Video: “Arresting Impunity” – Bush’s Crimes Against Humanity

(GRTV) – “Arresting Impunity” is a documentary about the attempts of citizens in Calgary, Alberta, Canada to uphold the rule of law when faced with a culture of impunity. After the attempted citizen’s arrest by Splitting the Sky on George W. Bush in Calgary on March 17, 2009, Calgary became the focus of a citizens movement to hold Canadian law enforcement officials to account for their failure to arrest Bush when he visited Calgary, in his first visit without diplomatic immunity to a foreign country. Ramsey Clark, Cynthia McKinney, Anthony Hall and Splitting the Sky feature prominently in the film. Such figures sought to draw attention to the international organized crime which has arisen since the fraudulent events of 9/11.

This documentary also hones in on the Conservative minority government of Canada, which was asked by various legal analysts to arrest Bush when he came to Canada, invoking the laws enshrined in Canada’s Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act (2000). Continue reading

US used cluster bombs on Yemen civilians: Amnesty

(RawStory) – A US cruise missile carrying cluster bombs was behind a December attack in Yemen that killed 55 people, most of them civilians, Amnesty International (AI) said on Monday.

The London-based rights group released photographs that it said showed the remains of a US-made Tomahawk missile and unexploded cluster bombs that were apparently used in the December 17, 2009 attack on the rural community of Al-Maajala in Yemen’s southern Abyan province.

“Amnesty International is gravely concerned by evidence that cluster munitions appear to have been used in Yemen,” said Mike Lewis, the group’s arms control researcher. Continue reading

World War – Part II

(LRCBlog) – U.S. Government: Murderers Should Lead Investigation of Their Murders – Read More Here

Video on Netanyahu’s Facebook Page Says Activists Plotted ‘a Terrorist Attack’ – Video Link Here

(RawStory) – US seeks UN vote on Iran sanctions by June 21 – Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Video: Sec. State Clinton Calls for Israel to Investigate Itself in Flotilla Incident

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday Israel should promptly investigate the role its military played in the flotilla incident in international waters that resulted in the death of an undetermined number of people. Video Link Here

(Reuters) – China’s Wen reveals fears of Korea conflict spreading – Read More Here

(Aletho) – Nicaragua cuts ties with Israel – Read More Here

(Aysor) – Turkey is ready to go in war with Israel, according to Erdogan – Read More Here

(IrishCentral) – Irish ship on collision course with Israeli navy near Gaza – Read More Here

(Guardian) – Steve Bell on the Israel flotilla attack – Read More Here

(Aletho) – Flotilla fallout – Read More Here

(CNN) – U.S. is world’s top user of targeted killings, U.N. says – Read More Here

(WeAreWideAwake) – The Irish are on their way to break the Gaza blockade and Rachel Corrie – Read More Here

(SouthLebanon) – Another Israeli Crime

Israeli armed forces have just committed another shocking massacre against innocent civilians. Many were killed and a larger number of those participating in a peace convoy were injured. Read More Here

(SouthLebanon) – Israel Knows No Limits – Read More Here

(IMEMC) – Netanyahu: “Siege will Continue”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Tuesday that Israel will not end its blockade of the Gaza Strip. Read More Here

(Kawther) – Israel has Crossed the Rubicon

It is quite clear that unarmed civilians, carrying food, medicine, and building supplies intended for civilian use, were attacked by Israeli forces without any provocation whatsoever. Read More Here

(AntiWar) – The Mediterranean Massacre

The condemnations, the imprecations, the expressions of shock are rolling in, as the nations of the world raise their voices in protest over the Mediterranean massacre carried out by Israeli commandos, but rather than get into specifics, I want to note a general pattern that this incident seems to confirm. – Read More Here

(MSNBC) – Video: Glenn Greenwald vs. Eliot Spitzer – Continue reading

Take This Empire and Shove It! – Cindy Sheehan

“Listen, I can’t get involved. I’ve got work to do. It’s not that I like the Empire; I hate it. But there’s nothing I can do about it right now… It’s all such a long way from here.” – Luke Skywalker in Star Wars

