Video: ‘Miss Oklahoma’ Morgan Woolard Discusses Liberty & Freedom on Alex Jones Tv

(May 27) – Miss Oklahoma, Morgan Elizabeth Woolard, talks to Alex about her support of Arizona’s immigration law and states’ rights during the Miss USA beauty pageant. Continue reading

Miss USA Contestant Supports Arizona Illegal Immigration Law

(KurtNimmo) – During the Miss USA 2010 competition last night, judge Oscar Nunez asked first runner up Miss Oklahoma USA, Morgan Elizabeth Woolard, if she supports Arizona immigration bill SB 1070. Continue reading

Profitable Depopulation Plot Links JP Morgan-Chase And Goldman Sachs To Vaccination Contaminations And BigPharma Corruption – Dr. Leonard Horowitz

(Rense) – A medical investigation into suspicious outbreaks and propaganda used to sell drugs and vaccines has exposed investment bankers at JP Morgan-Chase (JPMC) and Goldman Sachs (GS) for plotting to shock/stress, frighten, poison, and kill billions of people most profitably–pharmaceutically–according to the Editor-in-Chief of Medical Veritas journal.

While researching a powerful Partnership for New York City (PFNYC), uniting Wall Street’s wealthiest industrialists, Harvard-trained public health expert, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, and investigative journalist, Sherri Kane, discovered shocking evidence of a conspiracy to commit global genocide by generating diseases and death to advance profitable pharmaceutical depopulation. Continue reading


(Vlog) – Video: Peter Schiff – Income Tax vs Consumption Tax – Video Link Here

(RevolutionaryPolitics) – Why Are Silver Sales Soaring?

The U.S. Mint just reported another record, but this time it wasn’t for gold. The Mint sold more Silver Eagles in March and in the first quarter of the year than ever before. A total of 9,023,500 American Silver Eagles were purchased in Q110, the highest amount since the coin debuted in 1986. Read More Here

(MarketWatch) – Paulson & Co. not charged in SEC suit against Goldman

Paulson & Co. became enmeshed in a Securities and Exchange Commission civil lawsuit filed Friday against Goldman Sachs Group Inc. But the hedge-fund giant wasn’t charged. Read More Here

(Breitbart) – California jobless rate swells to 12.6 percent

California’s unemployment rate hit a modern record of 12.6 percent in March, though it rose only a fraction over the previous month, the state Employment Development Department reported Friday. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – The Economic Crisis in the UK: Inflation and Debt Default Bankruptcy – Read More Here

(RealNews) – Video: Can US Dollar Remain World’s Currency? – Video Link Here

(InfoClearingHouse) – Housing Crash Update: There’s A World of Pain Ahead – Mike Whitney

The brief period of stabilization in housing appears to be over and the next leg-down has begun. Mortgage rates are edging higher, foreclosures are on the rise, and the government programs that supported the sector, are being phased out. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – Goldman Sachs Sued by SEC for Fraud on Mortgage-Backed CDOs

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. was sued by U.S. regulators for fraud tied to packaging and selling collateralized debt obligations that contributed to the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Read More Here

(WRH) – Vote Fraud and the Bankruptcy of the United States

Note: This article first appeared as a post written by myself(Michael Rivero) at Free Republic in late 2000. I was surprised to learn that it was copied re-posted at dozens of sites around the world. So, it seems only fitting that the article should re-appear here on my own web site. Read More Here

(MyBudget360) – The Great American Bank Heist – On the Day we Reach a Monthly Foreclosure Filing Record Banks Announce Record Profits and the Stock Market is up 80 Percent – Read More Here

(WashingtonsBlog) – Yet Another Reason To Break Up The Big Banks – Read More Here

(RawStory) – Wamu bankers sang ‘I like big bucks and I cannot lie’ before bank failed – Read More Here

Video: Ron Paul vs. Ben Bernanke at JEC Hearing April 14, 2010 – View Video Here

(Reuters) – Markets could be derailed again, warns Soros

Railway porter-turned-billionaire financier George Soros delivered a stark warning last night that the financial world is on the wrong track and that we may be hurtling towards an even bigger boom and bust than in the credit crisis. Read More Here

(CommodityOnline) – Silver prices to zoom if manipulation is proved

As the CTFC begins to investigate claims by a whistle blower that the precious metals markets have been manipulated by several large US banks, investors are left to ponder: “What will happen to silver if manipulation is found?” Can you say, payday? Read More Here

(ZeroHedge) – March Foreclosures Surge To Absolute Record, At 369,491, 19% Jump from February

