Obama Sets Up Killer Drone Raid over Pakistan Despite Civilian Deaths

Since taking office, President Obama has sanctioned at least 41 Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) drone strikes in Pakistan that have killed between 326 and 538 people, many of them, critics say, “innocent bystanders, including children,” according to reliable reports. The drone is a remotely controlled, unmanned aircraft. Continue reading

Drones and Democracy in Afghanistan

With elections just around the corner in Afghanistan, it might be timely to reflect on the US engagement with that stricken nation and consider just how much foreign intervention has contributed to the prospect and possibility of free and democratic elections. More, it is fitting to consider what kind of example the US and its allies have given to the people of Afghanistan, if they have bestowed any wisdom and guidance for a nation facing a turbulent and uncertain future, to say the least. Continue reading

Obama’s Afghan War

During 2009, seven out of ten civilians killed by the Obama and NATO military machines have been women and children. Clearly, the Obama regime has failed on the metric of civilian casualties. Continue reading

US Drone Attacks in Pakistan “Backfiring”

LAHORE: The US drone attacks in Pakistan are backfiring and need to be called off, top adviser to the US army chief in Afghanistan David Kilcullen has said. Continue reading

MSM: Warning that Pakistan is in danger of collapse within months

Pakistan could collapse within months, one of the more influential counter-insurgency voices in Washington says. Continue reading