Dear Reader—raise your hand if you don’t know that atrocities happen in war. Now put your hands in the air like you just don’t care.
Psychologist, Robert Jay Lifton, who is a pioneer in the study of what drives otherwise “normal” human beings to commit war crimes calls war: “an atrocity-producing situation.” Atrocities have been committed in every war since the beginning of time, and the sad thing is the barbarity hasn’t decreased. Recently a US soldier tried to justify to me committing atrocities because the “British did it to the Native Americans” in the French-Indian War. This soldier was essentially agreeing with Lifton. Continue reading

MSM: British campaigner urges UN to accept ‘ecocide’ as international crime

(Guardian) – Proposal to declare mass destruction of ecosystems a crime on a par with genocide launched by lawyer Continue reading

Those ‘Conspiracy Theories’

(LewRockwell) – New research in the journal American Behavioral Scientist (Sage publications, February 2010) addresses the concept of “State Crimes Against Democracy” (SCAD). Professor Lance deHaven-Smith from Florida State University writes that SCADs involve high-level government officials, often in combination with private interests, that engage in covert activities for political advantages and power.  Proven SCADs since World War II include McCarthyism (fabrication of evidence of a communist infiltration), Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (President Johnson and Robert McNamara falsely claimed North Vietnam attacked a US ship), burglary of the office of Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist in effort to discredit Ellsberg, the Watergate break-in, Iran-Contra, Florida’s 2000 Election (felon disenfranchisement program), and fixed intelligence on WMDs to justify the Iraq War. Continue reading

Native Indian Genocide: Parallels in Palestine

(Uruknet) – “One of the greatest crimes against humanity occurred right here in the United States of America. Support for the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People is a start to right this great wrong,” declared the American Indian Movement in a press release on 24 September 2009. Continue reading

We Must Never Forget Gaza

(PoliticalTheatrics) – Despite a slight improvement in the general humanitarian situation, the Gaza Strip remains a disaster area. In fact, in terms of the sheer destruction of homes and infrastructure, the coastal enclave can be compared to quake-stricken Haiti, with the main difference lying in the fact that while the Caribbean island’s calamity was a natural disaster, the Gaza disaster was inflicted by the criminal Israeli regime. Continue reading

World War

(Reuters) – NATO Afghanistan airstrike kills 27 civilians

A NATO airstrike in Afghanistan mistakenly killed 27 civilians, the government said on Monday, hurting a campaign to win over the local population and defeat Taliban insurgents. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Israel says sanctions must target Iran energy sector

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues on his campaign for international sanctions to be imposed against Iran’s energy sector. Read More Here

(PlanetaryMovement) – Russian General Nikolay Makarov Predicts US Collapse if Iran is Attacked

It appears that, the International Atomic Energy Agency is at least allowing for the possibility that documents allegedly found on a laptop some years ago –but discounted by the CIA and the DIA as of dubious provenance and incompatible with other intelligence gathered in Iran — point to a nuclear weapons program that no one has been able to locate. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Is Iran a Threat to the Western World? – Sherwood Ross

Hillary Clinton Says Iran “Headed” for “Military Dictatorship” Read More Here

(Reuters) – Despite China, U.S. says Taiwan air force needs help

Taiwan’s fighter jets would fall short in combat against military rival China, the U.S. government said in a report on Monday that could lead to new weapons sales sure to anger Beijing. Read More Here

(Iranian) – Oops! WW3

The Brookings Institute recently conducted a war game between Iran, Israel, and America. You can read all about it here, “War game shows how attacking Iran could backfire. Read More Here

(IndianExpress) – US to launch major campaign in Afghanistan in next 18 months

US and NATO forces are all set to roll out an “intensive 18-month” ground campaign in Afghanistan to stamp out Taliban and al-Qaeda militants, top US generals have said warning the insurgents that Marjah offensive was just the start. Read More Here

(TheMajlis) – Netanyahu calls for a unilateral oil embargo

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu thinks the world should immediately slap oil sanctions on Iran — even if the United Nations doesn’t approve. Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – Iran Invites Israeli Bombers to Visit its Nuclear Facilities

Signals from Tehran and the recent IAEA report on the country’s nuclear activities provide unmistaken clues that the Iranian government may welcome a limited bombing of its nuclear facilities. This in order to unleash a patriotic swell bound to bolster the Ahmadinejad regime. Read More Here