RealtyTrac reports the next catalyst that will surely take the Dow to 12,000 by 9:31 am tomorrow. “Foreclosure filings were reported on 367,056 properties in March, an increase of nearly 19 percent from the previous month, an increase of nearly 8 percent from March 2009 and the highest monthly total since RealtyTrac began issuing its report in January 2005.” And people were wondering where consumers get all their money from. Read More Here

(USDepartmentofLabor) – Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report

In the week ending April 10, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 484,000, an increase of 24,000 from the previous week’s unrevised figure of 460,000. The 4-week moving average was 457,750, an increase of 7,500 from the previous week’s unrevised average of 450,250. Read More Here

(ZeroHedge) – Morgan Stanley Warns Germany May Decide To Secede From EMU

A fantastic overview of all the game theory aspects embedded in the European crisis, from Joachim Fels, head of Euro research at Morgan Stanley.

* Somewhat paradoxically, the show of solidarity for Greece by other euro area members and the ECB raises the risk that the euro will break apart eventually.
* Seceding from the euro area to devalue is very costly and risky. But seceding to revalue and introduce a harder currency is easier. Germany might opt to do so one day.
* The road to such a break-up scenario leads through even more fiscal profligacy and divergence in the euro area, a politicisation of monetary policy, and a weaker currency. Recent events suggest that the trip down this road has started.
Read More Here

(CNBC) – Video: Eric Sprott on the Economy, the Markets, and the PHYS Gold Trust Continue reading


(EconomyInCrisis) – Jobless Rate: The Truth Bubble?

Can you trust national averages? As bad as the jobless data you hear are, you have not been told the whole truth. If you think the terrible impact of America’s Great Recession is shown by an official unemployment rate of about 10 percent, think again. Read More Here

(SydneyMorningHerald) – China insider sees revolution brewing

China’s top expert on social unrest has warned that hardline security policies are taking the country to the brink of ”revolutionary turmoil” Read More Here

(GlobalEconomicAnalysis) – Short Selling Restrictions “A Great Indicator of Imminent Market Crashes”

Inquiring minds are investigating Fannie Mae’s stunning $72 billion loss for 2009 as well as new short selling curbs. The two are actually related. Let’s take a look. Read More Here

(MarketForceAnalysis) – COMEX Inventory Data Reveal an Alarming Trend

For more than 6 months I have been gathering data released daily by the COMEX concerning delivery notices and inventory levels of gold and silver. This data must be captured and recorded each day as there is no database of historical data available to the general public. Read More Here

(MatterHornAsset) – Soverieng Alchemy Will Fail

When we look at the world economy today, wherever we turn we see a wall of risk. And sadly this is an insurmountable wall with risks that are totally unprecedented in history. Read More Here

(AmericaSpeakSink) – Unemployment Benefits Denied!Over A Million Families Destroyed!

They did it! The government of your nation did it! They just turned their backs on over a million people on unemployment and denied the extensions! Congress, in the most nefarious and pernicious move seen since “post economic collapse period,” has walked away, went home for the weekend and did not extend unemployment benefits to over a million America families. Read More Here

(Telegraph) – California is a greater risk than Greece, warns JP Morgan chief

Jamie Dimon, chairman of JP Morgan Chase, has warned American investors should be more worried about the risk of default of the state of California than of Greece’s current debt woes. Read More Here

MSM: Bomb Explodes Outside JP Morgan Athens

(Reuters) – A bomb exploded on Tuesday outside the Athens offices of JP Morgan, the second largest U.S. bank by assets, causing minor damage and no injuries, police and the company said. Continue reading

Morgan Stanley Strategist: Head for the Hills!

FLASHBACK – February 2008 –  Bloomberg reported earlier this week that the former chief global stategist for Morgan Stanley is telling people to prepare for the worst. One more time folks, this is no conspiracy theorist. Barton Biggs, MORGAN STANLEY’S FORMER CHIEF GLOBAL STRATEGIST is telling you there is going to be an economic collapse. Continue reading

Bombshell: Goldman Sachs Helped Greece Cover Up Its Huge Debt

NYT is out with a major story by Louise Story, Landon Thomas and Nelson D. Schwartz on how Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and other investment banks have helped Greece hide the extent of its debt:

As worries over Greece rattle world markets, records and interviews show that with Wall Street’s help, the nation engaged in a decade-long effort to skirt European debt limits. One deal created by Goldman Sachs helped obscure billions in debt from the budget overseers in Brussels.
Continue reading

Cell Phones Cause Brain Cancer, Scientists Warn

(NaturalNews) – A report issued by the International Electromagnetic Field Collaborative and endorsed by 43 scientists from 13 countries has reviewed the evidence linking cell phone use to brain tumors, and refuting the methodology of a forthcoming industry-funded study expected to give the phones a clean bill of health. Continue reading

