Video: Press For Truth Assaulted By Security Thug While Covering Al Gore Event/Climategate

(PressForTruth) – I recently attended an Al Gore event here in Toronto Canada to cover the latest information regarding climate change. We were there no longer than one hour when security guards kicked us off the grounds. We left their private property and proceeded to the public sidewalk outside their property line. Thats when one security guard assaulted my camera man/ PFT member Mark and almost broke my camera. I could see the red and white in his hands as he squeezed my camera in an effort to break it. This goes to show the unprecedented lengths authorities will go to in order to silence alternative media. Truth is on the rise. We are clearly having an effect in this information war and the time to stand up against the new world order is upon us now more than ever. Continue reading

Climate Realism: Not to Be Denied Any Longer

(TheAmericanCulture) – Last week’s meeting of 700+ scientists, policymakers, and concerned citizens in Chicago to discuss the science and economics of global warming at the Fourth International Conference on Climate Change was a huge success as measured by the intent of its sponsors: to establish once and for all that the climate realist position is increasingly the accepted conclusion among thinking people in the three categories noted above. That position is this: manmade global warming is not a crisis.

Yes, all parties at the conference pretty much agreed that there was a good deal of warming in the 1980s and 1990s, and that the trend stopped and reversed in the current decade. Global temperatures have been falling in recent years, even though the weather stations and other data chosen to represent the official temperature records are in fact skewed to show higher and more-rising temperatures than are actually occurring. Read entire article

See Also:

(NotEvilJustWrong) – UCLA fires professors for reporting real scientific data

James Enstrom, an epidemiologist at the UCLA School of Public Health, was recently fired, because his research “is not aligned with the academic mission of the Department [of Environmental Health Sciences].” Read More Here

(Co2Insanity) – Leading US Physicist Labels Satellitegate Scandal a ‘Catastrophe’

Respected American physicist, Dr Charles R. Anderson has waded into the escalating Satellitegate controversy publishing a damning analysis on his blog. Read More Here

Video: We Are Change San Francisco Confronts David de Rothschild on Climategate, Sustainability Agenda

(WAC) – Members of We Are Change San Francisco caught up with David de Rothschild, heir to the notorious Rothschild family, and asked him some relevant questions. Continue reading

Left-wing Env. Scientist Bails Out Of Global Warming Movement: Declares it a ‘corrupt social phenomenon…strictly an imaginary problem of the 1st World middleclass’

See Also: (ClimateDepot) – Video: Unlikely Skeptic – A Liberal Environmentalist challenges Global Warming TheoryView Video Here

(ClimateDepot) – Physicist Dr. Denis Rancourt, a former professor and environmental science researcher at the University of Ottawa, has officially bailed out of the man-made global warming movement. Continue reading

Video: Climategate – A Reality Check on Climate Change

(WhatReallyHappened) – Here is the reality of what is going on.

Those people still supporting AGW (anthropogenic global warming) are dependent on funding to support their current positions. That funding is in turn dependent in the continuation of faith that AGW (anthropogenic global warming) is correct. After all, when Galileo proved that the Earth Orbited the Sun, funding for continued research into epicycles vanished abruptly, along with tenures and the value of every degree issued in the field of Epicycles.

The same applies here. With precious rare exception, every academic whose degree and funding is based on AGW (anthropogenic global warming) is looking at a stark unemployment picture. In their minds, they are not fighting for scientific truth; they are fighting for their livelihood, and the proof is very simple. If their primary concern was really the long term welfare of planet Earth, one would think the Global Warming Cult would be delighted to find out there really is no danger after all. But, as is clearly evident, the goal is to support the orthodoxy even against the revelation that their core scientific foundation is based on a fraud. View More Here

MSM: Amazongate – At last we reach the source

(Telegraph) – The IPCC’s attempts to hide the truth about its exaggerated claims on the deforestation of the Amazon have ended in defeat, says Christopher Booker.

Last week, after six months of evasions, obfuscation, denials and retractions, a story which has preoccupied this column on and off since January came to a startling conclusion. It turns out that one of the most widely publicised statements in the 2007 report of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – a claim on which tens of billions of dollars could hang – was not based on peer-reviewed science, as repeatedly claimed, but originated solely from anonymous propaganda published on the website of a small Brazilian environmental advocacy group.

The ramifications of this discovery stretch in many directions. First, it seems to show that the IPCC – whose reports governments rely on to justify presenting mankind with the largest bill in history – has been in serious breach of its own rules. Read More Here

See Also: (AOLNews) – Amazon River Dolphins Being Slaughtered for Bait

The bright pink color gives them a striking appearance in the muddy jungle waters. That Amazon river dolphins are also gentle and curious makes them easy targets for nets and harpoons as they swim fearlessly up to fishing boats. Read More Here

Global Warming Alarmist: Make It Illegal To Emit CO2

(PrisonPlanet) – Caldeira’s madcap call to ban the production of devices that emit CO2 presumably includes babies, who in common with all human beings emit the inert, life-giving gas that helps plants grow. Is a one child policy not enough for these control freaks? How about we just ban pregnancy all together while putting a tax on breathing?

