Video: Food and Depopulation: International Takeover by the UN

(Infowars) – Most people think that the United Nations is a noble enterprise and they don’t understand the history and malignant character of the UN.

Christina Aguilera, Drew Barrymore and Sean Penn are probably unaware, even though they are UN Ambassadors to the World Food Program (WFP), that the intent of the UN is to implement one world government (see videos below). The UN WFP, which spreads GMOs in poor countries, is just one tool used for advancing the goals of Agenda 21, the overarching blueprint for depopulation and total control. Read More Here

Video: ABC News Attempts to Align Climate Change Skeptics with White Supremacists

(NewsBusters) – At first, Michael Mann, a Penn State professor and a central figure in the Climategate scandal, but best known for his discredited “hockey stick graph” didn’t like being mocked in a YouTube video. Now Mann is alleging he’s a victim of hate groups.

On ABC’s May 23 “World News Sunday,” a segment from anchor Dan Harris alleged that threatening e-mails Mann received were part of a “spike” in violence aimed at the global warming alarmist community.

“The ongoing oil spill crisis in the Gulf is keeping the debate over climate and energy very much in the headlines and that debate is becoming increasingly venomous with many prominent scientists now saying that they are being severely harassed,” Harris said. Video Link Here

‘Hide the DeclineVideo: ’ Global Warming Video Creator Says Mann Backlash Effort to ‘Cleanup’ ClimateGate Indiscretion

(NewsBusters) – If you try to sweep your problems under the rug, they’ll go away, right? Michael Mann, a Penn State professor and a central figure in the Climategate scandal and best known for his “hockey stick graph” hopes so.

On Fox News Channel’s April 28 broadcast of “Your World with Neil Cavuto,” Elmer Beauregard of Minnesotans for Global Warming appeared to explain the reasoning behind a video that drew the ire Mann. The video mocked the Penn State professor’s alleged attempt to cover up data from tree rings that would indicate there was no global warming. Video Link Here

MSM: Climategate – The Official Cover-up Continues

(LondonTel) – If there’s one thing that stinks even more than Climategate, it’s the attempts we’re seeing everywhere from the IPCC and Penn State University to the BBC to pretend that nothing seriously bad has happened, that “the science” is still “settled”, and that it’s perfectly OK for the authorities go on throwing loads more of our money at a problem that doesn’t exist. Continue reading

MSM: Penn State Will Investigate Climategate

(USNews) – Among other things, the Watergate scandal of the 1970s gave us a great naming convention for future scandals. Take “Climategate” at Penn State. That’s what people are calling the controversy surrounding leaked E-mails among climate change researchers that climate change opponents say expose the researchers’ falsification of data. One Penn State professor is involved in the scandal. Continue reading

MSM: New York ‘carbon counter’ sign shows greenhouse gases in real time

(Guardian) – New Yorkers leaving Penn station and the tenor Andrea Bocelli’s concert at Madison Square Garden stadium were confronted with an unusual advert yesterday – a huge sign showing greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere. Continue reading

Video: Glenn Beck and Penn Jillette on MIAC report

Glenn Beck and Penn Jillette talk about the MIAC report implicating libertarians as possible members of militias and domestic terrorists Continue reading