BP Oil Volcanoes

(Uruknet) – Enough of This Crap

Reports have been coming out of the Gulf for days about British Petroleum blocking access to beaches and animal-cleaning stations, in some instances using private Blackwater-style mercenaries to do so. Journalists as well as citizens have been thwarted in their attempts to see for themselves the extent of the damage being done by the runaway Deepwater Horizon disaster. Read More Here

(OpEdNews) – BP and Halliburton’s Role in the Gulf Oil Disaster– Well Casing Horror Story

Right from the beginning, it was reported right away– that Halliburton’s job was to cement and seal the well casing. But I misunderstood what that meant. I took it to mean that Halliburton’s job was to seal the connection between the well-head and the top of the pipe that was drilled 18,000 feet into the ground. Wrong. Read More Here

(WashingtonsBlog) – Video: BP Admits That – If It Tries to Cap the Leak – the Whole Well May Blow Up

As I previously noted, oil industry expert Rob Cavner said that BP must “keep the well flowing to minimize oil and gas going out into the formation on the side” – Video Link Here

(Truthout) – Documents, Employees Reveal BP’s Alaska Oilfield Plagued By Major Safety Issues

Nearly 5,000 miles from the oil-spill catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico, BP and its culture of cost-cutting are contributing to another environmental mess.

According to internal BP documents obtained by Truthout, and after interviewing more than a dozen employees over the past month, the Prudhoe Bay oil field, in a remote corner of North America on Alaska’s north shore, is in danger. Read More Here

(SilverBearCafe) – BP Oil Spill: A Slippery Slope to FEMA Detention Camps?

Is there a covert government plan to forcibly evacuate up to 50 million people from the Gulf Coast and move them into FEMA trailers somewhere in Missouri and elsewhere because of the oil spill? Some of the nation’s survivalists are convinced that the Obama administration is plotting just such an operation. Last week, Greg Evensen, a former Kansas state trooper and a regular on the “Patriot” movement talk circuit, appeared on the Internet radio show “Shattering the Darkness” to warn listeners that government is moving to evacuate basically everyone from the coast of Texas to Cape Cod. Evensen says the move will come after these areas become uninhabitable due to an “oversaturation of benzene” from the chemical dispersants BP is using to try to clean up the oil leaking into the Gulf of Mexico. Read More Here

(EndOfTheAmericanDream) – Benzene And Hydrogen Sulfide: The Real Dangers From The Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill? – Read More Here


What we are about to explain is not at all hard to understand.

It involves every one of the oil and natural gas wells that have ever been drilled within each and every state in Continental America (hereafter referred to as “inland” wells). Read More Here

(WSWS) – Gulf oil disaster: a trillion-dollar corporate crime

The oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is a corporate crime whose magnitude almost defies comprehension. The eventual cost—combining damage to complex Gulf and coastal ecosystems, wiping out of the fishing and tourism industries, and long-term health consequences for the population of the region—is likely to total over $1 trillion. Read More Here

(LATimes) – Obama’s speech: There’s a pipe spewing a gazillion gobs of oil into the gulf, so let’s build more windmills – Read More Here

(TimesColonist) – BP ignored warnings on Gulf well: investigators

BP knew its Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico was a “nightmare” in the days leading up to its fatal April 20 blowout, congressional investigators said yesterday, but the company “appears to have made multiple decisions for economic reasons that increased the danger of a catastrophic well failure.” Read More Here

(USCG) – One ton tarball Picture – Link Here

(ABCNews) – Video: Good Morning America – Gulf Oil Spill Infests Harbors – Video Link Here

(AP) – Gulf of Mexico oil spill is flowing at a rate of up to 2.52 million gallons a day, scientists say – Read More Here

(OilDrum) – BP’s Deepwater Oil Spill – Why the Flow Rates are Increasing – Read More Here

(Godlike) – Video: What’s Really Happening In Grand Isle Louisiana – You Won’t Believe This.. – Video Link Here

(DailyCrux) – Controversial energy economist: BP disaster could last for “years and years”

The Obama Administration and senior BP officials are frantically working not to stop the world’s worst oil disaster, but to hide the true extent of the actual ecological catastrophe. Read More Here

(VLog) – Video: Gulf Oil Spill Crisis – When Will It Be the Time to Bug Out?

