Video: Jesse Ventura Talks About Homeland Security “Gestapo,” Hollywood Secrets & More

In an exclusive new video for Prison subscribers, former Governor Jesse Ventura warns that Homeland Security is rapidly becoming the American Gestapo, as Ventura still fumes over the fact that the feds tried to stop him from filming the JFK memorial at Arlington Cemetery.

Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura visited Austin, Texas last week to work on the next season of his hit TV show “Conspiracy Theory.” Alex Jones had a chance to catch up with the governor while driving around for the shoot. Continue reading

Video: Exclusive – Jesse Ventura Talks with Alex Jones About Government Harassment of His TV Show

In an exclusive interview on the Alex Jones Show today, Jesse Ventura will talk about the U.S. military’s attempt to undermine his popular TruTV show, “Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.” Continue reading

Video: Exclusive – Jesse Ventura Talks with Alex Jones About Government Harassment of His TV Show

(KurtNimmo) – In an exclusive interview on the Alex Jones Show today, Jesse Ventura will talk about the U.S. military’s attempt to undermine his popular TruTV show, “Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.”

Jesse was prevented from filming a stand-up in front of the Eternal Flame at Arlington National Cemetery for an episode on government involvement in the JFK assassination. Despite the military ban, Ventura managed to film the segment. “I did it anyway,” he told the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

“They felt I offended them with my last series, because I look into government things, Conspiracy Theory, my TV show,” Ventura told Ann Sharpsteen of Scripps News. Sharpsteen posted a video of her interview with Ventura on YouTube earlier in the week (see video below). Continue reading

Video: Jesse Ventura Exclusive – “Stop Nation Building and Bring The Troops Home!” Alex Jones Tv

(June 25) – Alex welcomes back to the show Jesse Ventura, former governor of Minnesota, retired professional wrestler and color commentator, Navy Seal veteran, actor, and former radio and television talk show host. Jesse’s TruTV show, Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, is the most popular show in the network’s history. Ventura’s latest book, American Conspiracies: Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies that the Government Tells Us, is available at the Infowars Store.
Part 1 of 5

Continue reading

The Alex Jones Show

(April 23) – Alex Covers Fox News Hit Piece Against Jesse Ventura & 9/11 Truth – Part 1 HerePart 2Part 3Part 4

(April 23) – Alex Details ADL’s Latest Attack on Him and Other Patriots – Part 1 HerePart 2

(April 23) – Video: Alex Goes on a News Blitz – Video Link Here

(April 22) – ADL Calls For “Major Law Enforcement Operaton” to Deal with Obamacare Critics – Part 1 HerePart 2

(April 23) – Video: Dr. Russel Blaylock Details The Swine Flu Vaccine Hype of 09

Alex welcomes back to the show Dr. Russell Baylock, certified neurosurgeon, author and lecturer. For the past 25 years he has practiced neurosurgery in addition to having a nutritional practice. He recently retired from both practices to devote full time to nutritional studies and research. He is the author of several books, including: Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life and Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients. In addition to publishing The Blaylock Wellness Newsletter, Dr. Baylock serves on the editorial board of the journal Fluoride, official journal of the International Society for Fluoride Research. Continue reading

Video: Al Gore Runs Away from O’Reilly Factor’s Jesse Waters when Ambushed with Questions on Global Warming

(AssociatedContent) – Al Gore—the legend in his own mind…the man who supposedly invented the internet and whose life was apparently the basis of Love Story’s central male character—ran away from O’Reilly Factor cameras when Factor producer Jesse Waters ambushed him in such gentle fashion right before Gore was due to give a speech at Duke University on April 8. Prissily declaring that he was “not doing an interview right now” and emphatically stating, “I’m having lunch!” the former VP did all he could to run away from Factor cameras as he snaked his way through hallways, dining rooms and the lobby of what looked to be a hotel. Kudos to Jesse Waters for dutifully staying on the slippery Al Gore and peppering him with question after question on the hoax known as global warming, from which Gore makes a lot of personal profit. Continue reading

Jesse Ventura speaks out about conspiracy theories in NaturalNews interview – Mike Adams

Health Ranger Report #88: Interview with Gov. Jesse Ventura, author of “American Conspiracies”
Here’s a rare interview with former Governor and bestselling author Jesse Ventura, the host of “Conspiracy Theory.” A real eye opener!
Click here to listen now (MP3).