MSM: Paulson Feared Run On The Dollar

(FinancialTimes) – Hank Paulson feared there would be a run on the dollar during the early phase of the financial crisis when global concerns were focused on the US, the former Treasury secretary has told the Financial Times. Continue reading

MSM: ‘Significant chance’ of second financial crisis, warns World Economic Forum

(LondonTelegraph) – There is now more than a one-in-five chance of another asset price bubble implosion costing the world more than £1 trillion, and similar odds of a full-scale sovereign fiscal crisis, a key report warned. Continue reading

Is a U.S. Default Inevitable? – Patrick Buchanan

We were blindsided. We never saw it coming.
So said Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein of the financial crisis of 2008. He likened its probability to four hurricanes hitting the East Coast in a single season. Continue reading

Video: FOOD STAMPS PROFITS – how JP Morgan gets rich with increased poverty

Max Keiser talks to Stacy Herbert about how JP Morgan Chase makes more money when more people are forced to use food stamps swipe cards
recorded on January 9th, 2010 Continue reading

The Global Oil Scam: 50 Times Bigger than Madoff

(SeekingAlpha) – $2.5 Trillion – That’s the size of the global oil scam.
It’s a number so large that, to put it in perspective, we will now begin measuring the damage done to the global economy in “Madoff Units” ($50Bn rip-offs). $2.5Tn is 50 times the amount of money that Bernie Madoff scammed from investors in his lifetime, but it is less than the monthly excess price the global population is being manipulated into paying for a barrel of oil.
Where is the outrage? Where are the investigations? Continue reading

The Economic Crisis And What Must Be Done – Richard C Cook

The United States does not control its own destiny. Rather it is controlled by an international financial elite, of which the American branch works out of big New York banks like J.P. Morgan Chase, Wall Street investment firms such as Goldman Sachs, and the Federal Reserve System. They in turn control the White House, Congress, the military, the mass media, the intelligence agencies, both political parties, the universities, etc. No one can rise to the top in any of these institutions without the elite’s stamp of approval. Continue reading

The Economic Crisis and What Must be Done – Richard C. Cook

The United States does not control its own destiny. Rather it is controlled by an international financial elite, of which the American branch works out of big New York banks like J.P. Morgan Chase, Wall Street investment firms such as Goldman Sachs, and the Federal Reserve System. They in turn control the White House, Congress, the military, the mass media, the intelligence agencies, both political parties, the universities, etc. No one can rise to the top in any of these institutions without the elite’s stamp of approval. Continue reading

The Only Political Party in America: “The Corporate Party” (Part 1)

A growing number of Americans and researchers suggest that many corporations in the U.S. contribute to both Democrats and Republicans, so that no matter who wins the election, corporations can still exert their influence in Washington.  But, does this line of thought have any merit?  As they say, let’s simply “follow the money”. Continue reading

Video: Death of ‘Soul of Capitalism’: Bogle, Faber, Moore

20 reasons America has lost its soul and collapse is inevitable
Jack Bogle published “The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism” four years ago. The battle’s over. The sequel should be titled: “Capitalism Died a Lost Soul.” Worse, we’ve lost “America’s Soul.” And, worldwide, the consequences will be catastrophic. Continue reading

MSM: JPMorgan profits surge six fold

(CNN) – JPMorgan Chase’s profits increased more than six fold in the latest quarter, the company said Wednesday, allowing the bank to handily beat Wall Street estimates. Continue reading

The End of Money and the Future of Civilization

It’s too late for anyone to pretend that the U.S. government, whether under President Barack Obama or anyone else, can divert our nation from long-term economic decline. The U.S. is increasingly in a state of political, economic, and moral paralysis, caught as it were between the “rock” of protracted recession and the “hard place” of terminal government debt. Continue reading

Banks Create Money Out of Thin Air, Not Out of Pre-Existing Deposits or Reserves

The battle to reform the American banking system needs to include reimposing the barrier between investment banking and depository banking (Glass-Steagall), pay incentives based on what is best for Americans and not just the top executives, the end of too big to fail, and other changes which are frequently discussed by financial writers. These are vital issues. Continue reading

MSM: £14billion: That’s the record amount Goldman Sachs staff will get in pay and bonuses

(DailyMail) – City bank Goldman Sachs is expected to confirm tomorrow that bonuses will smash all records in 2009, just a year after the Government rescued the financial system from oblivion. Continue reading

