California school launches cell tower study

(KansasCity) – Five years ago, Sprint erected an 85-foot cell phone tower in the middle of California’s Vista Del Monte Elementary school. At the time, Sprint studied the tower’s structural safety and an initial power reading, but since then teachers and students have become increasingly concerned about the tower’s electromagnetic effect on health.

The Vista Del Monte tower is 20 feet from classroom buildings and next to the playground and lunch tables. Teachers and staff at the school, in the Victoria Park neighborhood, have expressed concerns about the number of cancer cases that have appeared at the school since the tower was installed. Janet Acker, a retired Vista Del Monte teacher, used to work in one of the classrooms closest to the tower. She has recorded nine current and former staff members who have been diagnosed with cancer. Acker has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer and has spoken to the board of education about the matter in the past. Continue reading

Will Beck join the biggest dot?

(MakeItEightEh) – On yesterday’s Alex Jones Show,  there was an extremely philosophical moment for Jones as he discussed the “digesting of truth” that must inevitably be done. Words cannot substitute one’s own realization of the truth. Jones admits he feels powerless and a failure for not being able to convey the magnitude of the reality in which we live.

For some, it is argued, that accepting the big picture means accepting that the entire world as you know it is “wrong”, a lie, and for that reason people are not willing to look at the big picture. It is hard to allow the truth that has always been there to be accepted. It is difficult for some to take the time to watch video after video, repeatedly of the WTC buildings collapsing, and coming to the realization that there is only one logical reason. Continue reading

NASA Engineer to Speak on Destruction of WTC Buildings

San Diego – On Wednesday, October 21, 2009, former NASA engineering executive Dwain Deets, will speak on behalf of more than 900 architects and engineers who cite evidence of explosive demolition at all three World Trade Center high-rises on 9/11 and are calling for a new, independent investigation into their destruction. Continue reading

MSM: Schools gear up for swine flu shots

(Yahoo) – Hundreds of schools are heeding the government’s call to set up flu-shot clinics this fall, preparing for what could be the most widespread school vaccinations since the days of polio. Continue reading

Barracks and Burger King: U.S. Builds a Supersized Base in Afghanistan

Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan – Anyone who thinks the Afghanistan troop “surge” is a temporary, one-time deal should watch the construction here of a vast new $17 million barracks building.

It’s not temporary. It’s three stories of concrete. Continue reading

Video: Drills successful planting bombs in 10 buildings, including DHS offices – GAO

Might this be considered circumstantial evidence in response to the claim that bombs could not have been planted unnoticed in the WTC? Continue reading

1 in 50 Children in US is Homeless

In and out of classrooms, sleeping in shelters, shielded by parents, homeless children can seem invisible to society at large.

A national study released Monday finds that one in 50 children in America is homeless. They’re sharing housing because of economic hardship, living in motels, cars, abandoned buildings, parks, camping grounds or shelters, or waiting for foster care placement. Continue reading