An evil atmosphere is forming around geoengineering

(NewScientist) – Now a powerful group of scientists, venture capitalists and conservative think tanks is coalescing around the idea of reproducing this cooling effect by injecting sulphur dioxide into the stratosphere to counter climate change. Despite the enormity of what is being proposed – nothing less than seizing control of the climate – the public has been almost entirely excluded from the planning Read More Here

BP Oil Gusher

(WashingtonsBlog) – Coverup: BP Has the Technology to Accurately Measure the Amount of Leaking Oil – Read More Here

(MotherJones) – Destruction of Wildlife: More Dirty Details From My BP Mole – Read More Here

(Globe&Mail) – Gulf spill plays havoc with real estate

Phone calls from retirees have dried up, and fears mount over foreclosures by people thrown out of work Read More Here

(RawStory) – BP yanks containment cap after problem, oil flows unimpeded into the Gulf

“Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen says an underwater robot bumped into the venting system. That sent gas rising through vent that carries warm water down to prevent ice-like crystals from forming in the cap. View More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Video: Toxic Rain Falls in Louisiana

While the corporate media concentrates on Joe Barton’s apology to BP and Tony Hayward taking off to attend a yacht race around England’s Isle of Wight, people on the ground in Louisiana — what BP chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg called the “small people” — are beginning to experience the result of millions of gallons of oil poured into the Gulf of Mexico.

It is now raining oil — and we can assume the highly toxic dispersant Corexit 9500 — in River Ridge, Louisiana. The following video purports to document the oil rain: View More Here

(SilverBearCafe) – Gassed in the Gulf (Parts I & ll): New Gulf War Syndrome

The petro-chemical-military-industrial complex is gassing Gulf Coast residents with poisonous Benzene and Corexit dispersant at dangerously high levels in the largest U.S. domestic military operation to date. The military and FEMA are engaged in Emergency Plans for 36 urban areas from Texas to Florida due to the unstoppable Gulf oil volcano the size of Mt. Everest, as WMR reports, indicating evacuations. Some people are advised to relocate now. Read More Here

(EconomicCollapse) – Does The Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill Mean That The U.S. Is Headed For Gas Lines, Higher Food Prices And A Broken Economy? – Read More Here

(TheMarketFinancial) – Are We to Believe Gulf Doomsday Talk?

Will the oil gusher in the Gulf eventually destroy all marine life, as oilman Matthew Simmons asserts, or will the disaster instead be contained once BP’s relief well comes online sometime in July or August? Simmons, a peak-oil proponent and no stranger to controversy, has been warning that a second well cannot alleviate the problem because most of the oil, now estimated to flow at around 60,000 barrels per day, is coming not from the well bore but from innumerable ruptures in the sea bed around the Deepwater Horizon site. Because of this, he says, there are only two possible options: allowing the well to run dry — a process that would take 30 years and destroy the Gulf of Mexico and the ocean; or nuking the site, melting the fissured seabed into a glassy cap. Read More Here

(MiamiHerald) – Oil plumes invade a dark, mysterious world at Gulf’s floor – Read More Here

(Examiner) – North America faces years of toxic oil rain from BP oil spill chemical dispersants

When you pour more than a million gallons of toxic chemical dispersants on top of an oil spill, it doesn’t just disappear. In this case, it moves to the atmosphere, where it will travel hundreds, if not thousands of miles from the site of the BP oil spill, in the form of toxic rain.

BP’s oil spill-fighting dispersant of choice is Corexit 9500. It has been banned in Europe for good reason. Corexit 9500 is one of the most environmentally enduring, toxic chemical dispersants ever created to battle an oil spill.  Add to that the millions of gallons of oil that have been burned, releasing even more toxins into the atmosphere, and you have a recipe for something much worse than acid rain. Continue reading

Video: Geoengineering Conference To Discuss Blocking Sun

(PaulWatson) – As hundreds of people die worldwide as a result of record low temperatures in the midst of a savage winter, scientists are preparing for a conference in which they will discuss measures to use geoengineering to block out the sun. Continue reading

Fast Pace of Glacier Melt in the 1940s: Lower Aerosol Pollution

(ScienceDaily) – The most recent studies by researchers at ETH Zurich show that in the 1940s Swiss glaciers were melting at an even-faster pace than at present. This is despite the fact that the temperatures in the 20th century were lower than in this century. Researchers see the main reason for this as the lower level of aerosol pollution in the atmosphere. Continue reading

Excluded from the Copenhagen Agenda: Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) and Climate Change

(MichelChossudovsky) – World leaders are meeting in Copenhagen in December 2009 with a view to reaching an agreement on Global Warming. The debate on Climate Change focuses on the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions and measures to reduce manmade CO2 emissions under the Kyoto Protocol. Continue reading

International day of climate change funded by…..

