Pakistan Uncovered

Pakistan has been labeled the most dangerous country in the world, (a safe haven for terrorists).  The leaders of our country are eager to invade and the mainstream media is working tirelessly to create the fear that will allow them do so. The fact that only six corporations dominate our major media outlets, it’s obvious that our information sources serve the interests of the controlling. For that reason, I set out on a trip to Pakistan to find out what is actually going on in that country. What I discovered shocked me. Continue reading

Drones and Democracy in Afghanistan

With elections just around the corner in Afghanistan, it might be timely to reflect on the US engagement with that stricken nation and consider just how much foreign intervention has contributed to the prospect and possibility of free and democratic elections. More, it is fitting to consider what kind of example the US and its allies have given to the people of Afghanistan, if they have bestowed any wisdom and guidance for a nation facing a turbulent and uncertain future, to say the least. Continue reading

Operation Enduring Folly – US Kills 60 More in Pakistan Air Strike

“Operation Enduring Freedom is ostensibly being fought to uphold the American Way of Life. It’ll probably end up undermining it completely,” the Indian writer Arundhati Roy wrote in 2001, Continue reading