(YourNewReality) – New York Times Publishes Column By War Machine Employee Demanding US Stop Thinking About All The Innocent Afghans Killed And Ramp The F**k Up The Bombing

Glenn Greenwald of Salon uncovers a brutal mindfuck of gruesome pro-civilian bombing positive influence in the pages of the New York Times. A defence corporation employee demands the US blow more money terror bombing the civilian populace of Afghanistan. Read More Here

Over One Million Iraqi Deaths Caused by US Occupation

Reproduced below is the first of the 25 investigations selected by Project Censured in 2009. It is based on research by Michael Schwartz, posted on Voltaire Network in 2007, which was continued by other associated researchers. Read More Here

When Does It Become Genocide?

During a visit to Ramallah a year ago while the Israeli bombardment of Gaza was underway, I shared my fears with a close Palestinian friend. “It may sound insane, but I think the Israelis’ real objective is to see them all dead.” Continue reading

The war has never ended!!

A year has passed since the Israeli war on the besieged Gaza, a war that left more than one thousand innocent children, women and elderly people killed, a tremendous destruction of houses, universities, hospitals, schools, and infrastructure. Continue reading

Israel/Gaza: Operation ‘Cast Lead’ – 22 Days of Death and Destruction

Facts and Figures


  • Some 1,400 Palestinians were killed, including some 300 children, and hundreds of other unarmed civilians, including more than 115 women and some 85 men aged over 50 during the 22-day Operation “Cast Lead”.
  • Many Palestinian civilians were killed in attacks by high-precision weapons which are capable of pinpoint strikes and can hit within a meter of their targets and which have exceptionally good optics allowing those carrying out or directing the strikes to see the targets in detail.
  • Many other Palestinian civilians were killed in indiscriminate and reckless attacks using imprecise weapons which should never be used in densely populated civilian areas.
  • More Palestinians were killed and more properties were destroyed in the 22-day military campaign than in any previous Israeli offensive.
  • The Israeli army has put the death toll at 1200 and maintains that most of those killed were not civilians but it has failed to provide any lists or any information indicating on what they base their figures.
  • Thousands of Palestinian were left homeless. Hundreds of businesses and public buildings were destroyed. In most of the cases they investigated in Gaza Amnesty International delegates found evidence that the destruction was wanton and deliberate and could not be justified on grounds of “military necessity”.
  • Amnesty International delegates investigated dozens of cases comprising more than 300 victims, more than half of them women and children.
  • Israeli forces repeatedly targeted ambulances and medical crews, killing several medical workers while they were attempting to rescue the wounded and recover the dead.
  • Injured civilians who could have been saved died needlessly as Israeli forces frequently denied access to ambulances and others to trying rescue the wounded, recover the dead and bring aid to those in need.
  • The borders of Gaza were kept sealed throughout Operation “Cast Lead” and civilians could not flee, and there was nowhere in Gaza where their safety could be guaranteed.
  • Israeli forces forced Palestinian civilians on several occasions to serve as “human shields”.
  • Amnesty International found no evidence that rockets were launched from residential houses or buildings while civilians were in these buildings, but Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups at times launched rockets and located military equipment and positions near civilian homes.

Southern Israel

  • Palestinian rocket attacks killed three Israeli civilians and caused severe injuries to 4 people, moderate injuries to 11, and light injuries to 167 others.
  • Six Israeli soldiers were killed in the attacks by Palestinian armed groups (and 4 other were killed by Israeli forces in “friendly fire” incidents).
  • Several hundred rockets in all were fired by Palestinian armed groups on Southern Israel during operation “Cast Lead” (571 rockets and 205 mortar shells landed in Israel according to the Israeli authorities).
  • Rockets launched from Gaza reached towns up to 40km away.
  • Thousands of families fled to other parts of the country.
  • Several civilian homes and other structures were damaged.
  • The ‘Izzeddin al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ armed wing, claimed responsibility for most of the rockets launched into Israel.
  • Other armed groups which claimed rockets and mortar attacks against Israel include the armed wings of Fatah, of Islamic Jihad and of the PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine).