Anytime there are world wide organized demonstrations urging action on global warming/climate change, my first question is who funds them and who really benefits. Continue reading

MSM: Over the Summer, a Spread of Thicker Arctic Ice

The National Snow and Ice Data Center released its summary of summer sea-ice conditions in the Arctic on Tuesday, noting a substantial expansion of the extent of “second-year ice” — floes thick enough to have persisted through two summers of melting. The result could be a reprieve, at least for a while, from the recent stretch of remarkable summer meltdowns. Continue reading

No Forest No Oxygen

Deforestation, or the removal of forests, is a major problem that has devastating effects all over the world. Europeans began clearing forests more than 500 years ago. The invention of modern machinery made the process even easier. Continue reading

21st Century Climate Blueprints: Perspectives From The Recent History of the Atmosphere

The Earth surface temperature reflects the net balance between incoming solar shortwave radiation and outgoing terrestrial long wave radiation Kiehl and Trenberth, 1997 [1]. The severe disturbance of the energy balance of the atmosphere ensuing from the emission of over 320 billion tons of carbon since 1750 threatens a shift in the state of the atmosphere/ocean system to ice free greenhouse Earth conditions. Continue reading

MSM: Obama’s Science Czar Considered Forced Abortions, Sterilization as Population Growth Solutions

(Fox) – John Holdren, director of the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy, considered compulsory abortions and other Draconian measures to shrink the human population in a 1977 science textbook. Continue reading

Decreases in Cosmic Rays Affect Atmospheric Aerosols and Clouds

Explosive events on the sun provide natural experiments for testing hypotheses about solar influences on the Earth. A conspicuous effect is the sudden reduction, over hours to days, in the influx of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs), first noticed by Scott E. Forbush in 1937. Continue reading

MSM: New York ‘carbon counter’ sign shows greenhouse gases in real time

(Guardian) – New Yorkers leaving Penn station and the tenor Andrea Bocelli’s concert at Madison Square Garden stadium were confronted with an unusual advert yesterday – a huge sign showing greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere. Continue reading

Obama Science Advisor Repeats “Geoengineering” Talking Point

One of President Obama’s top  science advisors spoke again of the need to consider “geoengineering” the planet in the name of preventing global warming at a speech at MIT yesterday, despite publicly reversing his initial support of such measures last week.

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Video: Concerns About Chemtrails Given Fresh Impetus

The Obama administration’s announcement to explore “geo-engineering” the environment in the name of preventing global warming has given fresh impetus to concerns about whether such programs are already underway in the guise of chemtrails.

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Obama’s Plan To “Geo-Engineer” The Planet Mirrors CFR Policy Documents

The Obama administration’s announcement that it is to consider radical planetary “geo-engineering”, such as “shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun’s rays”, exactly mirrors recent publications penned by the elite Council On Foreign Relations. Continue reading

The Government Is Already “Geo-Engineering” The Environment

The Associated Press reports today that the Obama administration has held discussions regarding the possibility of “geo-engineering” the earth’s climate to counter global warming by “shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun’s rays.” However, such programs are already being conducted by government-affiliated universities, government agencies, and on a mass scale through chemtrail spraying. Continue reading

Obama administration considers climate engineering

The president’s new science adviser said today that global warming is so dire, the Obama administration is discussing radical technologies to cool Earth’s air. Continue reading

Video: U.S. Government Mad Scientists Geo-Engineer Atmosphere

U.S. government scientists are bombarding the skies with the acid-rain causing pollutant sulphur dioxide in an attempt to fight global warming by “geo-engineering” the planet, despite the fact that injecting aerosols into the upper atmosphere carries with it a host of both known and unknown dangers. Continue reading