MSM: Nasa warns solar flares from ‘huge space storm’ will cause devastation

(Telegraph) – National power grids could overheat and air travel severely disrupted while electronic items, navigation devices and major satellites could stop working after the Sun reaches its maximum power in a few years.

Senior space agency scientists believe the Earth will be hit with unprecedented levels of magnetic energy from solar flares after the Sun wakes “from a deep slumber” sometime around 2013, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.

In a new warning, Nasa said the super storm would hit like “a bolt of lightning” and could cause catastrophic consequences for the world’s health, emergency services and national security unless precautions are taken. Read entire article

NASA Charged in New Climate Fakery: Greenhouse Gas Data Bogus

(ClimateRealists) – Shock new evidence of a NASA scientist faking a fundamental greenhouse gas equation shames beleaguered space administration in new global warming fraud scandal.

Caught in the heat are NASA’s Dr. Judith Curry and a junk science equation by the space agency’s Dr. Gavin Schmidt creating disarray over a contentious Earth energy graph. Continue reading

MSM: Launch of secret US space ship masks even more secret launch of new weapon

(TimesOnline) – Somewhere above earth is America’s latest spaceship, a 30ft craft so classified that the Pentagon will not divulge its mission nor how much it cost to build.

The mysterious X37B, launched successfully by the US Air Force from Cape Canaveral on Thursday, using an Atlas V rocket, looks like a mini-Space Shuttle — but its mission is top secret.

It is officially described as an orbital test vehicle. However, one of its potential uses appears to be to launch a surge of small satellites during periods of high international tension. This would enable America to have eyes and ears orbiting above any potential troublespot in the world. Read entire article

World War

(DesertPeace) – The Occupation Has Become Israel’s Worst Enemy

Today, after 62 years of furious effort, Israelis and Palestinians are in many respects farther from true independence than ever before. The reason becomes clearer by the year. Both peoples are prisoners of the Occupation. Read More Here

(PoliticalTheatrics) – Guantánamo Habeas Week: Exposing Torture, Misconceptions And Government Incompetence

In an attempt to raise awareness of the importance of the rulings being made in US courts on the habeas corpus petitions of the prisoners held at Guantánamo (as authorized by a significant Supreme Court ruling in June 2008), I’m devoting most of my work this week to articles covering the 47 cases decided to date (34 of which have been won by the prisoners), as a series entitled, “Guantánamo Habeas Week.” Read More Here

(AlJazeera) – Video: US military base under Taliban control – Video Link Here

Video: Least We Forget – There Will Be Another War – Norman Finkelstein – Video Link Here

(Reuters) – Iranian missile may be able to hit U.S. by 2015

Iran may be able to build a missile capable of striking the United States by 2015, according to an unclassified Defense Department report on Iran’s military sent to Congress and released on Monday. Read More Here

(IndianExpress) – BRIC must create a new world order: Lula

The BRIC group of the world’s four biggest emerging powers has a fundamental role in creating a new world order, Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said on Thursday. Lula was speaking at the end of a summit in Brasilia with the leaders of China, India and Russia. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Israel threatens Syria with war

Israel has tried to justify war on Syria, claiming it could be attacked by Syrian-supplied missiles of Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement. Read More Here

(ConductiveChronicle) – The Race To Reconquer South America Begins: China & The U.S. Face Off – Read More Here

(PressTV) – US to launch secret ‘space warplane’

The United States Air Force has announced that it will launch a secret space plane that has sparked speculation about the militarization of space. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Barak admits occupation must end

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak admits that the world will not tolerate the continuation of the regime’s rule over the Palestinian nation. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Tehran Responds to US-NATO-Israeli Threats

Iran’s Disarmament Conference: The Power of Logic Read More Here

MSM: NASA Data Worse Than Climate-Gate Data, Space Agency Admits

(Fox) – NASA was able to put a man on the moon, but the space agency can’t tell you what the temperature was when it did. By its own admission, NASA’s temperature records are in even worse shape than the besmirched Climate-gate data.