Source: Amnesty USA

Middle East News – Palestine & Israel

(PressTV) – Galloway raps Egypt for stopping Gaza aid convoy

British Lawmaker George Galloway has criticized Egypt over denying the Viva Palestina humanitarian aid convoy to enter the Gaza Strip. Read More Here

Video: Gaza 2009 – We Will Never Forget

Eye opening montage of news clips and photos that tell the truth about the events in Gaza. Video Link Here

Video: Gaza 2009 – Operation Cast Lead

Some things you may not know about the ongoing conflict in Gaza and the actions of the Israeli government. Video Link Here

Witness: Wife, brothers give accounts of Israeli assassinations

Family members of the three slain Fatah members gave testimony around the last moments of their loved ones lives on Saturday, hours after the men were assassinated by Israeli forces in their own homes in Nablus. Read More Here

Israel returns to Assassinations Policy

Six Palestinians were killed in two separate incidents by the Israeli forces in Gaza and the West Bank. Three of the Palestinians were assassinated in Nablus at the West Bank. According to Israeli sources, Ghasan Abu Sharkh, Raed Sarkaji and Anan Suboh took part in the last attack which resulted in killing an Israeli settler in the West Bank. Read More Here

(MikeRivero) – U.S. shipped 989 munitions containers to Israel week before Gaza invasion

In the dying days of the Bush administration, and a week before Israel launched an aerial bombing campaign, followed by a land invasion of the Gaza Strip, the U.S. military shipped 989 containers of munitions to Israel. Read More Here

( – Cast Lead 2

DID WE win? Tomorrow marks the first anniversary of the Gaza War, alias Operation Cast Lead, and this question fills the public space. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Israel summons envoys from all over the world

Israel’s ambassadors and consuls generals from all over the world have been summoned to attend a conference to be held over global challenges facing Israel. Read More Here

Gaza Continues To Fall Victim By The IOF’s Use Of DU/EU Weapons

(PalTelegraph) – Whenever I try to break away from talking about the deeply disturbing use of American and Israeli WMD’s both during the Lebanon conflict in 2006 and in Gaza during Cast Lead in 2008/9 I find myself being haunted by more gut-wrenching stories coming out of the strip. Continue reading

Video: Rage Against the Machine Winning Christmas Chart Battle

The race for the Christmas number one officially kicked off Sunday night (Dec. 13) when ‘X Factor’ contestant Joe McElderry beat Olly Murs to win this year’s edition of the talent contest. Yet despite Simon Cowell‘s plans to install the 18-year-old at the peak of this year’s Yuletide charts with his cover of Miley Cyrus‘ ‘The Climb,’ Rage Against The Machine‘s ‘Killing in the Name Of’ is currently occupying the top slot in both the HMV and iTunes download charts. Continue reading

Greg Everson Warns: U.S. Forces Plan Direct Action Against American Citizens

“There is an event coming in the very near-term future that is going to effect the USA to its very soul,” former Kansas State Trooper Greg Everson of The Heartland USA and former host of Republic Broadcasting “Voices from the Heartland” told host Steve Quayle in a special two hour “Survive 2 Thrive” broadcast Thursday. Continue reading

Israel Denies Using Weapons Containing Uranium Components on Gaza

(PalTel) – I knew it would only be a matter of time before data started coming out of Gaza to prove that the Palestinians had now fallen victim to weapons containing uranium. We have seen the evidence in the Iraq, Afghanistan and now Gaza. Continue reading

Let’s Call It What It Is – Quiet Genocide

What is happening in Palestine is nothing short of a planned “Quiet Genocide.” Yes, “Genocide” the taboo word, unable to be uttered by the American Government, the British Government or any of the world’s major Western Players or European heavyweights. Whilst the majority of the world’s governments choose to play word games and run interference for Israel’s crimes, I thought it was time to look at just exactly what a “genocide” is, how to create one, how to make it successful, how to win. Continue reading

Activists protest against ‘Shimon Hitler’ in Brazil

(PressTV) – Dozens of demonstrators voice strong disapproval of the Israeli President’s visit to Brazil and of Tel Aviv’s crimes against humanity during weeks-long military aggression on the Gaza Strip. Continue reading

Video: Gaza 2009 – Operation Cast Lead

Some things you may not know about the ongoing conflict in Gaza and the actions of the Israeli government. Please spread the link around – the truth can’t be stopped. Continue reading

