No Recovery. It’s a Cover up! Recession To Worsen ­- Revolution To Follow

(GeraldCelente) – What 80 percent of economists call “Recovery” is a “Cover up”. Trillions in losses papered over with trillions of phantom dollars printed out of thin air and backed by nothing produce nothing except the mirage of recovery. The dollar’s dive and gold’s historic high is no mirage. Gold doesn’t lie. Continue reading

MSM: Obama Supports Extending Patriot Act Provisions

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration supports extending three key provisions of the Patriot Act that are due to expire at the end of the year, the Justice Department told Congress in a letter made public Tuesday. Continue reading

Obama’s Afghan War

During 2009, seven out of ten civilians killed by the Obama and NATO military machines have been women and children. Clearly, the Obama regime has failed on the metric of civilian casualties. Continue reading

Video: Dollar Collapse Beginning Now?

A fundamental change is taking place in the markets which has signaled doom for the dollar. This week the Dow, Long term treasuries and the dollar all went down at the same time. Continue reading

Puerto Rico govt bankrupt

MORE than 30,000 government employees – about 14 per cent of the public work force – could lose their jobs and new taxes will be introduced as Puerto Rico attempts to shore up its ailing economy, the governor of the US island territory announced on Wednesday. Continue reading

Obama’s USA Service Website Hosts Gun “Buy Back” Event

As it turns out, is being used as a platform for activity that is anything but the picture of compassionate conservatism. In the “Health & Public Safety” section of the website, there is a post for a gun “buy back” event that was presumably held in Chicago on Sunday, February 15. Continue reading

Obama’s Iraq withdrawal plan sets stage for continued war

Obama’s plan will neither end the war nor “leave Iraq to its people.” Continue reading

Video: Chicago Tea Party – Rick Santelli’s Revolution on CNBC

Santelli, a former Chicago trader and financial executive, talks about President Barack Obama’s economic bailout plans, in particular Obama’s plan for the government to subsidize millions of people’s mortgages. Santelli talks about how he feels Obama’s plans go against what America represents. Continue reading

Rothschild Agents Take 10 Key Posts In Administration of Rookie President

Our greatest founding father and first president, George Washington, probably wouldn’t be ready to celebrate his birthday on Feb. 22 if he were alive today. Having led the 13 colonies to independence from the British Empire in 1783, following the course of a difficult eight-year struggle by those freedom-loving American colonists who followed him, Washington (who lived from 1732 to 1799) would most assuredly be appalled to see that the liberties achieved from the American Revolution are now being flagrantly defied by a number of figures who populate the upper ranks of the administration of Barack Obama. Continue reading

Santelli: Get the Government Out of the Banking System

Now-famous Chicago exchange floor reporter says state intervention in banking system is a drag on taxpayer money. Continue reading

Video: Alex Jones – Obama Versus The Polar Bears

Alex Jones: Obama Verses The Polarbears or Policy Vs. Real Issues… whatever you call this clip from the 2-20-09 broadcast of the Alex Jones Radio Show, it brings up some great points concerning the Obama administration’s policy’s on key issues. Topics include transgenic species manipulation, GMO crops, Bees, D.U., Polarbears, Carbon Dioxide, Global Warming, Global Cooling and more. Continue reading

Surging towards a US-NATO Military Disaster: Obama’s Escalating War in Central and South Asia

On February 18, President Barack Obama ordered 17,000 additional U.S. troops deployed to Afghanistan. Obama’s announcement will result in a major escalation of America’s bloody occupation of that war-ravaged country. Continue reading

Afghanistan can become Obama’s Vietnam if he emulates Russians: Bill Clinton

Washington: If the US president attempts to do what the British and the Russians did in the past, then Afghanistan could become ‘Barack Obama’s ‘Vietnam’, but it is unlikely to happen, former president Bill Clinton
has said. Continue reading

Video: Ron Paul to Bill Maher – America’s War on Drugs must end

Congressman Ron Paul is the most conservative, grandfatherly man to ever be admired by America’s marijuana enthusiasts. On Friday night’s episode of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, he reminded those who may have been suffering an impaired short-term memory at that late hour why, exactly, they should like him. Continue reading

MSM: Obama expanding military operations in Pakistan – Report

WASHINGTON (AFP) – US President Barack Obama’s administration has broadened the number of radical groups targeted by the CIA inside Pakistan by attacking a militant network seeking to overthrow the Pakistani government, The New York Times reported Saturday. Continue reading

Video: Tx-Rep. Leo Berman on Alex Jones Tv

Alex also talks with Rep. Leo Berman of Texas who authored House Concurrent Resolution No. 50 declaring Texan sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment. Continue reading

Video: Glenn Beck predicts doomsday, revolution!