(NaturalNews) – Jesse Ventura is known as being a tough, principled and courageous advocate of liberty and freedom. His new book, American Conspiracies, outlines a fascinating and well-documented accounting of some of the most important conspiracies that shaped American history — including the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. As part of the launch of this new book, Jesse joined us by phone for an interview with Continue reading

Video: Alex’s Outstanding Interview with Jesse “The Mind” Ventura

(April 6) – Alex welcomes back to the show former Minnesota governor, retired professional wrestler and color commentator, Navy Seal veteran, actor, and the host of Tru TV’s popular series Conspiracy Theory, Jesse Ventura. Jesse’s latest book is American Conspiracies: Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies That the Government Tells Us, now available at the Infowars store. Ventura’s previous book is Don’t Start the Revolution Without Me! Continue reading

World War

(AP) – White House adviser: World has united against Iran

A top White House adviser says the U.S. is making progress in its efforts to find allies to hold the line on Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Read More Here

(YNet) – Discharged soldiers sue for millions over Anthrax experiment

Dozens of soldiers who took part in experiment in early 1990s aimed at determining efficacy of Anthrax vaccine demand $80,000 each in damages. ‘Physical harm was passed down to our children,’ plaintiff says Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – The Pentagon is using Haiti as a Training Ground for Afghanistan – Michel Chossudovsky

A recent report in Stars and Stripes reveals the nature of the US military operation in Haiti. Combat units from Iraq and Afghanistan have been deployed in Haiti under the banner of a humanitarian operation. Conversely, Haiti is also being used as a military training ground for forces without in-theater combat experience. Read More Here

(NYTimes) – Imagining an Israeli Strike on Iran

In 1981, Israel destroyed Iraq’s nuclear reactor at Osirak, declaring it could not live with the chance the country would get a nuclear weapons capability. In 2007, it wiped out a North Korean-built reactor in Syria. And the next year, the Israelis secretly asked the Bush administration for the equipment and overflight rights they might need some day to strike Iran’s much better-hidden, better-defended nuclear sites. Read More Here

(EconomicPolicyJournal) – Advanced Conspiracy Theory: Where Are the War Protesters?

Every once and awhile, you will see a post at a blog lamenting that there aren’t any war protesters around the way there were during the Vietnam War. Read More Here

Video: Jesse Ventura – Afghanistan Is Vietnam II Continue reading

Video: Jesse Ventura – Corporate media, Censorship and American Conspiracies

(RussiaToday) – From the assassination of JFK to the events of 9/11, more and more Americans are slowly realising things are not what they seem in the mainstream U.S. media. RT spoke to former politican Jesse Ventura, who revealed some of the dirty secrets of Capitol Hill… Continue reading

Video: Jesse Ventura – I Will Never Commit Suicide

(PaulWatson) – Former Governor goes on record in response to numerous suspicious deaths in recent years of individuals who have posed a threat to the status quo Continue reading

Censored by The Huffington Post: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON SEPTEMBER 11TH?” by Jesse Ventura

(NorCalTruth) – What Really Happened on September 11th?
You didn’t see anything about it in the mainstream media, but two weeks ago at a conference in San Francisco, more than one thousand architects and engineers signed a petition demanding that Congress begin a new investigation into the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11. Continue reading

Video: Jesse Talks About His New Book & a 2nd Season of Conspiracy Theory on The Alex Jones Show

Alex welcomes back to the show former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura. Jesse’s latest book is American Conspiracies: Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies that the Government Tells Us, now available from the Infowars store. Continue reading

Video: Jesse Ventura on AlJazeera w/ Riz Khan

(AlJazeera) – Jesse’s latest book is American Conspiracies: Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies that the Government Tells Us Continue reading

Video: Alex Jones On Russia Today – Free speech under fire

(RussiaToday) – Alex Jones’ Web sites were assaulted in a massive, organized and sustained attack, which is still ongoing. He claims that zombie computers around the world were used to launch denial of service attacks against him. Alex also weighs in on attacks against Jesse Ventura — is he a victim of both the CIA and the mainstream media. Continue reading

Video: Jesse Ventura on The View – Gulf of Tonkin, Pat Tillman , JFK, WTC-7 and 911

Jesse Ventura was on The View yesterday. The same tired comment was brought up: “why would our government do that” in regard to the 9/11 attacks. Jesse does his best but they ultimately “soundbite” him. I guess these overpaid ladies have never read army field manuals, the PNAC report, Operation Northwoods, or even know anything about history such as Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor and so on. Continue reading