The REAL Battle Over America’s Banking System

The battle to reform the American banking system needs to include reimposing the barrier between investment banking and depository banking (Glass-Steagall), pay incentives based on what is best for Americans and not just the top executives, the end of too big to fail, and other changes which are frequently discussed by financial writers. These are vital issues. Continue reading

Congresswoman Kaptur: There Has Been a Financial Coup D’Etat

In Michael Moore’s new film Capitalism: A Love Story, Congresswoman Kaptur says there has been a financial coup d’etat, and that Wall Street – rather than Congress – is in charge. Continue reading

Goldman Sachs & J.P. Morgan Quietly Buying Up the Media

Every since the Corporations have bought up the media, the very idea of ‘honest journalism’ has been a joke in America. Continue reading

The Economic Recovery is an Illusion

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength, and Debt is Recovery In light of the ever-present and unyieldingly persistent exclamations of ‘an end’ to the recession, a ‘solution’ to the crisis, and a ‘recovery’ of the economy; we must remember that we are being told this by the very same people and institutions which told us, in years past, that there was ‘nothing to worry about,’ that ‘the fundamentals are fine,’ and that there was ‘no danger’ of an economic crisis.

Continue reading

We Can’t Break Up the Giant Banks, Can We? Yes We Can!

In response, defenders of the too-big-to-fails make one or more of the following arguments:
(1) The government does not have the authority to break up the big boys
(2) To break up the banks, the government would have to nationalize them, which would be socialism

Continue reading

Updated and expanded: Dr. Van de Meer predicts monetary collapse of US starting on September 30th

A private but extremely influential silent individual,  Dr. Michael Van de Meer is the person predicting a financial collapse of the United States starting on September 30th. That is the end of the fiscal year and the final date for payments the Federal Reserve Board wants to act, but cannot, because it is in a catatonic state, as the leaders of every state in the world is. Continue reading

Hang the Zombieconomy by its Own Rope

Lenin once said that capitalism would ultimately undo itself, because the entrepreneurs would gladly sell the rope with which they would later be hanged; they’d be too busy counting the profits to see the noose tightening around their necks.  Well, somebody is choking right now, but it’s not the “capitalists”. Continue reading

Racketeering 101: Bailed Out Banks Threaten Systemic Collapse If Fed Discloses Information

And so the guns come out blazing. The Clearing House Association, another name for all the banks that were bailed out over the past year with the generous contributions from all of you, dear taxpayers, are now threatening with another instance of complete systemic collapse if Bloomberg’s lawsuit is allowed to proceed unchallenged, let alone if any of the “Audit The Fed” measures are actually implemented. Continue reading

2008 Financial Collapse: An Inside Job – Robert Singer

(Dprogram Exclusive) – Maybe it’s the smoke from Mt. Vesuvius that keeps Arianna Huffington and the financial community from seeing that the economic collapse has nothing to do with the Fed “missing” the warning signs leading up to the October meltdown. Continue reading

Purloining the People’s Property – Ralph Nader

Every week, Marcia Carroll collects examples of privatization (that is, corporatization of the peoples’ assets). Looking at her website,, will either make you laugh helplessly or make your blood boil. Continue reading

The Bastards Never Die

A Short History of Why We Eat Oil, Can’t Smoke Pot and Assault Weapons Are So Expensive in Our Hour of Need … Continue reading

MSM: Banks Paid $32.6 Billion in Bonuses Amid U.S. Bailout

(Bloomberg) – Citigroup Inc., Merrill Lynch & Co. and seven other U.S. banks paid $32.6 billion in bonuses in 2008 while receiving $175 billion in taxpayer funds, according to a report by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo. Continue reading

MSM: Morgan Stanley sets aside 72% of revenue to pay bonuses

(Guardian) – Morgan Stanley is setting aside a huge sum to pay out bonuses despite posting its third consecutive quarterly loss and admitting it is disappointed with key departments. Continue reading

MSM: JP Morgan 36% profit surge highlights split between Wall St and Main St

(Guardian) – The US bank JP Morgan gave a glimpse of a widening rift in fortunes between Wall Street and Main Street as lucrative business on the financial markets pushed its profits up by 36%, despite worsening defaults on its credit cards and home loans by recession-hit grassroots customers. Continue reading

Whose Country is it anyway? A political-economic oligarchy has taken over the United States of America

A political-economic oligarchy has taken over the United States of America. This oligarchy has institutionalized a body of law that protects businesses at the expense of not only the common people but the nation itself. Continue reading

Video: Captain Morgan & Cap and Trade – What HAPPENED?!

In case you blinked last week and missed it, Cap and Trade was introduced, amended, voted and passed, in a stunning new demonstration of just how ridiculously illogical our political system has become Continue reading