The Future is Being Written Right Now

(BLN) – The Establishment is Fighting to Stay Alive as the Globe Reaches a Critical Juncture in History

The world, it seams, is reaching a critical juncture in history. Current trends are pointing towards dramatic changes in government and society. Long standing institutions are scrambling to stay afloat as new rivals challenge old ideas. Meanwhile, the global elite, foreseeing these changes, is fighting to retain control over a global system that is being torn apart by economic meltdown and a global political awakening. As top global strategists like Zbigniew Brzezinski have admitted, cracks are forming in the many bases of establishment control. Continue reading

Video: Kagan Calls Israeli Judge Dredd “My Judicial Hero”

(PaulWatson) – New video has emerged on the eve of the Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearings which shows Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan praising an Israeli activist judge as “my judicial hero,” underscoring Kagan’s alarming hostility to the Constitution and her views on empowering appointed judges with political agendas. Continue reading

World War

(RevoltofthePlebs) – Yes We Can, Afghanistan

Bringing Western feminism to the women of Afghanistan is the latest despicable tactic being tried by the US military in this ‘graveyard of empires.’ Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – IDF Retracts Claim al-Qaeda was on Flotilla, Corporate Media Silent

Israel has retracted its absurd claim that al-Qaeda was involved in the Gaza aid flotilla. But don’t expect the corporate media to report this. From Democracy Now:

The Israeli military, meanwhile, has been forced to retract its claim that passengers aboard the flotilla were agents of al-Qaeda. An Israel Defense Forces press release sent out two days after the assault says approximately forty flotilla passengers “are mercenaries belonging to the Al Qaeda terror organization.” The independent journalist Max Blumenthal says both he and an Israeli colleague asked the Israeli military press office to substantiate its claim. No evidence was provided, and one day later the press released was modified. The original headline was changed from “Attackers of the IDF Soldiers Found to be Al Qaeda Mercenaries” to “Attackers of the IDF Soldiers Found Without Identification Papers.” Commenting on the retraction, Blumenthal writes, “The more Israel’s claims about the flotilla’s terrorist links are challenged, the more they fall apart.”

Indeed, the fairy tale may fall apart, but that does not mean the pro-Israeli corporate media has to report the truth. – Source: Infowars

(DigitalJournal) – Castro speculates Obama might strike Iran to win second term

Former Cuban President Fidel Castro believes if United States President Barack Obama orders a nuclear strike of Iran, he will win a second term. He also believes the U.S. could attack North Korea soon Read More Here

(SouthLebanon) – US Media’s pro-Israeli Bias: Response to the Freedom Flotilla Slaughter – Read More Here

(Blog) – Review of Zionism, Militarism And The Decline Of US Power by James Petras

The hegemonic influence of Zionist-Israeli forces over America’s foreign policy, particularly Middle East policy, is a phenomenon without historical precedent. While right-wing radicals, with their focus on patriotism and constitutional values, set off early alarms about this perceived foreign domination, the Left pretty much slept through its insidious ascent to power. Read More Here

( – Elderly activist shot and ‘let bleed to death’

Released activists who had been on board the ‘MV Mavi Marmara’ claimed yesterday that the commandos waited more than an hour before treating the wounded. Read More Here

(Blog) – The Legal Framework of International Law The Attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla by Israeli Navy Commandos on May 31, 2010 – Read More Here

(Telegraph) – Gaza flotilla: Israel accused of ‘sabotaging’ Irish aid ship Rachel Corrie – Read More Here

(BushStole04) – Why did Israel Attack Civilians in the Mediterranean?

Israel weighed in advance the consequences of its attack against a humanitarian convoy of ships carrying aid to the Gaza Strip. What were its objectives in triggering a world diplomatic crisis, and why did it defy its Turkish ally as well as its U.S. protector? Read More Here

(AFP) – North Korean diplomat: ‘War may break out at any moment’

In a speech to the international Conference on Disarmament, Ri Jang-Gon, deputy permanent representative for North Korea at the United Nations in Geneva, blamed the “grave situation” on South Korea and the United States. Read More Here

REPOST – (ConsortiumNews) – Obama’s Timidity and Deaths at Sea – Ray McGovern

Casualty figures are still arriving in the wake of Israel’s Sunday night-Monday morning commando attack on an unarmed flotilla trying to bring relief supplies to the 1.5 million Palestinians crowded into Gaza. Already, at least nine civilian passengers aboard the ships are reported killed, and dozens wounded. Read More Here