From an interview with Jack Fleck, San Francisco’s lead traffic engineer….

I guess the main point I drive home is that the atmosphere can only absorb about 8 billion tons of CO2. In about 15 years there’ll be about 8 billion people, so really our goal should be no more than one ton per person, whereas our current level is about 20 tones.

So I think what I try to drive home is, how big the reduction has to be and we really just have to get off of fossil fuels, and there was a good quote from Ken Caldeira, do you know who he is?

He was a speaker at SPUR, and I was curious about him. He’s from Stanford, he said ‘I think we need to more or less make it illegal to produce devices that emit CO2 into the atmosphere. Our target should be zero emissions.’ – Source: Prison Planet

Climategate Whitewash Complete: Third Inquiry Clears Everyone Involved

(SteveWatson) – A third and final inquiry into the climategate scandal has exonerated everyone involved and declared that there is no question over the science behind manmade global warming – even though, like its predecessors, it has not investigated the science.

The so called “independent” inquiry into scientists at The University of East Anglia’s Climate research Unit found that “Their rigor and honesty as scientists are not in doubt”.

It further noted “We did not find any evidence of behavior that might undermine the conclusions of the IPCC.” Continue reading

How the Green Movement Failed Us

(Infowars) – The word epic comes to mind when describing the perpetuation of lies bestowed on the commoner. Watching the daily news, or flipping through to the Discovery Channel, it is hard not to notice the never-ending loads of propaganda that are dumped on the viewers. The local television station parrots the talking points of national stations: “The Earth is dying, we must act today, reduce green house gas emissions, establish one child policies and create taxation grids to save our mother Earth.” At a first glimpse one might accept the premise, being that Carbon Dioxide, Methane and other gases emitted by anthropogenic activities are the causes of global warming. However, when one evaluates the authors of the suppositions and their amassed data, it is hard to overlook the flagrant statistical manipulations. Continue reading


(Guardian) – Review of questioned IPCC report says conclusions ‘well-founded’

The first major independent review of criticisms of the global assessment of climate change led by the United Nations declared today that it found “no errors that would undermine the main conclusions” of the panel of international scientists that climate change will have serious consequences around the world.

However the Dutch panel of experts claims it found 12 errors – from a criticism of the number of people in Africa at risk of water shortages to mistakes in references or typing. It also suggested the summary version of the report had portrayed an over-dramatic picture by putting the emphasis on negative impacts of climate change, and it failed to explain some of the threats were not only driven by climate change. Read More Here

(Telegraph) – As third Climategate report is published, even computer models turn against AGW alarmists

Many of you, I know, will find it almost impossible to sleep tonight: the climactic excitement attending tomorrow’s publication of Sir Muir Russell’s vindication – sorry, investigation – of the scientists at the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit is too pulse-quickening.

This will turn the number of inquiries into a hat trick. The general expectation is that this one will be as big a whitewash as its predecessors. There is just a remote prospect (please note I put it no higher than that) of the findings taking a slightly different tone – always, of course, within the requirement for an exculpatory acquittal of Phil Jones and his merry men, who gave us such classic phrases as “hide the decline”, now celebrated in song. Read More Here

(Telegraph) – How come we now have to go to the Chinese for the truth about global warming? – James Delingpole

Another day, another climate fraud whitewash – this time from a Dutch government inquiry, conducted by something called the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. (Hat tip: Sheumais) Read More Here

Amazongate: the smoking gun

(EUReferendum) – More than five months after the IPCC was accused of making assertions on the fate of the Amazon forest on the basis of a non-peer reviewed WWF report, it now appears that the original source of the IPPC’s claim is a Brazilian educational website which was taken down in 2003 (pictured – click to enlarge).

Furthermore, it appears that this is the only source of the IPCC’s claim that made up the basis of “Amazongate” – that the IPCC was, once again, using unsubstantiated material which exaggerated the threat. This website, therefore, is the “smoking gun”, the latest evidence to suggest that the IPCC is breaking its own rules.

