Rsponse to Christopher Ketcham’s take on Bob Baer (CIA)

Ketcham keeps bolstering the Big Lie by pretending that the incompetence theory of 9/11 has merit. In numerous ways he defends the criminal actions of high level players who have a long history of helping terrorists and funding their networks. While admitting to such practices in the distant past, Ketchum ignores the period leading up to 9/11 as well as the present. Continue reading

Drug Expert: Cervical Cancer Vaccine More Deadly Than Cancer it Supposedly Prevents

The cervical cancer vaccine may be riskier and more deadly than the cancer it is designed to prevent, a leading expert who developed the drug has warned. Continue reading

Hang the Zombieconomy by its Own Rope

Lenin once said that capitalism would ultimately undo itself, because the entrepreneurs would gladly sell the rope with which they would later be hanged; they’d be too busy counting the profits to see the noose tightening around their necks.  Well, somebody is choking right now, but it’s not the “capitalists”. Continue reading

Whose Country is it anyway? A political-economic oligarchy has taken over the United States of America

A political-economic oligarchy has taken over the United States of America. This oligarchy has institutionalized a body of law that protects businesses at the expense of not only the common people but the nation itself. Continue reading

MSM: U.S. credit card defaults rise to record in May

(Reuters) – U.S. credit card defaults rose to record highs in May, with a steep deterioration of Bank of America Corp’s (BAC.N) lending portfolio, in another sign that consumers remain under severe stress. Continue reading