(Infowars) – Memorial Day and the Freedom Flotilla massacre – Read More Here

(TodaysZaman) – Israel killed more than 9, threw wounded into sea, witnesses say

Planes carrying 520 aid volunteers and nine dead bodies of activists killed by Israeli security forces on Monday returned home on Thursday, with many claiming mistreatment at the hands of Israeli military officers and other officials and additional allegations that not everyone has returned. Read More Here

Video: CENSORED Mainstream Media – Israels Simultanious Demonstrations Against Fascism All Around Israel

(ABCNews) – American, 19, Among Gaza Flotilla Dead

Furkan Dogan Was Shot Five Times, Including Four Times in Head – Read More Here

(MSM) – UN Orders Israel to lift Gaza Blockade

UN chief Ban Ki-moon has demanded that Israel lift its blockade of the Gaza Strip immediately in the wake of a deadly raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla.

Speaking on his return from visits to Brazil, Malawi and Uganda, Ban told reporters on Wednesday that the underlying problem behind Monday’s tragedy was the long-running, crippling Israeli siege of Gaza which he described as “counter-productive, unsustainable and wrong.” Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – Former UN Assistant Secretary Urges Irish-Americans to Defend the Rachel Corrie – Read More Here

(AlterNet) – Activists on the Ship ‘Rachel Corrie’ Challenge Israel’s Unjust Gaza Blockade and Zionist Myths – Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Mavi Marmara Activist and Member of Knesset Threatened with Death

Can you imagine what would happen if members of Congress called for the murder of Dennis Kucinich on the floor of the House for his opposition to the illegal war in Afghanistan? Or if Michele Bachmann was violently threatened for her support of the Arizona immigration law?

Haneen Al-Zoubi, a Palestinian Arab member of the Israeli Knesset, found herself precisely in this unenviable position yesterday. Read More Here

(IPS) – Neocons Say Obama’s Waffling On Gaza Ship Attack May Give Israel Excuse to Invade Iran – Read More Here

(CSPAN) – Video: Ron Paul Points Out That Israel Created Hamas

Ron Paul on the House floor noting that the just like the U.S. created Bin Laden, Israel created Hamas. View More Here

(Infowars) – June 4 – Video: Ex-Mossad Agent Victor Ostrovsky Criticizes Israel’s Handling of Flotilla Raid on Alex Jones Tv

Alex also talks with author and former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky about the Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla. Ostrovsky is the author of the 1990 New York Times bestseller By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer and The Other Side of Deception. Continue reading

Rachel Corrie Family Finally Puts Israel in Dock – Court hears how army bulldozer killed peace activist

(InfoClearingHouse) – Seven years after Rachel Corrie, a US peace activist, was killed by an Israeli army bulldozer in Gaza, her family was to put the Israeli government in the dock today. Continue reading

A Call to Action From Rachel Corrie’s Parents

As many of you know, a civil lawsuit in the case of our daughter Rachel Corrie is scheduled for trial in the Haifa District Court beginning March 10, 2010. A human rights observer and activist, Rachel, 23, tried nonviolently to offer protection for a Palestinian family whose home was threatened with demolition by the Israeli military. On March 16, 2003, she was crushed to death by an Israel Defense Force (IDF) Caterpillar D9R bulldozer in Rafah, Gaza. Continue reading

Holocaust survivor explains why she became Palestinian rights activist

(Uruknet) – Hedy Epstein is what some might see as a contradiction in terms: a survivor of the Holocaust and also a staunch advocate for the Palestinian people. Born in 1924 in Freiburg, Germany, Epstein was 14 when she escaped from Nazi persecution via the Kinderstransport to England. Since her 1948 arrival in the U.S., Epstein has been an advocate for peace and human rights. Continue reading

America Under Barack Obama: An Interview with Nat Hentoff

“I try to avoid hyperbole, but I think Obama is possibly the most dangerous and destructive president we have ever had.”—Nat Hentoff
Nat Hentoff has had a life well spent, one chock full of controversy fueled by his passion for the protection of civil liberties and human rights. Hentoff is known as a civil libertarian, free speech activist, anti-death penalty advocate, pro-lifer and not uncommon critic of the ideological left. Continue reading

Death of Political Prisoners in Palestine

The Palestinian Authority and Hamas movements have trespassed all the limits with their continuous arrests and torture of political activists, and then killing many of them them in their jails. The attitude of these two movements is now Jonaid jailsimilar to what the Israeli occupation has done and is still doing against the Palestinians in occupied Palestine. The Palestinian National Authority and Hamas have increased the incarceration of political activists, and committed hundreds of politicians, political activists and resistance members into their respective jails. Continue reading