Interestingly, when the “Amazongate” story was broken on this blog on 25/26 January, we had no way of knowing that the trail would eventually lead to a defunct Brazilian website. It was the official denials of our story that gave the clue, and they did not really get underway until 31 January when The Sunday Times published its report headed: “UN climate panel shamed by bogus rainforest claim,” Read More Here


(LondonTelegraph) – Federal Reserve cautions on US economic growth – Read More Here

(PeoplesWorld) – Texas poor say “No more!” – Read More Here

(InfoClearingHouse) – Consumer Spending is Flat, Unemployment is Rising: The Case for a Second Round of Economic Stimulus – Mike Whitney – Read More Here

REPOST (CNBC) – Soros Says Germany Could Cause Euro Collapse

German’s budget savings policy risks destroying the European project and a collapse of the euro cannot be ruled out, billionaire investor George Soros said in a newspaper interview released on Wednesday. Read More Here

(BusinessInsider) – Deutsche Bank: U.S. Financial Conditions Just Collapsed Back To Crisis Levels

Financial conditions appear to have worsened substantially in recent quarters based on our update of the broad index of US financial variables presented earlier this year at the US Monetary Policy Forum. In the wake of recent developments in Europe, increased stress in financial markets has pushed that index halfway back to its immediate post- Lehman crisis lows. Read More Here

(BeforeItsNews) – Russia buys 16 percent of global gold production

According to the Russian Central Bank, Russian gold reserves just hiked 1.1 million ounces in May. Given global mining production is just 6.8 million ounces a month, this represents 16.1% of monthly global mining production.

This is the largest one month purchase of gold by the Russian Central Bank, which has been buying gold at a rate of 250,000 ounces a month for the past three years, and comes just as Putin is pushing for a single world currency and last week revealed the currency’s first proof coin. Read More Here

(WSJ) – Small Banks and Big Risks – Read More Here

(AlterNet) – The Bank Lobby Gets Desperate on Derivatives – Read More Here

(WSJ) – States Face New Pinch as Stimulus Ebbs

Tax Receipts Aren’t Rebounding Quickly Enough to Offset Declining Federal Aid; Push for Additional Medicaid Help Stalls Read More Here

(WSJ) – Video: Opinion Journal – Here Come the Tax Increases – Video Link Here

(CBS5) – Oakland To Send Out Layoff Notices To 200 Officers

Despite concerns about the city’s violent crime, the Oakland City Council on Tuesday voted to send out layoff notices to 200 police officers.

There seemed to be little choice. The city is facing years of multi million dollar deficits, and the public safety budget is a rich target representing about half the general fund. Read More Here

(EconomicPolicyJournal) – China Officially Disses the Dollar (and Treasury Debt)

The Peoples Bank of China has announced that it will no longer fix its currency in terms of the dollar. Instead it will manage the yuan against a basket of currencies. Read More Here


(Telegraph) – Japanese told to go to bed an hour early to cut carbon emissions

Japanese households are being urged to go to bed one hour earlier than normal in order to help tackle climate change. Read More Here

(June 24) – Video: Lord Christopher Monckton: The Global Warming Take Over Grid – Alex Jones Tv

Alex also talks with British consultant, policy adviser, writer, columnist, and hereditary peer, Lord Christopher Monckton. Continue reading

MSM: Climate junk hard to dump

See Also: (OttawaCitizen) – Scan of Arctic ice dispels melting gloom, scientist saysRead More Here

Also: (Newsmax) – Boxer: Climate Change Bigger Threat Than TerrorismRead More Here

(FinancialPost) – The past six months has seen a series of unprecedented setbacks for the cause of catastrophic man-made climate change: the collapse of the Kyoto process; the release of incriminating Climategate emails; the discovery of the shoddy standards of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); the mounting evidence that a job-creating green industrial revolution is a fantasy; and the growing suspicion by the public that it has been sold a bill of goods.

The British Royal Society recently released a statement that “Any public perception that the science is somehow fully settled is wholly incorrect,” thus contradicting its own former president, and true believer, Lord May. And if the science isn’t settled, there can hardly ever have been “consensus” on the issue. Continue reading

The IPCC consensus on climate change was phoney, says IPCC insider

(NationalPost) – The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change misled the press and public into believing that thousands of scientists backed its claims on manmade global warming, according to Mike Hulme, a prominent climate scientist and IPCC insider.  The actual number of scientists who backed that claim was “only a few dozen experts,” he states in a paper for Progress in Physical Geography, co-authored with student Martin Mahony.

“Claims such as ‘2,500 of the world’s leading scientists have reached a consensus that human activities are having a significant influence on the climate’ are disingenuous,” the paper states unambiguously, adding that they rendered “the IPCC vulnerable to outside criticism.”

Hulme, Professor of Climate Change in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia –  the university of Climategate fame — is the founding Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and one of the UK’s most prominent climate scientists. Among his many roles in the climate change establishment, Hulme was the IPCC’s co-ordinating Lead Author for its chapter on ‘Climate scenario development’ for its Third Assessment Report and a contributing author of several other chapters.