E-mail messages obtained by a Freedom of Information Act request reveal that NASA concluded that its own climate findings were inferior to those maintained by both the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) — the scandalized source of the leaked Climate-gate e-mails — and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Climatic Data Center. Read More Here

Video: Geoengineering Conference To Discuss Blocking Sun

(PaulWatson) – As hundreds of people die worldwide as a result of record low temperatures in the midst of a savage winter, scientists are preparing for a conference in which they will discuss measures to use geoengineering to block out the sun. Continue reading

MSM: NASA’s Hansen Wants Copenhagen to Collapse

(Reuters) – Any agreement likely to emerge from the negotiations would be so deeply flawed, said James Hansen, that it would be better for future generations if we were to start again from scratch. Continue reading

Showdown with Russia and China: U.S. Advances First Strike Global Missile Shield System

On August 13th the Pentagon’s Missile Defense Agency (MDA) and Chicago-based Boeing International announced a test of their joint Airborne Laser (ABL) missile defense system, which “successfully tracked and hit the mark earlier this month during its first in-flight test against an instrumented target missile.” Continue reading

MSM: PLANS for mass graves have been drawn up to cope with a second wave of swine flu this Autumn

(TheSunUK) – The chilling proposals are spelled out in a Home Office document discussed at a meeting of Whitehall officials and council leaders last month. Continue reading

MSM: China warns of ‘arms race in outer space’

(Google) – China’s Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi called Wednesday for international diplomacy to avert an “arms race in outer space.” Continue reading

Video: NASA Astronaut Harrison Schmitt on Alex Jones Tv – Man-Made Global Warming Hoax!

Alex welcomes to the show former NASA astronaut Harrison Schmitt, the first and only civilian to walk on the Moon. Schmitt served as a Republican to the United States Senate representing New Mexico and was the ranking Republican member of the Science, Technology, and Space Subcommittee. Schmitt is an outspoken critic of the man-made global warming theory. Continue reading

New Solar Cycle Prediction

An international panel of experts led by NOAA and sponsored by NASA has released a new prediction for the next solar cycle. Solar Cycle 24 will peak, they say, in May 2013 with a below-average number of sunspots. Continue reading

American Stonehenge: Monumental Instructions for the Post-Apocalypse

The strangest monument in America looms over a barren knoll in northeastern Georgia. Five massive slabs of polished granite rise out of the earth in a star pattern. The rocks are each 16 feet tall, with four of them weighing more than 20 tons apiece. Together they support a 25,000-pound capstone. Approaching the edifice, it’s hard not to think immediately of England’s Stonehenge or possibly the ominous monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Continue reading

MSM: Japan says ready to shoot down NKorea missile

Japan gave its military the green light on Friday to shoot down any incoming North Korean rocket, with tensions high ahead of a planned launch that the US and allies say will be an illegal missile test. Continue reading

Russia signals entry into space arms race

Russia is working on a form of technology that would enable it to target satellites in space, says a source familiar with the program. Continue reading

China readies military space station – launch coincides with shuttle phaseout

China is aggressively accelerating the pace of its manned space program by developing a 17,000 lb. man-tended military space laboratory planned for launch by late 2010. The mission will coincide with a halt in U.S. manned flight with phase-out of the shuttle.

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MSM: The Iran-Israel nuclear endgame is now much closer

In recent days, four key developments have clicked in to edge Iran and Israel much closer to a military denouement with profound consequences for American oil that the nation is not prepared to meet. Continue reading

Video: Iran Tehran launched its first satellite into orbit – BBC

Iran says the satellite, carried on a Safir-2 rocket, is meant for research and telecommunications purposes and insists its intentions are peaceful.

But the US, UK and France have voiced concerns that the technology used could lead to ballistic missile development. Continue reading

Background of the HAARP Project

Military interest in space became intense during and after World War II because of the introduction of rocket science, the companion to nuclear technology. The early versions include the buzz bomb and guided missiles. They were thought of as potential carriers of both nuclear and conventional bombs.

Rocket technology and nuclear weapon technology developed simultaneously between 1945 and 1963. During this time of intensive atmospheric nuclear testing, explosions at various levels above and below the surface of the earth were attempted. Some of the now familiar descriptions of the earth’s protective atmosphere, such as the existence of the Van Allen belts, were based on information gained through stratospheric and ionospheric experimentation.
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Russia test-fires Topol missile, Georgia desperately cries for NATO membership

Russia’s strategic and space troops successfully tested an intercontinental ballistic missile Topol (RS12M). The missile is designed to avoid detection by anti-missile defense systems. The launch was performed at 2:36 p.m. Moscow time from Plesetsk space port, RIA Novosti reports. Continue reading