Who will take out the garbage if our courts of justice won’t punish war crimes?

Millions would love to see the present crop of war criminals dangling from lamp-posts.

But somebody called “Ellie” writing on Medialens has put a damper on this happy prospect. She explained the difficulties in bringing the scum to book. One of the things the British government wants to do, she said, is “stop the possibility of private prosecutions for (international) crimes committed by foreign nationals, so that friendly war criminals can continue to sup tea in Buckingham Palace”.

Unfortunately crimes that can supposedly be tackled under universal jurisdiction are limited and don’t include waging a war of aggression (although they do include war crimes in general), “so we can’t get anywhere with this charge (e.g. against Bush) in a domestic court”. Continue reading

Video: 9/11 responders demand justice

See Also: (NBCNY) – FDNY Funeral Sparks Renewed Call to Help 9/11 Responders – Read More Here

(RussiaToday) – RT filmed this emotional footage of 9/11 first responders pouring their hearts out at a speech just blocks away from where the twin towers fell. The rally was in response to Congress defeating a federal bill that would have provided billions of dollars in health care for those sickened by toxins released by the collapse of the World Trade Center towers Sept. 11, 2001. Continue reading

Video: Clinton – Administration Will File Suit Over Arizona Immigration Law

(Fox) – Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in an interview with a TV station in Ecuador that the Obama administration “will be bringing” suit against Arizona for its immigration law, though the Justice Department for weeks has said that the issue is under review.

In a clip of the interview posted on a conservative blog, Clinton was asked how the Obama administration was handling the debate over the law.

“President Obama has spoken out against the law because he thinks that the federal government should be determining immigration policy. And the Justice Department, under his direction, will be bringing a lawsuit against the act,” the secretary of state responded, before calling for comprehensive immigration reform.

President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have both criticized the Arizona law, but the administration has maintained that its attorneys are reviewing the legislation to determine the next step. Full story here.

Kagan Involved In 9/11 Cover Up

(SteveWatson) – In addition to the attacks on free speech, detainee rights and the close connections to Goldman Sachs, another noteworthy black mark on the record of Elena Kagan, the president’s nominee to the Supreme Court, is that she played a significant part in killing off the efforts of 9/11 victims’ families to bring lawsuits against members of the Saudi Royal family for financial links to the conspiracy. Continue reading

MSM: Obama administration defies congressional subpoena on Fort Hood documents

(WashingtonPost) – The Obama administration said Tuesday it would provide more information to Congress about the Fort Hood shootings but continued to defy a subpoena request for witness statements and other documents. Continue reading

Precrime in Florida: IBM Predictive Analytics

(IBM) – SPSS, an IBM (NYSE: IBM) Company, today announced that the Florida State Department of Juvenile Justice selected IBM predictive analytics software to better understand, predict behaviors and properly assign rehabilitation programs for the state’s juvenile justice system.

More than 85,000 youth enter the juvenile justice system in Florida each year for varying degrees of offenses – from drug abuse to robbery or property crimes. As each youth enters the system for a different reason and with varying backgrounds, the best program for positive rehabilitation is very specific – what may work for one juvenile may not work for another. The goal of the collaboration with IBM is to apply analysis to predict the best programs and rehabilitation for each juvenile offender based on their crime and background. Continue reading

Video: Alex’s Farewell Interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

(April 7) – Alex welcomes back to the show economist and a nationally syndicated columnist Paul Craig Roberts, who recently announced his journalistic retirement in an article entitled “Truth Has Fallen and Taken Liberty With It.” He served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration. Mr. Roberts is the author of several books, including The Tyranny of Good Intentions: How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice and How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds. Continue reading

Brown Peddles State Controlled Web Under Auspices of “Social Justice”

Our rulers are slick. They know we will not stand for an outright takeover of the internet, so they are cloaking the effort under a thin veneer of “social justice” and broadband for all.

Gordon Brown in Britain is leading the charge: Continue reading

Time for a U.S. Revolution – Fifteen Reasons – Bill Quigley

(InfoClearingHouse) – It is time for a revolution. Government does not work for regular people. It appears to work quite well for big corporations, banks, insurance companies, military contractors, lobbyists, and for the rich and powerful. But it does not work for people. Continue reading

Video: Webster Tarpley – Bankers in Slump Plot Against Euro to Save Dollar

(RussiaToday) – The Greek government has announced new austerity measures aimed at slashing its huge budget deficit. It comes a day after the Prime Minister said that the country was fighting for survival. The new measures — which will reduce annual pay and increase taxes — were ordered by the EU in an bid to prevent a collapse of the Euro. But street protests have been raging in Athens against the plans. Meanwhile, the U.S. Justice Department is reported to have launched a probe into leading American hedge funds. They’re suspected of helping Greece cover up its debts to weaken the European currency. Journalist Webster Tarpley believes that was a plot hatched to prop up the dollar’s supremacy. Continue reading