Hulme’s depiction of IPCC’s exaggeration of the number of scientists who backed its claim about man-made climate change can be found on pages 10 and 11 of his paper, found here. – Source: National Post

Video: Alex Jones – Bilderberg Is Running Scared

(Infowars) – Alex Jones breaks down the significant developments that have emerged from sources inside the 2010 Bilderberg meeting in Spain. There is a contentious and urgent atmosphere behind the scenes of the secret meeting. Attendees are reportedly concerned about the potential collapse of the Euro, war with Iran and the rise of political dissent against world government. Continue reading

MSM: Pacific islands ‘growing not shrinking’ due to climate change

(Telegraph) – Scientists have been surprised by the findings, which show that some islands have grown by almost one-third over the past 60 years.

Among the island chains to have increased in land area are Tuvalu and neighbouring Kiribati, both of which attracted attention at last year’s Copenhagen climate summit. Continue reading

Agenda 21 Alert: Science and Sewage

(Infowars) – Agenda 21 Sustainable Development is the overarching blueprint for depopulation and total control, using the environment as the excuse for that control. The 3 major tools that are used are :

— Global warming
— Water Shortages
— Endangered Species Act

In the case of the California Delta, man made water shortages have been imposed on farmers by way of the ESA (Endangered Species Act) for the last three years. Still, the Delta smelt populations have declined, despite the restrictions. While the federal government refused to acknowledge that the cause for the decline in smelt populations was due to up to 1 BILLION gallons of partially treated sewage being flushed into the Delta per day, they blamed the water pumps for the decline in smelt. Their disastrous solution was to cut the water flow to farmers (who supply our country with 50% of its produce and nuts), thereby increasing the water levels in the Delta to dilute pollution. Continue reading

The Western Snowpack is 137% of normal

(WattsUpWithThat) – Experts tell us that spring snowcover has seen rapid declines in the Northern Hemisphere over the last 20 years. As of today, western US snowpack averaged by state is 137 percent of normal.

According to USDA Snotel measurements, Arizona is 446% of normal. California is 131% of normal. New Mexico is 184% of normal. Nevada is 126% of normal. Montana is 104% of normal.

Lake Powell water levels have risen four feet in the last month and are 56 feet higher than they were on this date in 2005. Read More Here


(WSJ) – Where Has the Magic Gone?

The New York Times plaintively ponders global warmism’s loss of credibility. Read More Here

(Telegraph) – Why Man-Made Global Warming is a load of cobblers; Pt 1 – James Delingpole

Just been reading Climate: The Counter Consensus (Stacey International) the new book by Bob Carter – that’s New Zealand’s Professor Robert M Carter to you, mate: he’s one of the world’s leading palaeoclimatologists – and it’s a cracker. By the end, you’re left feeling rather as I did after the Heartland Conference, that the scientific case against AGW is so overwhelming that you wonder how anyone can still speak up for so discredited a theory without dying of embarrassment. Read More here

(LRCBlog) – More on the ‘Climate Change’ Racket

According to the London Evening Standard, America’s favorite English Lapdog, Tony Blair, will receive 700,000 Pounds per year to be a “strategic adviser” to a California company seeking to “profit from technology that helps reduce global warming and carbon emissions.” Tony is quoted as saying: “Solving the climate crisis is more than just a political agenda item; it’s an urgent priority that requires innovation, creativity and ambition.” It is also a priority to Blair’s reported need for an income of 5,000,000 Pounds per year to maintain his lifestyle! – Source: LRC Blog

(ConsFocus) – Global Warming Update: NASA Accused of ‘Climategate’ Stalling

The man battling NASA for access to potential “Climategate” e-mails says the agency is still withholding documents and that NASA may be trying to stall long enough to avoid hurting an upcoming Senate debate on global warming. Read More Here

(C3Headlines) – Will Elites Ever Stop Pushing Global Warming Hype? Nope, The Desire To Enrich Themselves Is Too Great – Read More Here

Video: Alex Covers “Propaganda Tv”

(May 25) – Alex breaks down the incredible propaganda being displayed by all the major tv networks to brainwash us into thinking like they want us to. Continue reading

MSM: Belief In Man-Made Climate Change Collapses In Britain & Germany

(NYTimes) – A survey in February by the BBC found that only 26 percent of Britons believed that “climate change is happening and is now established as largely manmade,” down from 41 percent in November 2009. A poll conducted for the German magazine Der Spiegel found that 42 percent of Germans feared global warming, down from 62 percent four years earlier. Read More Here

See Also:

(CSPAN) – Video: Inhofe – Al Gore, Global Warming Alarmists Running for Cover After Climategate – Video Link Here