Turning the US Army Against Americans

An antiwar activist has been accused of spying for the US army, raising legal questions the Obama administration must answer Continue reading

MSM: Monsanto, Dow stack up the genes

(AsiaTimes) – The most complex genetically engineered corn (maize) yet has been approved for use next year in Canada and the United States without its potential health and environmental risks being investigated, anti-biotech activists claim. Continue reading

Video: Military Spied on WA Peace Groups

(DemocracyNow) – Broadcast Exclusive: Declassified Docs Reveal Military Operative Spied on WA Peace Groups, Activist Friends Stunned Continue reading

MSM: Israel troops speak out on Gaza war

(Aljazeera) – Some troops fighting in Israel’s war on Gaza were urged by their commanders to shoot first rather than worry about killing civilians, a document from an Israeli activist group shows. Continue reading

Texas Attorney General Abbott Files Brief with United States Supreme Court

The state attorneys general argue that cities cannot simply ignore the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and impose a blanket ban on handguns. Continue reading

Mikhail Gorbachev calls for new American revolution

(RawStory) – Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet Union’s last communist general secretary, called for a new American “revolution” — also calling it a “perestroika,” or government restructuring — in an editorial published Wednesday in The Sydney Morning Herald . Continue reading

Yves Engler’s Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy – Can con

Backpackers who proudly sport the Canadian flag when travelling may want to think twice about the patriotic posturing. Continue reading

Video: John Taylor Gatto on State-Controlled Consciousness

Here’s an interview with Everything You Know Is Wrong contributor John Taylor Gatto, an American school teacher of nearly 30 years and author of several books on education. Gatto is an activist critical of compulsory schooling and the hegemonic nature of discourse on education and the education professions. Continue reading

Video: Luke Rudkowski – ‘U.S. media doesn’t want truth’

The mainstream U.S. media isn’t helping in the search for truth, says Luke Rudkowski from the social justice movement ‘We Are Change’. Continue reading

Luke Rudkowski Framed in “Classic Set-up”

Calling in to the Alex Jones show today, WeAreChange founder and political activist Luke Rudkowski said he was set-up for arrest at the Hilton Hotel on Manhattan last Saturday. Luke was at the hotel in order to ask New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg about his refusal to help with the medical costs of 9/11 first responders. Bloomberg had promised to address the issue but has since ignored the pleas of WeAreChange and others to help first responders. Continue reading

MSM: ‘Fusion Centers’ Expand Criteria to Identify Militia Members – FOX

Do you like Ron Paul or oppose abortion? You may be a member of a militia, according to a new report by a government information collection agency. Continue reading

MSM: U.S. activist Tristan Anderson ‘hanging by a thread’ after being injured in protest on Israel border

Activist Tristan Anderson, 38, of Oakland, Calif., is seen severely wounded after a clash between protesters and Israeli troops in the town of Naalin, in the West Bank, March 13, 2009. Continue reading

9/11 Activist Who Sued Government Killed In Buffalo Plane Crash

One of the passengers aboard the plane that crashed into a house 10 miles from Buffalo, New York, airport late on Thursday was a 9/11 widow who had questioned the official account of the attacks, sued the government and consistently lobbied for an Investigative Commission. Continue reading

Federal District Court Obstructs Lawsuits Challenging Authority for Bailouts

Judiciary Scuttles Motions Demanding U.S. Produce Evidence of Constitutional Authority

Late last week, WTP Chairman and constitutional activist Robert Schulz filed a federal lawsuit in United States District Court in Albany seeking to halt the execution of the emergency bailout of Wall Street insurance giant American Insurance Group, AIG. On Wednesday, Schulz filed a second federal lawsuit seeking to block the larger Wall Street bank bailout currently being negotiated through the U.S. Congress.

Yesterday, while ignoring the dissimilar legal issues raised in the two lawsuits, the U.S. District Court issued an Order combining the two cases into a single case and denying the applications for injunctive relief requested. The Court, in effect, ducked a judicial (and very public) hearing to examine the critical legal question at the heart of the bailouts: What Constitutional authority exists for the U.S. Government or Federal Reserve to use public (taxpayer) funds for definitively private purposes? Continue reading

Howard Zinn: US ‘In Need of Rebellion’

Al Jazeera speaks to Howard Zinn, the author, American historian, social critic and activist, about how the Iraq war damaged attitudes towards the US and why the US “empire” is close to collapse. Continue reading