Arizona referendum drives targeting new law dropped

(StPetersburgTimes) – Two proposed referendum drives challenging Arizona’s sweeping new law targeting illegal immigration are being abandoned.

One cited not be able to time its petition filings in such a way as to put the law on hold pending a 2012 public vote and the other a belief the law would have been subject to legal protections under Arizona’s Constitution if approved by voters.

The law takes effect July 29 unless implementation is blocked by court injunctions requested under at least three of the four pending legal challenges already filed by a Hispanic clergy group, police officers and other individuals. – Source: Tampa Bay

1 in 50 Children in US is Homeless

In and out of classrooms, sleeping in shelters, shielded by parents, homeless children can seem invisible to society at large.

A national study released Monday finds that one in 50 children in America is homeless. They’re sharing housing because of economic hardship, living in motels, cars, abandoned buildings, parks, camping grounds or shelters, or waiting for foster care placement. Continue reading