Video: US ranchers ‘dragged into drug war’

(AlJazeera) – The US government is renewing efforts to keep drug-related violence – and the contraband itself – from spilling over its border with Mexico.

But the killing of a rancher in the southwestern US state of Arizona in March has prompted authorities there to press Washington for even tighter security against the traffickers.

The ranchers say they have been dragged into the drug war by virtue of their location along a porous and increasingly dangerous border. Continue reading

Video: The Reality Of Life In Gaza – Two Journalists Recount Their Experiences Reporting from Gaza

(DemocracyNow) – We speak with two journalists who have covered Gaza extensively about the dangers and difficulties of reporting from the Occupied Territories: Mohammed Omer, an award-winning Palestinian journalist who was interrogated and beaten by armed Israeli security guards on his way back home to Gaza after receiving the prestigious Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism in London in July of 2008, and Ayman Mohyeldin, the Gaza correspondent for Al Jazeera English, who was one of the only international journalists reporting from inside Gaza during the twenty-two-day Israeli assault last year. Continue reading

MSM: Israel pounds Gaza with missiles

(AlJazeera) – Three children have been reported injured in eastern Gaza City after Israeli aircraft carried out a series of missile attacks across the Palestinian territory.

Palestinian hospital officials said the children were injured by flying debris after the air raids that came in the early hours of Friday. Continue reading

Video: Jesse Ventura on AlJazeera w/ Riz Khan

(AlJazeera) – Jesse’s latest book is American Conspiracies: Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies that the Government Tells Us Continue reading

Video: Fears of humanitarian crisis in Marjah

(Aljazeera) – More than a week into the Nato-Afghan military offensive against the Taliban in the southern Helmand province town of Marjah, warnings of a humanitarian crisis are growing.

Members of a fleeing family tell Al Jazeera they fled the fighting because they could stop neither the Taliban nor US soldiers from entering their homes. Continue reading

Video: Al Jazeera Documentary Links Tea Party Movement to White Supremacists

(WeAreChange) – It seems that opposing our president and the policies of the big banking cartels means we are racists, or even worse. A new film has emerged which directly links and portrays TEA party patriots, anti-immigration and anti-government activists as neo-nazi’s. Continue reading

Video: Cancer – The Deadly Legacy of the Invasion of Iraq

(Uruknet) – Forget about oil, occupation, terrorism or even Al Qaeda. The real hazard for Iraqis these days is cancer. Cancer is spreading like wildfire in Iraq. Thousands of infants are being born with deformities. Doctors say they are struggling to cope with the rise of cancer and birth defects, especially in cities subjected to heavy American and British bombardment. Continue reading

Gates to Arabs: Stock Arms to Threaten Iran

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates told the Al Jazeera network Monday that the Arab world should built up its “security capabilities” as a signal to Iran to think twice about developing a nuclear weapon. Continue reading

Video: Israeli Soldiers Fire on Al Jazeera Correspondent

(Al Jazeera) – Israeli soldiers have fired tear gas on Palestinians protesting against the Israeli separation barrier which cuts through their West Bank village. Continue reading

MSM: Israel admits white phosphorus use

(Al Jazeera) – Israel has admitted to using white phosphorus during its war on the Gaza Strip earlier this year, but says it did so in accordance with international law. Continue reading

Mullen: U.S. Does Not Invade Sovereign Countries

US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Michael Mullen on Thursday said he believed the top leadership of Al Qaeda, including Osama Bin Laden, was in Pakistan. Continue reading

MSM: Israel troops speak out on Gaza war

(Aljazeera) – Some troops fighting in Israel’s war on Gaza were urged by their commanders to shoot first rather than worry about killing civilians, a document from an Israeli activist group shows. Continue reading

Why America is a Bank-owned State

In my last column I introduced the idea that America’s handling of the financial crisis, and in particular the way it has refused to deal with the banks, is more in keeping with how an “emerging” economy might behave and act. So this week, I will say that America has become a bank-owned state, allowing its banking oligarchs to suffocate the economy so they can survive at any price. Continue reading

Video: US Intel Officials Link Groups Listed In DHS “Extremist” Reports To Al Qaeda Bio-Attack

Counterterrorism officials have stated that they believe “Al Qaeda” terrorists are seeking to align themselves with anti-government groups in the US in order to carry out mass casualty attacks. Continue reading

Armageddon Now?

Of all the analysis generated by the Obama-Netanyahu meeting Robert Satloff’s is the most significant. Satloff is executive director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, which serves as AIPAC’s think tank. His piece, circulated Thursday, provides insights into what the lobby — and Israel — might do next. And it should ring alarm bells. Continue reading

US Colonel Advocates US ‘Military Attacks’ on ‘Partisan Media’ in Essay for Neocon, Pro-Israel Group JINSA

In the era of embedded media, independent journalists have become the eyes and ears of the world. Without those un-embedded journalists willing to risk their lives to place themselves on the other side of the barrel of the tank or the gun or under the airstrikes, history would be written almost entirely from the vantage point of powerful militaries, or—at the very least—it would be told from the perspective of the troops doing the shooting, rather than the civilians who always pay the highest price. Continue reading

Squad run by Dick Cheney assassinated Benazir: Hersh

A special death squad assassinated Pakistans former prime minister Benazir Bhutto on the orders of former US vice-president Dick Cheney, claims an American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh. Continue reading