Ed & Mike discuss options for families trying to discern when will be the proper time to bug out of the Gulf Coast Region.

(WSWS) – Obama’s Oval Office speech: A cowardly cover-up of BP’s crimes – Read More Here

Video: The Short Film BP Doesn’t Want You To See – Video Link Here

(Uruknet) – Mr. President, can BP arrest Our Journalists? – Read More Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: Are Americans ready to get rid of oil yet?

To get an idea of how grave is the White House worried over the public dissatisfaction with President Obama’s handling of the oil spill, consider that he launched two surges in Afghanistan, dragged Obama care across the finish line. Video Link Here

(ZeroHedge) – Power Blackouts And Water Shortages Threaten Florida

Some bad news for our Tampa Bay/Mons Venus-based (yes, they do have WiFi) readers: globalresearch.ca notes that Florida “faces severe fresh water shortages and power blackouts if the thick crude oil from the Deepwater Horizon disaster clogs sea water intakes at the largest seawater desalinisation plant in the United States Read More Here

(AlJazeera) – Steele Accuses Obama of Exploiting Oil Spil For Political Gain

Steele said the US president’s actions demonstrated his inability to lead Americans out of a disaster and showed an “appallingly arrogant political calculus”.

He said Obama should instead focus on providing what he called “real and honest solutions” to those affected by the spill. Read More Here

(WashingtonExaminer) – BP Was Founding Member of ‘Cap-and-Trade’ Lobby – Read More Here

(McConnell) – McConnell: Obama Concerned With Taxing Americans, Not Plugging The Leak

Most Americans are baffled by all this. The crisis as they see it is a broken pipe at the bottom of the ocean, miles-long oil slicks, and threatened coastlines. The first thing they want to know is what the administration plans to do to plug the leak, clean up the oil, and mitigate the spill’s effects on the livelihoods of those affected.

And yet day after day, as the oil continues to flow, what we hear about from the administration is how tough they plan to be with BP and now, apparently, how important it is that we institute a new tax that will raise energy costs for every single American but which will do nothing to plug the leak Read More Here

(Business&MediaInstitute) – Video: Psycho Talk – MSNBC’s Schultz Calls for Obama to Act ‘Like a Dictator’ — Twice

Earlier in the day, Schultz had made a similar call, but he was more animated as he explained he wanted to see the administration follow through with its “boot-on-the-neck” response and called for Obama to “kind of” act like a dictator. [Emphasis added] Video Link Here

(CNBC) – Video: Ron Paul Defends Obama on BP Oil Spill, And Himself on Owning Gold

Ron Paul tells it like it is: Obama is not to blame for the BP oil spill; the people responsible for such an accident should be completely responsible for cleaning it up. Paul also discusses his $1.5 million in gold stocks, , a day after two staff writers for a Washington newspaper were stunned that a politician has the audacity to walk the talk and actually put his money where his mouth is. Continue reading

The $10 Trillion Climate Fraud

(Investors) – Cap-And-Trade: While senators froth over Goldman Sachs and derivatives, a climate trading scheme being run out of the Chicago Climate Exchange would make Bernie Madoff blush. Its trail leads to the White House. Continue reading

MSM: Climate-Change Bill Avoids ‘Cap-and-Trade’ Tag in U.S. Senate

(Bloomberg) – When Tea Party activists began protesting last July, it wasn’t the health-care overhaul that set them off. The target was a cap-and-trade bill, designed to limit carbon emissions, that had passed the U.S. House of Representatives a few days before. Continue reading

EPA Institutes Cap-and-Trade for the Auto Industry

(EVMeme) – The buzz so far this week has been about the new EPA (Ever Pretending Aristocrats) and NHTSA (The Roadblockers) standards, which were signed into being Monday. The new rules set emissions standards for both vehicle engine emissions and for the emissions of a manufacturer’s entire fleet (called the CAFE standard). The new rules also set up a cap and trade scheme for CO2 credits within the total fleet of each manufacturer in the U.S. Continue reading