Yoo Called Civilian Slaughter OK

(ConsortiumNews) – Former Justice Department lawyer John Yoo argued that President George W. Bush’s commander-in-chief powers were so sweeping that he could willfully order the massacre of civilians, yet Yoo’s culpability in Bush administration abuses was deemed “poor judgment,” not a violation of “professional standards.” Continue reading

Report: Bush Lawyer Said President Could Order Civilians to Be ‘Massacred’

(NewsweekBlog) – The chief author of the Bush administration’s “torture memo” told Justice Department investigators that the president’s war-making authority was so broad that he had the constitutional power to order a village to be “massacred,” according to a report by released Friday night by the Office of Professional Responsibility. Read More Here

Last Rites for the USA – Cindy Sheehan

A U.S. Supreme Court case decision from 1886, The County of Santa Clara v. the Southern Pacific Railroad (SPRR), is the reason today that the U.S. is a corporate empire. Continue reading

Spying on Americans: A Multibillion Bonanza for the Telecoms

Court Tosses NSA Spy Suits, Sides with White House Over Illegal Surveillance
In late January, the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General released a report that provided startling new details on illegal operations by the FBI’s Communications Analysis Unit (CAU) and America’s grifting telecoms. Continue reading

Video: The Alex Jones Show – Dead Osama Warns of Imminent Attack in Latest IntelCenter Fabrication

In a patently absurd follow-up to the made-over Osama by the Justice Department (using the face of an Italian communist), the CIA and Defense Department linked propaganda unit IntelCenter has released yet another Osama audio tape. Continue reading

Obama Justice Department Decapitates Gun Industry: FBI Arrest 21 Gun Industry Executives in Las Vegas to Attend Gun Show

(Infowars) – What’s being touted as the largest single investigation and prosecution against individuals in the history of the Justice Department’s enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act occurred Monday in Las Vegas. Continue reading

Obama Justice Department Decapitates Gun Industry: FBI Arrest 21 Gun Industry Executives in Las Vegas to Attend Gun Show

What’s being touted as the largest single investigation and prosecution against individuals in the history of the Justice Department’s enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act occurred Monday in Las Vegas. Continue reading

You Can’t Both Support the Troops and the Constitution

“You can bind my body, tie my hands, govern my actions: you are the strongest, and society adds to your power; but with my will, sir, you can do nothing. ~George Sand”
At the expense of sounding callous and unpatriotic I will attempt to lay out exactly why the “Support the Troops” mantra is anti-American and determinental to the health of our Republic. Continue reading

Video: I Am The Resistance – You can call me names but history knows I am a hero

Whenever there is injustice, there are people fighting it with every possible means. We have seen it so many times before: the oppressed rise up, the oppressor dehumanizes them calling them such names as “terrorists”, “saboteurs”, “death loving” extremists… It is only normal that the oppressor will always lie to justify his actions and its crimes. Continue reading

For Israel, a Reckoning – John Pilger

The farce of the climate change summit in Copenhagen affirmed a world war waged by the rich against most of humanity. It also illuminated a resistance growing perhaps as never before: an internationalism linking justice for the planet earth with universal human rights, and criminal justice for those who invade and dispossess with impunity. And the best news comes from Palestine. Continue reading

The Constitutional Bankruptcy of our Republic

Uncle Sam was created as a symbol of the United States representing the ideals of freedom, equality, and justice. Although this symbol has been a patriotic representation for over 150 years, Uncle Sam cannot stand as a fair symbol of our nation any longer. With recent attacks to the Constitution and Bill of Rights, citizens’ rights have been eroded. If this long time representative of our nation could speak to us today perhaps he would remind us that our constitution gives us unalienable rights from the creator to the individual and can not under any circumstance be surrendered or taken. Continue reading

Justice Dept. Demands News Site Server Logs – Kurt Nimmo

Declan McCullagh reports for CBS News that the Department of Justice sent a formal request to Indymedia ordering it to provide details of all reader visits on a certain day. A grand jury subpoena required the independent news website “not to disclose the existence of this request” unless authorized by the Justice Department. The subpoena and gag order represent a new level of government intrusion into the operation of a free press in this country. Continue reading

Why 911 Truth Matters

Consider murder mystery novels, TV forensic dramas, sensational news stories, and political murder (assassination). Discovering and prosecuting the guilty, “bringing them to justice” is the goal. Exploring and analyzing antecedents and psychopathology may be undertaken by a few, typically writers and intellectuals. When noticed at all by the public, such critics tend to be summarily marginalized as apologists. Continue reading

MSM: Israeli youths reject army call-up

(Aljazeera) – More than 80 Israeli students have announced their refusal to serve in the Israeli military because of what they call their nation’s track-record of oppression in the occupied territories. Continue reading

Interpol and U.N. Back ‘Global Policing Doctrine’

I was thinking, “Wow, this seems very familiar. Where have I seen something like this before?” HAHA. This is just too much.