Huffington Post Kills Jesse Ventura’s Piece On 9/11

(PrisonPlanet) – As I noted in an item yesterday, Jesse Ventura has a new book out, co-authored with Dick Russell, called American Conspiracies, which includes an excellent chapter on election fraud and its connection to the likely murder of Mike Connell.
Well, this morning, Jesse had a front-page piece on 9/11 up at HuffPost: a front-page piece that quickly slipped off that front page–and then completely disappeared. Continue reading

Video: Jesse Ventura on NBC Today Show

(NBC) – March 9, 2010 – Jesse talked about his latest book on the Today Show. Continue reading

Video: Are the 9/11 conspirators right? – Jesse Richard on Russia Today

Its been nearly nine years since the attacks on the world trade center and the pentagon. September 11, 2001 is a day which, for many, has already been explained. However, there is a movement that has been picking up a lot of steam, thousands of people who say accounts given to the people by the government are flawed, some even say false. Continue reading

With Glenn Beck leading the charge, mainstream media swarms on TX Gov. candidate Medina for not disavowing 9/11 Truthers

(America20xy) – Today, in a move that illustrates exactly why Glenn Beck has painstakingly tried to portray himself over the past year as some kind of man of the people while hosting a show on the infamous Fox News Channel that cheered the War in Iraq, he turned an interview with Debra Medina, a candidate for the TX Governer seat, into a PR ambush on her and the 9/11 Truth movement. Continue reading

Video: Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura – Apocalypse [EPISODE 7]

Jesse Ventura and a team of expert investigators are on a mission to examine some of the most frightening and mysterious conspiracy allegations of our time. Continue reading

Video: Tyrel Ventura on Alex Jones Tv – A Second Season of Conspiracy Theory is Up to You

Alex welcomes to the show movie and television director and producer Tyrel Ventura, son Jesse Ventura, the former Minnesota governor and host of truTV’s popular show Conspiracy Theory. Continue reading

Video: Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura – Manchurian Candidate [EPISODE 6]

Jesse Ventura and a team of expert investigators are on a mission to examine some of the most frightening and mysterious conspiracy allegations of our time. Continue reading

More Israeli Mossad Connections to 9/11

(PrisonPlanet) – Having viewed Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory documentary episode dealing with the Sept. 11 attacks, I would like to call your attention to a detail that the research team may have overlooked, namely the proprietorship of Hangar 17, where the only known 9/11 evidence still in existence is locked away from public scrutiny. Continue reading

Video: Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura – Secret Societies [EPISODE 5]

Jesse Ventura and a team of expert investigators are on a mission to examine some of the most frightening and mysterious conspiracy allegations of our time. Continue reading

Video: Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura – Big Brother [EPISODE 4]

Jesse Ventura and a team of expert investigators are on a mission to examine some of the most frightening and mysterious conspiracy allegations of our time. Continue reading

Video: Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura – Global Warming [EPISODE 3]

Jesse Ventura and a team of expert investigators are on a mission to examine some of the most frightening and mysterious conspiracy allegations of our time. Continue reading

Video: Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura – 9/11 [EPISODE 2]

Jesse Ventura and a team of expert investigators are on a mission to examine some of the most frightening and mysterious conspiracy allegations of our time. Continue reading

Video: Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura – HAARP [EPISODE 1]

Jesse Ventura and a team of expert investigators are on a mission to examine some of the most frightening and mysterious conspiracy allegations of our time. Continue reading

Video: Jesse Ventura on Alex Jones TV – No More Torture!

Alex returns to the airwaves. Today’s guest is former Minnesota governor, retired professional wrestler, Navy UDT veteran, actor, and former radio and television talk show host Jesse Ventura. Continue reading

Video: Jesse Ventura debates 9/11 on the Howard Stern Show – 5/20/09

Former Governor Jesse Ventura went further in his 9/11 skepticism than ever before today when he told the Howard Stern Show of his fear that elements of the U.S. government carried out the attack, stating, “I hate to fear… that we possibly did it to ourselves.” Continue reading

Video: Jesse Ventura on Larry King Live – May 11, 2009

Jesse Ventura: I would prosecute every person who was involved in that torture. I would prosecute the people that did it, I would prosecute the people that ordered it, because torture is against the law.” Continue reading

MSM: China Increases Gold Reserves 76% to Fifth-Largest

(Bloomberg) – China boosted its gold reserves by 76 percent since 2003 and has the world’s fifth-biggest holding by country, said Hu Xiaolian, head of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange. Continue reading