stand Up to America and Israel?

The military/security complex that rules America, together with the Israel Lobby and the financial banksters, needs a long list of dangerous enemies to keep the taxpayers’ money flowing into its coffers. Continue reading

US Colonel Advocates US ‘Military Attacks’ on ‘Partisan Media’ in Essay for Neocon, Pro-Israel Group JINSA

In the era of embedded media, independent journalists have become the eyes and ears of the world. Without those un-embedded journalists willing to risk their lives to place themselves on the other side of the barrel of the tank or the gun or under the airstrikes, history would be written almost entirely from the vantage point of powerful militaries, or—at the very least—it would be told from the perspective of the troops doing the shooting, rather than the civilians who always pay the highest price. Continue reading