Legal Case Filed Against 4 U.S. Presidents and 4 UK Prime Ministers

MADRID: Today the Spanish Senate, acting to confirm a decision already taken under pressure from powerful governments accused of grave crimes, will limit Spain’s laws of universal jurisdiction. Yesterday, ahead of the change of law, a legal case was filed at the Audiencia Nacional against four United States presidents and four United Kingdom prime ministers for commissioning, condoning and/or perpetuating multiple war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide in Iraq. Continue reading

Liberals and Democrats Will Support the Coming Mass Murder Campaign Against Iran

It looks like an attack on Iran is a fait accompli. It’s just a matter of timing at this point. Reading the corporate media — and much of the so-called “progressive” media — one hears what amounts to a chant: Iran has nukes, Iran has nukes… or they will very soon. Continue reading

Israeli War Crimes: United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict

UN Fact Finding Mission finds strong evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the Gaza conflict; calls for end to impunity
Continue reading

ID Cards – an Historical View

This is one of two Global Research articles exploring the reasons for the introduction of electronic ID cards, worldwide. Already, over 2.2 billion people, or 33% of the world’s population, have been issued with ‘smart’ ID cards. By 2012, the figure will be over 85%. Continue reading

MSM: UN condemns ‘war crimes’ in Gaza

(BBC) – There is evidence that both Israeli and Palestinian forces committed war crimes in the recent conflict in Gaza, a long-awaited official UN report says. Continue reading

MSM: Doctor – 90% of war casualties at Gaza hospital were civilians

(Haaretz) – Ninety percent of casualties brought to Gaza’s main hospital during Israel’s winter offensive against Hamas were civilians, according to a new book by one of Norway’s most famous and controversial physicians, Dr. Mads Gilbert. Continue reading

The U.S. Invades and Occupies Pakistan

We are watching it happen in the streets. The recurring nightmare has become a grim, new reality for the people of Pakistan. After watching the horrors of the U.S. invasions and occupations of Iraq and neighboring Afhanistan for 8 years, the “war on terror” has finally arrived in The Land of the Pure. Continue reading

What Happens In Palestine: Babies, Bodies & Bombs

Some of the following pictures are extremely graphic and I suggest those who do not feel comfortable at the sight of blood, dead bodies etc not read this post.
All the pictures are from events which have taken place in: Jenin,Gaza,Bethlehem,Nablus etc
Continue reading

Depleted Uranium Ammunition in Afghan War: New Evidence

German Bundeswehr manual challenges US and UK denials over DU in Afghanistan Continue reading

MSM: Israel admits white phosphorus use

(Al Jazeera) – Israel has admitted to using white phosphorus during its war on the Gaza Strip earlier this year, but says it did so in accordance with international law. Continue reading

Israeli Massacres: Details and Numbers

Although the Image that Israel distributes about herself is that of an oppressed nation, it is with heavy hearts that we present these crimes that stand for themselves for the brutality of the Israeli Army and the heartlessness of its soldiers who seem to have a thirst for blood. Continue reading

Prepare to Disengage

During the Vietnam War, GI dissent was both documented and nurtured by a slew of underground GI newspapers. Papers like “Up Against the Bulkhead,” “Harass the Brass” and “About Face” were mimeographed and passed from base to base, hand to hand. These bold, clever, ragtag papers gave voice to the soldiers’ rage against the injustices of the military and offered advice on everything from filing for conscientious-objector status to organizing anti-war protests. Continue reading

Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current Codex Alimentarius Guidelines

Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the dark about the coming nutricide. Codex Alimentarius is scheduled for full global implementation on December 31, 2009, and not a word has been spoken in main stream media about this threat to humanity. Continue reading

Israeli to UN: Palestinian detainees kept in ditches

(YNet) – Member of human rights group tells committee probing Gaza offensive that Israel held detainees held with no access to food, water, restrooms; claims they were subjected to violent Shin Bet interrogations Continue reading

MSM: Amnesty accuses Israel of using human shields in Gaza

(AFP) – Amnesty International on Thursday accused Israeli forces of war crimes, saying they used children as human shields and conducted wanton attacks on civilians during their offensive in the Gaza Strip. Continue reading