(Spokesman) – Record low of 32 set at Spokane airport today – Read More Here

(SacBee) – Persistent cold, wet weather delays crop harvests, worries farmers

The chilly weekend temperatures were among the coldest in more than a half-century from Redding to Stockton, the National Weather Service reported Sunday. Read More Here

(WattsUpWithThat) – Lord Monckton wins global warming debate at Oxford Union

I’m waiting for actual photos of the event from the official photographer, but for now I’ll make do with what can be found on the Internet. For those who don’t know, the Oxford Union is the top of the food chain for scholarly debate. This is a significant win. Continue reading

Video: ABC News Attempts to Align Climate Change Skeptics with White Supremacists

(NewsBusters) – At first, Michael Mann, a Penn State professor and a central figure in the Climategate scandal, but best known for his discredited “hockey stick graph” didn’t like being mocked in a YouTube video. Now Mann is alleging he’s a victim of hate groups.

On ABC’s May 23 “World News Sunday,” a segment from anchor Dan Harris alleged that threatening e-mails Mann received were part of a “spike” in violence aimed at the global warming alarmist community.

“The ongoing oil spill crisis in the Gulf is keeping the debate over climate and energy very much in the headlines and that debate is becoming increasingly venomous with many prominent scientists now saying that they are being severely harassed,” Harris said. Video Link Here

Prominent Princeton Scientist Dr. Happer Testifies to Congress: ‘Warming and increased CO2 will be good for mankind’

See Also: (C3) – New Peer-Research Finds Alaskan/Canadian Glaciers Melting Significantly Less Than Previous EstimatesRead More Here

(ClimateDepot) – ‘CO2 is not a pollutant and it is not a poison and we should not corrupt the English language by depriving ‘pollutant’ and ‘poison’ of their original meaning’

Climate Depot’s Selected Highlights of Dr. Happer’s May 20, 2010 Congressional Testimony: (Dr. Happer’s Full Testimony here: (To read the warmists’ testimony of Ralph Cicerone, Stephen Schneider, and Ben Santer, see here. )

Dr. Will Happer’s Testimony Before the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming – May 20, 2010 Continue reading


(Fox) – Scientist Disputes EPA Finding that Carbon Dioxide Poses Threat to Humans

EPA scientists say manmade carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are contributing to a warming of the global climate — and as such represent a threat to human welfare. But a leading climatologist says his research indicates that CO2 poses no threat to human welfare at all, and he says the EPA should revisit its findings. Read More Here

(Fox) – Global Cooling Is Coming — and Beware the Big Chill, Scientist Warns

Contrary to the commonly held scientific conclusion that the Earth is getting warmer, a scientist who has written more than 150 peer-reviewed papers has unveiled evidence for his prediction that global cooling is coming soon. Read More Here

MSM: Only morons, cheats and liars still believe in Man-Made Global Warming

(Telegraph) – Well of course I would write a headline like that having just spent the last three days in Chicago at the Heartland Institute’s 4th International Conference on Climate Change. This is the event the cackling, cloak-wearing, befanged AGW-denying community attends every year to glorify in their own evil. And naturally, in the wake of Climategate, a mood of uproarious triumphalism has prevailed as distinguished skeptical scientists, economists, and policymakers from around the world – Pat Michaels, Richard Lindzen, Ian Plimer, Bob Carter, Fred Singer.. you name them, they’re here – have gathered to dance on the smouldering ashes of the mythical beast ManBearPig. Continue reading

Kerry – Lieberman: Corrupt Climate Science Used To Destroy US Economy

(CanadaFreePress) – The Kerry – Lieberman American Power Act (APA) is a disastrous, unnecessary solution for a non-existent problem. Worse, it’s a problem that exists only in a grossly inadequate computer model whose projections have never been correct. It is predicated on the false assumption that an increase in CO2 causes a temperature increase. Every record of any duration for any period in Earth’s history shows temperature increases before CO2 increases.  The false assumption is the basis of all global warming and climate change used in the corrupted research and models of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It is impossible to imagine such an unjustified basis for any action, except to undermine the US economy for political gain. Read More Here


(MensNewsDaily) – Kerry, Lieberman Ready to End Senate Careers

It’s official. Senators John Kerry and Joe Lieberman have signaled the end of their political careers. The two have introduced what they’ve titled the “American Power Act.” Yep, it’s a global warming bill – Cap-n-Trade, Cap-n-Tax, etc. The premise for this bill is that the industrial emissions of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) are causing global temperatures to rise and to prevent global catastrophe the industrialized world must reduce its emissions of CO2. Read More Here

(HockeySchtick) – Potential cost of Kerry-Lieberman Cap & Tax: $69 – $145 Billion per Year