US Treasury Official Openly Serves on Council of Rothschild-founded “Earth Bank”

Senior US Treasury Dept. Official William Pizer, the current Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environment and Energy is simultaneously a sitting council member on the Global Environment Facility ( http://www.thegef.org ), one of the largest funders of projects to “improve the global environment” (i.e. push through fraud-based carbon cap-and-trade programs). Continue reading

Obama Likely to Rebrand Climate Bill

(CQPolitics) – Despite the obituaries being written for Senate passage of a cap-and-trade bill this year, President Obama is expected to reiterate his call for comprehensive clean energy and climate change legislation and to rebrand it as part of his job-creation agenda. Continue reading

Video: Preparing Americans for Hyperinflation

Hyperinflation Nation – NIA – National Inflation Association – Inflation.US
The National Inflation Association is an organization that is dedicated to preparing Americans for hyperinflation and helping Americans not only survive, but prosper in the upcoming hyperinflationary crisis. Continue reading

Precariously We Stand: On The Edge Of Revolt – A Thoughtful Appraisal Concerning The Possibility Of Violent Revolution In America

I find it interesting the Department of Homeland Security deems it necessary to warn of rightwing extremists, as they ignore the fact of leftwing extremism. As a point of fact, making its rounds within the United States is a little book titled The Coming Insurrection. From the product description on Amazon: Continue reading

Could Australia Blow Apart the Great Global Warming Scare?

As the US Congress considers the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill, the Australian Senate is on the verge of rejecting its own version of cap-and-trade. The story of this legislation’s collapse offers advance notice for what might happen to similar legislation in the US—and to the whole global warming hysteria. Continue reading

Video: We Need Sunlight to Disinfect the Legislative Process! – Ron Paul

(C4L) – During August recess, many legislators have heard an unexpected amount of discontent from their constituents about what is happening on Capitol Hill, particularly regarding healthcare. Some people are justifiably terrified at what the government could do to healthcare, should it get its claws even further into it. Continue reading

The chills of Global Cooling

As cap-and-trade advocates tie their knickers in knots over so-called “global warming,” Mother Nature refuses to cooperate. Earth’s temperatures continue a chill that began 11 years ago. As global cooling accelerates, global-warmists kick, scream, and push their pet theory – just like little kids who cover their ears and stomp their feet when older children tell them not to bother waiting up for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. Continue reading

Video: Banksters Love Cap-and-Trade

The sweeping new bill which just passed the House last Friday, the Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, is ostensibly about climate change, but it is in fact a bill of staggering economic ramifications that is going to accelerate the takeover of the economy by the well-placed financiers who have already plundered the Treasury and the Fed of $12+ trillion and counting. Continue reading

Declaring War on the American Economy

The Cap-and-Trade bill that passed the House yesterday will be a declaration of war on the American economy if it ever is enacted into law. It is ostensibly supposed to help the American economy transition from the old, carbon-based industrial economy to the broad, sunlit (and presumably unpolluted) uplands of a post-industrial one. Continue reading

Boehner: Climate bill a ‘pile of shit’

Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) had a few choice words about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) landmark climate-change bill after its passage Friday. Continue reading

Obama’s Plan To Destroy America’s Farms Moving Full Steam Ahead

The bill is House Resolution 2454, imposing a domestic carbon emissions cap-and-trade program on the American economy. The goal seems to be nothing short of eradicating American farms and self-sustainability. Continue reading

Global CEOs back greenhouse gas cuts, carbon caps

Global business leaders added momentum to prospects for a new U.N. climate treaty by agreeing Tuesday that the world must cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by mid-century by setting specific limits on carbon. Continue reading

MSM: White House – Budget deficit to top $1.8 trillion

(AP) – With the economy performing worse than hoped, revised White House figures point to deepening budget deficits, with the government borrowing almost 50 cents for every dollar it spends this year. Continue reading

MSM: Gore pushes for U.S. climate law this year

(Reuters) – Global warming activist Al Gore on Friday urged passage this year of a U.S. law to slash greenhouse emissions, saying failure to pass legislation could cause the collapse of world climate negotiations. Continue reading