Video: John Taylor Gatto on State-Controlled Consciousness

Here’s an interview with Everything You Know Is Wrong contributor John Taylor Gatto, an American school teacher of nearly 30 years and author of several books on education. Gatto is an activist critical of compulsory schooling and the hegemonic nature of discourse on education and the education professions. Continue reading

MSM: Peres – U.S. has no choice but to save world from Ahmadinejad

The United States has no choice but to save the world by stopping Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President Shimon Peres told Israel Radio on Thursday.

The president said Ahmadinejad was a passing phenomenon who will disappear “like a gust of wind,” Israel Radio reported. Peres added that Ahmadinejad’s statements against Israel and the West only serve to unite the entire world against Iran. Continue reading

Ahmadinejad’s Historic Speech To The UN General Assembly

MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD, President of Iran, noted that the root of the world’s problems with peace and morality lay in one’s particular worldview as well as issues of freedom, obeisance to God and justice.

He then noted that the world was being deceived by hegemonic world and bullying Powers that attacked Iraq under the false pretext of uncovering weapons of mass destruction and overthrowing a dictator. These Powers had insisted on imposing colonial agreements on Iraq by keeping them under Chapter VII of the Charter. While this was going on, he said that Palestine had suffered 60 years of carnage and invasion by Zionists, even as United Nations resolutions that have addressed the plight of the Palestinian people had been relegated to the archives, unnoticed. Continue reading

State of Emergency: The US in the Final Six Months of the George W. Bush Administration

Unhindered by a neutered Congress and a compliant Court, President Bush has six months remaining to pursue his agenda of expanding the war in the Middle East and ensuring the continuation of the Global War on Terror (GWOT) beyond his tenure in office. Continue reading