Start em’ young with Justice League International:

Justice League InternationalJustice League International Continue reading

Agenda 21: The Death Knell of Liberty

The death knell for freedom has been tolling for some time, and only now are people starting to hear it. It started tolling faintly, decades back, and has slowly progressed in volume, until today its tolling is impossible to ignore. Continue reading

Report: US considers phone companies ‘arm of government’

(RawStory) – The US government doesn’t have to reveal information about phone companies that may have spied illegally on Americans because those phone companies are an “arm of the government,” the US Justice Department argued in a recent court case. Continue reading

Once Again, The Will of the Voters Is Denied

(October 9, 2009) – Yesterday afternoon, Justice Edward Lehner of the State Supreme Court rubberstamped Referee Louis Crespo’s recommendation that the decision to establish a local commission to investigate the events of September 11th not be put before the voters on November 3rd.
Once Again, The Will of the Voters Is Denied Continue reading

The 9/11 Commission Rejects own Report as Based on Government Lies

(Salem-News.com) September 11-2009- How long have we watered the Tree of Deceit with the blood of patriots? Continue reading

Still Awaiting Decision On Petition’s Legality

Four days after NYC CAN’s hearing at the State Supreme Court, Justice Edward Lehner is still considering our motion to reject Referee’s Louis Crespo’s recommendation that the petition not be submitted to the voters on November 3.

Continue reading

The Constitution Never Had a Chance

An eminent North Carolina jurist, with whom I served on a Criminal Code Revision Commission, once told me that the law is what the last court that looks at it says it is and even then, its Justices usually disagree. I told him that there must be something very wrong with such a system. Continue reading

Justice Kennedy Says Constitution Open to Interpretation

The authors of the U.S. Constitution intentionally made it open to interpretation so that it could be adapted to meet changing societal issues, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy said Thursday in Norman. Continue reading

MSM: EU funding ‘Orwellian’ artificial intelligence plan to monitor public for “abnormal behaviour”

(Telegraph) – The European Union is spending millions of pounds developing “Orwellian” technologies designed to scour the internet and CCTV images for “abnormal behaviour” Continue reading

Obama Recommends Congress ‘Renew’ Patriot Act Domestic ‘Surveillance Methods’

The Washington Post reports the Justice Department “recommended that Congress move swiftly with legislation that would protect the government’s ability to collect a variety of business and credit card records and to monitor terrorism suspects with roving wiretaps” set to expire 31 December 09. Continue reading

Obama Supports Extending Patriot Act

The Obama administration has blessed three controversial provisions of the Patriot Act that expand the government’s reach in counter-terrorism investigations. Continue reading

The Natural Law Provides the Answers – C4L

There are many well-intentioned people that invoke the Constitution of the United States when looking for the solutions to what they believe (or are led to believe) are “dilemmas” confronting America today. This results in spirited debates about what the framers of the Constitution might have intended when writing it, in spite of the fact that there are hundreds of essays by our founders that explain what they intended beyond any reasonable doubt. Continue reading

‘Green Jobs Czar’ Van Jones resigns

WND’s 5-month series of exposés leads to White House’s 1st casualty Continue reading

MSM: Renditions May Continue Under Interrogation Unit

President Obama has created a team of interrogators to question key terrorism suspects as part of a broader effort to revamp United States policy on detention and interrogation. With the formation of this team, the administration indicated that it would more closely monitor, but not necessarily abandon, the controversial practice of sending some high-level terror detainees to other countries for questioning. Continue reading

Video: Ludwig Von Mises – Liberty and Economics

What kind of man was Ludwig von Mises? As this unique film shows, Mises (1881-1973) was a man who never stopped fighting for freedom: not when the Nazis burned his books, not when the Left blackballed him at universities, not when it seemed as if statism had won. With courage and genius, he fought big government until the day he died … in 25 books, hundreds of articles, and more than 60 years of teaching. Continue reading

Hirschhorn’s 911 mind swill

Congratulations, Mr. Hirschhorn, for your Online Journal article, 9/11 mind swell, in which you manage to straddle both sides of the 9/11 Truth Movement, both complimenting it and at the same time planting a knife firmly in its back.

Continue reading