The Kerry-Lieberman Cap & Tax bill establishes a price collar for CO2 emissions with a floor of $12 per metric ton (increasing annually by 3% + inflation) and ceiling of $25 (increasing annually by 5% + inflation). According to the EPA, US emissions of CO2 in 2009 were 5787 million metric tons. Thus, if the legislation is applied to all US emissions, the cost would be $69 Billion (floor) to $145 Billion (ceiling) annually, increasing ~6 to 8+% each year forever. – Source: Hockey Schtick

(AustralianClimateMadness) – IPCC bias exposed yet again

The UK Telegraph reports that Rajendra Pachauri has “defended the use of grey literature” in the IPCC’s reports. As long as it supports the IPCC’s pre-conceived conclusion of man-made warming, that is. Because whenever grey literature challenges the consensus, the knee-jerk response is “but it isn’t peer-reviewed!”. Hands up who can spot the hypocrisy there? Read More Here

(OZClimateSense) – Kiwi Temperature Fraud Exposed!

Quadrant Online reports on the scandalous state of the NZ temperature records which have been used to buttress unprecedented warming claims in Kiwiland. It seems that records dating back over a century show no appreciable warming until seven stations were cherry picked and then “corrected’ by Jim Salinger- instant warming! Read More Here

(AmericanThinker) – Climategate Taxpayer Fraud Investigation Draws Ideological Heat

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has used the power of government to seek documents from the University of Virginia regarding its former professor and Climategate figure of “hockey stick” fame, Michael Mann. Mr. Cuccinelli is investigating whether Professor Mann engaged in fraud to obtain taxpayer money to fund his research. Read More Here

(GlobalWarming) – The Media Is Ignoring Kerry’s Cap-and-Trade – Read More Here

(Suite101) – Climate Change Has No Scientific Consensus

The United Nations Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has claimed humans are causing catastrophic global warming. But do most climate scientists agree with this? Read More Here

(RevPolitics) – Video: Climate Change – Is CO2 the cause? – View Video Here

Audio: Dave Hodges on Earth Day, Agenda 21, Population Controls, Eugenics, and the Global Warming Hoax

(RBN) – Former mainstream meteorologist discovers a much deeper global plot behind the global warming and green energy trends – Audio Part 1 HerePart 2 Here

Crisis in New Zealand climatology – The warming that wasn’t

(AlethoNews) – The official archivist of New Zealand’s climate records, the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), offers top billing to its 147-year-old national mean temperature series (the “NIWA Seven-station Series” or NSS). This series shows that New Zealand experienced a twentieth-century warming trend of 0.92°C.

The official temperature record is wrong. The instrumental raw data correctly show that New Zealand average temperatures have remained remarkably steady at 12.6°C +/- 0.5°C for a century and a half. NIWA’s doctoring of that data is indefensible. Continue reading


(Telegraph) – Coldest weather in 30 years marks the start of a series of extreme winters

After enduring the coldest winter for 30 years, you might have been hoping for some respite from the cold weather. Read More Here

(IceAgeNow) – 120 Record Lows – 7 May 2010

Even more importantly, however, is that many of these records were set
during the past decade – 2001, 2003, 2007.

Breaking a record set during the past ten years shows very clearly that
temperatures are declining.

Rapidly. Read More Here

(MailOnline) – Summer’s just around the corner… but first, brace yourself for snow in May

It might be May but, after the topsy-turvy weather we have seen of late, it was probably inevitable that some snow was on its way.

And it duly arrived yesterday with wintry showers descending on high ground at the Cumbria-County Durham border. Read More Here


(CommonDreams) – Scientists Speak Out Against Climate Change Deniers’ McCarthy-Like Threats

In a letter published in the journal Science, more than 250 members of the US National Academy of Sciences, including 11 Nobel Prize laureates, condemned the increase in “political assaults” on scientists who argue greenhouse gas emissions are warming the planet. Read More Here

(AmericanThinker) – The Problems with Al Gore

There are two problems with Al Gore. First, he’s a demagogue who lacks an appreciation for the ethics and methods of science. Second, he’s a not a scientist, but a celebrity and politician who does not understand the technical aspects of science. Put succinctly, the man simply doesn’t know what he’s talking about. But Gore is now advising the world on complex technical issues related to energy and climate. That’s a problem for the human race. Read More Here

(AmericanThinker) – Cap-and-Trade Is Back

On Wednesday, Senators John Kerry (D-MA) and Joe Lieberman (I-CT) plan to introduce legislation designed to inflate the cost of energy, strain family budgets, and decimate America’s manufacturing sector — all in the name of supposedly saving the climate. Read More Here

(OnTheHill) – Kerry To Advance Climate Bill Minus Graham

Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) will press ahead with legislation to deal with climate change, even after their erstwhile GOP partner says it will be “impossible” for the bill to pass the Senate.

