Huge Number of Disaster Drills Held Throughout America

(HollyDeyo) – From terrorist attacks and hurricane evacuations to submarine base and nuclear power plant mishaps; bomb blasts, plane crashes, dirty bombs, hazmat spills, earthquakes, medical disasters and train derailments, America is on high alert. Over the past several weeks to the present, more than 35 major disaster drills are taking place throughout America. It makes one wonder what’s prompting all of these emergency exercises and planning venues. Was it confusion over Gov. Palin’s oft-quoted “drill, baby, drill?” No, it’s recognition that the Feds are leaving ordinary citizens to fend for themselves. States aren’t happy about this

Proof? No one has been more vociferous than Gov. Jindal pleading, imploring for help for Louisiana. Obama’s ears appear to be stuffed with cotton for all the good it’s done. For weeks now, pleas for practical assistance have gone unanswered. Continue reading

MSM: Report – France ‘deliberately’ used soldiers as ‘nuclear guinea pigs’

(AFP) – France used soldiers as guinea pigs in nuclear tests in the 1960s, deliberately exposing them to radiation from atomic blasts to test the effects, according to a report revealed on Tuesday. Continue reading

MSM: Bomb Explodes Outside JP Morgan Athens

(Reuters) – A bomb exploded on Tuesday outside the Athens offices of JP Morgan, the second largest U.S. bank by assets, causing minor damage and no injuries, police and the company said. Continue reading

Drones and Democracy in Afghanistan

With elections just around the corner in Afghanistan, it might be timely to reflect on the US engagement with that stricken nation and consider just how much foreign intervention has contributed to the prospect and possibility of free and democratic elections. More, it is fitting to consider what kind of example the US and its allies have given to the people of Afghanistan, if they have bestowed any wisdom and guidance for a nation facing a turbulent and uncertain future, to say the least. Continue reading