Petition: Stop Jane Burgermeister from Going to Prison for Speaking the Truth(Care2

(Care2) – Please sign this petition to show your support for the freedom of speech & an unequivical statement that we are entitled to the truth & the right to make an informed decision regarding our health care & our bodies. View and Sign Petition Here

MSM: Protests over cloned animals in food chain

(Breitbart) – An animal welfare group on Friday delivered a petition of 7,000 names calling on the government to prevent products from cloned animals entering the food chain.

The petition, delivered by activists wearing “cloned” masks of Prime Minister David Cameron, was hastily organised after news emerged this week that meat from offspring of a cloned cow had entered the food chain.

Written by Compassion for World Farming, the petition called for more openness about food production and expressed concern about the welfare of cloned animals. Read Entire Article

Arizona referendum drives targeting new law dropped

(StPetersburgTimes) – Two proposed referendum drives challenging Arizona’s sweeping new law targeting illegal immigration are being abandoned.

One cited not be able to time its petition filings in such a way as to put the law on hold pending a 2012 public vote and the other a belief the law would have been subject to legal protections under Arizona’s Constitution if approved by voters.

The law takes effect July 29 unless implementation is blocked by court injunctions requested under at least three of the four pending legal challenges already filed by a Hispanic clergy group, police officers and other individuals. – Source: Tampa Bay

Censored by The Huffington Post: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON SEPTEMBER 11TH?” by Jesse Ventura

(NorCalTruth) – What Really Happened on September 11th?
You didn’t see anything about it in the mainstream media, but two weeks ago at a conference in San Francisco, more than one thousand architects and engineers signed a petition demanding that Congress begin a new investigation into the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11. Continue reading

Save the People of Iceland: the Official Petition

Iceland may be the first Western democracy to be forced into South-American style debt-slavery. The IMF, in concert with the UK and the Netherlands, has attempted to strongarm the recently impoverished Island of 317,000 into paying over 3.6 billion pounds ($6.3bn) — $86,000 per Icelandic family — at 5.5% interest for the next generation. The money is not conventional government debt, but arises from the collapse of a private multi-national bank during the financial crisis. Continue reading

Grayson calls on American public to ‘Unmask the Fed’

Florida Democrat U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson wants Americans to help him block Congress from confirming the Chairman of the Federal Reserve to his second term unless he hands over documents relating to the bailouts of financial institutions, including the rescue of Bear Stearns. Continue reading

Still Awaiting Decision On Petition’s Legality

Four days after NYC CAN’s hearing at the State Supreme Court, Justice Edward Lehner is still considering our motion to reject Referee’s Louis Crespo’s recommendation that the petition not be submitted to the voters on November 3.

Continue reading

Why is the Mainstream Media not Demanding the Truth About 9/11?

1. Former FBI Translator and Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds has exposed, among many other disturbing revelations, that Osama bin Laden and “Al Qaeda” (which simply means “the base”) were working with government intelligence operatives right up until the morning of 9/11 (and perhaps beyond): Continue reading

Decision On Petition’s Legality Expected By End Of Week

Supreme Court Justice Edward Lehner has begun consideration of NYC CAN’s motion to reject Referee’s Louis Crespo’s recommendation that the NYC CAN 9/11 petition not be submitted to the voters on November 3. The petition would ask whether or not there should be an independent New York City investigation into 9/11. Continue reading

Video: Russia Today – “Stop the 9-11 cover-up”

American citizens are pounding the streets, still searching for answers because the official version of the 9/11events has failed to satisfy many people, and there are calls for a fresh investigation into the tragedy. Continue reading

Statement on Global Warming Petition Signed by 31,478 Scientists

(Ron Paul) – Before the US House of Representatives, June 4, 2009 – Madam Speaker, before voting on the “cap-and-trade” legislation, my colleagues should consider the views expressed in the following petition that has been signed by 31,478 American scientists: Continue reading

Video: Ron Paul Video ‘Audit the Fed’ Gaining Momentum

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Your outspoken support for Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill is working!

The politicians are taking notice, and already 55 of them have signed on as co-sponosors to HR 1207. There has even been a companion bill introduced in the Senate. This is great news! Continue reading