Kerry and Lieberman released a joint statement Friday announcing their plan to roll out comprehensive energy and climate change legislation this coming Wednesday. If that roll-out goes off as planned, it will mark a major milestone for the bill that has languished in the Senate for most of the last year. Read More Here

Video: Message to the Environmental Movement – Climategate

The world’s leading climate scientists have been embarrassed by the publication of private emails that hide the decline of global temperatures. This is a message to the environmental movement. Continue reading


(ClimateRealists) – Climate Policies Based on Distorted Temperatures by Dr. Tim Ball

Weather and climate boondoggles are almost all associated with government agencies and there are two major areas of concern, research and data. Governments control climate research funding so the problem is extended to those they choose to support. What happens if those paid by them find evidence that contradicts the government’s position? Governments control collection and distribution of data. There are many examples of governments creating a record to suit their position. Read More Here

(OzClimateSense) – The Ultimate in Stupidity-Computer Model shows Plants causing Global Warming

Adding to the Everything-Causes-Global -Warming file comes the nuttiest idea yet! Researchers have used computer modelling to show plants actually cause global warming. The research shows surprise,surprise,that the contribution of CO2 to Global Warming is “worse than we thought”. I think that alarmist keyboards have those four words on a function key for fast retrieval. Read More Here

(JoNova) – The smell of money

Thanks to Glenn Beck, we get bit more insight into the tangled web that The House of Global Warming was built on.

Who would have thought? Goldman Sachs has been working hard to save the environment for years. Read More Here

(Sott) – Freak Arctic Weather Precursor to the Coming Ice Age?

Global news networks are churning out endless reports on the UK election, the financial shockwaves hitting Europe and the Times Square hysteria over some fireworks left in a car. What is not being reported prominently are the unprecedented freak weather events happening around across the northern hemisphere: hail, sleet and snow slamming southern California, deluges devastating the central cities of Nashville in the US and Hunan in China, the Korean Peninsula shivering with a record-low spring chill and reports of snow in Mexico and France. Read More Here


(UnionLeader) – James M. Taylor: Cap and trade — taxing our way to bankruptcy

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., has declared (April 28) that he is making global warming the Senate’s top priority. With legislation likely to impose monumental costs on the nation’s economy while accomplishing no real-world climate benefits, this is a fitting conclusion for a Congress intent on bankrupting the nation through sheer clumsiness and ignorance. Read More Here

(BusinessWeek) – U.S. Carbon Limits to ‘Slightly’ Raise Jobless Rate (Update2)

U.S. limits on carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that scientists have linked to climate change would raise the unemployment rate, the Congressional Budget Office said today. Read More Here

(OzClimateSense) – Poll:Most Aussies Don’t Believe in Man-made Global Warming

The Sydney Morning Herald reports on a new Galaxy poll showing only 35% of Aussies believe in man-made global warming which is a huge blow to the warming lobby and shows how far out of step the Rudd Government is with the Australian population. Read More Here

(AOLNews) – Late-Season Snow, Frost on the Way

If you thought that all of the winter weather words were packed away in the back of the National Weather Service’s closet, not to be pulled out for months to come, you’re in for a surprise. Two words from the winter glossary — “snow” and “cold” — are going to be mentioned during this first full week of May. Read More Here

(C3Headlines) – Trees of Medieval Warming Period Found Under Swiss Glacier: Scientists Conclude MWP Warmer Than Present

Read here. Map here. Studying the fossil remains of trees located under a Swiss glacier, scientists verify that the treeline was some 200 meters higher than the current one. This indicates that Medieval Warming Period (MWP) was not only warmer, but lasted an extended period.

“Based on radiocarbon dating of the fossil wood remains of eight larch fragments found one meter beneath the surface of the ground at the base of the front of the Piancabella rock glacier,… the authors determined that the wood was formed somewhere between AD 1040 and 1280 …Then, based on this information and “geomorphological, climatological and geophysical observations,” they inferred that “the treeline in the Medieval Warm Period was about 200 meters higher than in the middle of the 20th century, which corresponds to a mean summer temperature as much as 1.2°C warmer than in AD 1950.”…adjusting for warming between 1950 and the present, we calculate
that the MWP was about 0.5°C warmer than the peak warmth of the CWP.”