President Obama has been criticized for warning of economic catastrophe but Glenn Becks prediction is far more dire. Beck says the military is preparing for a revolution. Continue reading

MSM: Volcker – Crisis May be Even Worse than Depression

The global economy may be deteriorating even faster than it did during the Great Depression, Paul Volcker, a top adviser to President Barack Obama, said on Friday. Continue reading

A New Afghanistan Nightmare

When US envoy to Afghanistan , Richard Holbrooke met with Afghanistan ’s ‘democratically’ installed President Hamid Karzai in Kabul on February 14, he may have just learned of the historic significance of the following day. February 15 commemorates the end of the bloody Russian campaign against Afghanistan (August 1978-February 1989). Continue reading

Chomsky: Obama OKed Israel’s Gaza war

Renowned US intellectual Noam Chomsky says Barack Obama did not comment on Israel’s war on Gaza, as it was part of the “premeditated” plan. Continue reading

Video: Keyes – Stop Obama or U.S. will cease to exist

Alan Keyes, a three-time presidential candidate, called President Obama a radical communist and a usurper and said with him in charge, America is going to cease to exist. Continue reading

MSM: Iran has enough uranium ‘to build a nuclear bomb’

Iran has enough enriched uranium to build one nuclear bomb, the United Nations has confirmed for the first time. Continue reading

Federal obligations exceed world GDP – Does $65.5 trillion terrify anyone yet?

As the Obama administration pushes through Congress its $800 billion deficit-spending economic stimulus plan, the American public is largely unaware that the true deficit of the federal government already is measured in trillions of dollars, and in fact its $65.5 trillion in total obligations exceeds the gross domestic product of the world. Continue reading

Iran’s president calls for “real changes” in U.S. policies

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday repeated his call for “real changes” in the U.S. policies, the official IRNA news agency reported.

“Bullying powers should make good on their mistakes by making fundamental and real changes to serve the interests of nations instead of killing them,” Ahmadinejad told a rally in the central city of Yazd. Continue reading

Barack Obama Administration Continues US Military Global Dominance

The Barack Obama administration is continuing the neo-conservative agenda of US military domination of the world— albeit with perhaps a kinder-gentler face. While overt torture is now forbidden for the CIA and Pentagon, and symbolic gestures like the closing of the Guantanamo prison are in evidence, a unilateral military dominance policy, expanding military budget, and wars of occupation and aggression will likely continue unabated.

Continue reading

Afghanistan, The Next U.S. Quagmire?

The United States is planning to send an additional 17,000 troops to one of the world’s most battle-scarred nations – Afghanistan – long described as “a graveyard of empires”. Continue reading

10,000 Americans Going Into Foreclosure Every Day

It’s Time to Treat America’s Homeowners as Well as We’ve Been Treating Wall Street’s Bankers Continue reading

Finance Capitalism Hits a Wall – The Oligarchs’ Escape Plan – at the Treasury’s Expense

The financial “wealth creation” game is over. Economies emerged from World War II relatively free of debt, but the 60-year global run-up has run its course. Finance capitalism is in a state of collapse, and marginal palliatives cannot revive it. The U.S. economy cannot “inflate its way out of debt,” because this would collapse the dollar and end its dreams of global empire by forcing foreign countries to go their own way. There is too little manufacturing to make the economy more “competitive,” given its high housing costs, transportation, debt and tax overhead. Continue reading

US occupation of Iraq: An ongoing criminal enterprise

Recent media reports on the mounting evidence of wholesale corruption in US reconstruction efforts in Iraq are symptomatic of the criminal nature of Washington’s war and occupation from their inception nearly six years ago. These crimes are continuing under the Obama administration, with no end in sight. Continue reading

Obama – President Of Special Interests – Paul Craig Roberts

The Bush/Obama bailout/stimulus plans are not going to work. Both are schemes hatched by a clique of financial insiders. The schemes will redistribute income and wealth from American taxpayers to the shyster banksters, who have destroyed American jobs, ruined the retirement plans of tens of millions of Americans, and worsened the situation of millions of people worldwide who naively trusted American financial institutions. The ongoing theft has simply been recast. Instead of using fraudulent financial instruments, the banksters are using government policy. Continue reading

Germany-1933 vs Israel- 2009

Editor’s note: The rise of the rightwing in Israel through the recent Knesset elections that was preceded by the bloody war on Gaza, that left more than 1,300 dead most of them are women and children, has aroused a lot of criticism among Palestinians. Khalid Amayreh opines about the rise of Lieberman. Continue reading

MSM: Greenspan backs bank nationalisation

The US government may have to nationalize some banks on a temporary basis to fix the financial system and restore the flow of credit, Alan Greenspan, the former Federal Reserve chairman, has told the Financial Times. Continue reading

The New Depression

The business and political elite are flying blind. This is the mother of all economic crises. It has barely started and remains completely out of control. By Martin Jacques, who this week joins the New Statesman as a columnist. Plus don’t miss our Q&A Continue reading