More climate history postings. – Source: C3 Headlines

(OilPrice) – Climate Change: Money, Politics & Scandals

“With all the hysteria, all the fear, all the phony science, could it be that manmade global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people? I believe it is.” – US Senator James M Inhofe (Republican – Oklahoma), 28 July 2003.
Such is the rallying cry of the climate change denial movement. Since Senator Inhofe made this statement seven years ago, the drive to discredit climate change and the science that underpins it has enjoyed considerable success, even as awareness about climate change and the threat it poses to humanity has gone mainstream. Read More Here

(Fox) – Video: New Revelations on Climategate – Sean Hannity Continue reading


(Telegraph) – Whoops! CO2 has almost nothing to do with global warming, discovers top US meteorologist

How we can possibly stop the environmental and energy policy of our next government being based on what US meteorologist Dr Roy Spencer calls “the worst case of mass hysteria the world has known.”? Read More Here

(ClimateChangeFraud) – April 2010 cooler than April 1998

News: the RSS AMSU data for April 2010 are out. The anomaly, 0.546, is the lowest one for 2010 so far. It is the second warmest April on their record but it’s more than 0.3 °C cooler than April 1998 and April 2005 was just a bit cooler than April 2010. Read More Here

(HT) – More on the CCX Carbon Trading Scandal

I have been doing some digging on the CCX carbon trading scandal the last few days, and I came across this 2006 publication by Tseming Yang – a professor at Vermont Law school. It confirms much of what Glenn Beck has already discussed, and sheds more light on the inner workings of the scandal Read More Here

Agenda 21 Alert: Global Warming Freeze?

(Infowars) – As the federal “Cap and Trade’ bill falters in”Congress, and resistance to the”EPA’s 18,000“page new regulation document grows, globalists are trying to bring about expanded control, using the discredited excuse of man made global warming, on a State and local level.”” Continue reading

MSM: Jones feels not so unusually hot, after all

(HeraldSun) – Now even Climategate’s Phil Jones, of the infamous Climatic Research Unit, concedes this warm period isn’t so unprecedented after all. CO2 Science reports on his latest joint paper:

In the words of the seven scientists, “temperatures during the warmest intervals of the Medieval Warm Period,” which they defined as occurring some 900 to 1300 years ago, “were as warm as or slightly warmer than present day Greenland temperatures.”


(Investors) – IPCC’s River Of Lies

Global Warming: Another shoe has dropped from the IPCC centipede as scientists in Bangladesh say their country will not disappear below the waves. As usual, the U.N.’s climate charlatans forgot one tiny detail.

It keeps getting worse for the much-discredited Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which seems to have built its collapsing house of climate cards on sand or, more specifically, river sediment. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – Deutsche Bank, RWE Raided in German Probe of CO2 Tax (Update2)

German prosecutors searched Deutsche Bank AG and RWE AG in a raid on 230 offices and homes nationwide to investigate 180 million euros ($238 million) of tax evasion linked to emissions trading. Read More Here

(Climate-Skeptic) – This is Science?

This looks like something a bunch of grad students might have dreamed up in a 10-minute brainstorming session over a few beers. Read More Here

(C3Headlines) – EU Research Finds No Increase In Severe Storms – Contradicts AGW Model Predictions

Global warming alarmists and the climate models have long predicted that the frequency of severe storms would increase. Data worldwide indicates otherwise and a new study by an EU researcher confirms this. Read More Here

(ClimateBasics) – The Science of Global Warming in Perspective

History of AGW Fraud. For most of the twentieth century, scientists were unconcerned about global warming, because carbon dioxide saturates (saturation explained below) and cannot do more heating. Whatever CO2 did in the past, adding more CO2 cannot change anything. But then global warming was dug up by environmentalists, and rationalizers took another look at the science and said, maybe saturation does not occur at the top of the atmosphere. As time went on, every element of the science was contrived to promote global warming alarmism. Continue reading

The $10 Trillion Climate Fraud

(Investors) – Cap-And-Trade: While senators froth over Goldman Sachs and derivatives, a climate trading scheme being run out of the Chicago Climate Exchange would make Bernie Madoff blush. Its trail leads to the White House. Continue reading

‘Hide the DeclineVideo: ’ Global Warming Video Creator Says Mann Backlash Effort to ‘Cleanup’ ClimateGate Indiscretion

(NewsBusters) – If you try to sweep your problems under the rug, they’ll go away, right? Michael Mann, a Penn State professor and a central figure in the Climategate scandal and best known for his “hockey stick graph” hopes so.

On Fox News Channel’s April 28 broadcast of “Your World with Neil Cavuto,” Elmer Beauregard of Minnesotans for Global Warming appeared to explain the reasoning behind a video that drew the ire Mann. The video mocked the Penn State professor’s alleged attempt to cover up data from tree rings that would indicate there was no global warming. Video Link Here

Government Report Calls For Global Authority On Planetary Geo-Engineering

(SteveWatson) – A recently published lengthy UK Government report suggests appointing a global body such as the UN to exclusively regulate world wide geoengineering of the planet in order to stave off man made global warming. Continue reading