Dust Regulations, No Till, and Monsanto’s Food Monopoly

(FarmWars) – Farmers in Oklahoma are being targeted with new dust regulations. Normal farming methods include tilling the ground, which produces dust. What type of farming method doesn’t produce dust? No till. What company endorses no till farming methods for crop production? Monsanto. Don’t till to get rid of weeds, just apply Roundup. Read Entire Article

Food and Depopulation: Monsanto’s Monopoly

(Part 2 of 4)

(Infowars) – A monopoly is exclusive control of a commodity or service that makes it possible to manipulate prices.  This is accomplished through governmental regulations used to enforce the monopoly.  The way to break a monopoly is to remove those laws.  This is simple, but not easy in the case of Monsanto, because the roots extend to international, federal, state, and local government regulations.  Monopoly owners corner a market by taking control of the resource AND preventing others from using the resource. Continue reading

U.S. senate votes to maintain big pharma’s monopoly by blocking competitive imports

(NaturalNews) – The United States Senate recently rejected two separate proposals that would have allowed the importation of cheaper medication from other countries, apparently in order to preserve a deal between the pharmaceutical industry and the White House. Continue reading

Rebellion in America: State No. 6 tells feds to stuff their gun regs

(WND) – A sixth state – Arizona – now has declared that guns made and kept inside its borders essentially are free from federal application, registration and ownership regulations in a surging movement among states that one supporter describes as a direct challenge to “a government monopoly on the supply of firearms.” Continue reading

There Were 88 Media Companies… Now There Are 6

(Rense) – These are the 6 media companies that exist today. There used to be 88. These 6 all get their news from Reuters and the Associated Press. Reuters owns the AP and Rothschilds own Reuters.

The following information is in circulation on the net. The originating source is not known, nor have all the statements below been fully verified. However, the general overview provided appears to be accurate. Continue reading

Horowitz – Doctors Poisoned By Medical-Media Monopoly

European Council officials investigating vaccine industry corruption and media frights that prompted governments worldwide to over-stock risky H1N1 vaccines and expensive drugs for the unusually mild “2009 swine flu pandemic” have a Special Reportonline in Medical Veritas to consider. Continue reading

Video: Obama, the Deficit, and Monopoly Money

(KurtNimmo) – Obama — or his teleprompter writers — think you’re an idiot. Obama can get on national television and claim without flinching (as many people do when they lie) that he “inherited” an astronomical debt from the last guy who increased the national debt more than the guy before him. Continue reading

Why Are We Unable To Resist?

I often wonder why young Americans do nothing to protest the outrageous criminal regime that has taken control of the United States. Where is the resistance? Two illegal wars, a growing police state, and several trillion dollars stolen by criminal bankers from the American people in the past year alone — why aren’t they protesting, resisting – burning tires in the streets? Continue reading

Corporate Control over the Electronic Ballot Booth

The recent announcement of the pending merger of Election Systems & Software (ES&S) of Omaha, Nebraska with Diebold/Premier has raised warning flags that a monopoly in vote counting will be the inevitable result. See the maps attached here for the coverage of the new ES&S. Continue reading

“We don’t want your tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to trash the planet” The Federal Reserve, 2009 – Robert Singer

(Robert Singer) – Having trouble understanding the events since the October 2008 financial crisis?
Any of this sound familiar:
* · Banks hoarding their TARP funds
* · Gas prices going up when they should be going down
* · Automobile dealerships closed without regard to profitability
* · Health Care reform: The Kevorkian is out of jail early Continue reading

MSM: The swine flu call centres where staff have nothing to do but play cards and Trivial Pursuit

(DailyMail) – Two swine flu call centres are to close just weeks after opening because staff have been spending most of their time playing cards and board games. Continue reading

Block Obama’s Abject Surrender to Insurance and Drug Companies

(Ralph Nader) – Never much of a fighter against abusive corporate power, Barack Obama is making it increasingly clear that right from his start as President, he wanted health insurance reform that received the approval of the giant drug and health insurance industries. Continue reading

2008 Financial Collapse: An Inside Job – Robert Singer

(Dprogram Exclusive) – Maybe it’s the smoke from Mt. Vesuvius that keeps Arianna Huffington and the financial community from seeing that the economic collapse has nothing to do with the Fed “missing” the warning signs leading up to the October meltdown. Continue reading

Who Owns The TV Networks

All those hundreds of TV channels may lead you that there’s a true diversity and variety in today’s television … but you’d be wrong. A handful of large companies control what you see, hear, and read every day. Continue reading

MSM: Murdoch vows to charge for all online content

(FinancialTimes) – Rupert Murdoch has vowed to charge for all the online content of his newspapers and television news channels, going well beyond his prediction in May that the company would test pay models on one of its stronger papers within the year. Continue reading

Corporate Fascism – Danish Style

“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” Benito Mussolini.
Generally speaking, most people around the world have no idea where Denmark is. The last time I was in the US, the general consensus among those I spoke to, was that it was the Capital of Sweden. The Muhammad Cartoon fiasco did for a short while drag Denmark kicking and squealing into the international spotlight, but that didn’t last too long, and in truth, the Royal Kingdom of Denmark has returned to its accustomed state of national anonymity. Continue reading

Obama as Joker Explained

Michael Shaw, over at Huffington Post, does not seem to understand the Obama-as-Joker poster. “Regarding the image specifically, I’m interested in your read, particularly Obama in chalky white face. Besides the allusion to the President as a psychopath and more insidiously, a man behind a mask, does the chalk exploit race by suggesting the man is playing at being white? Continue reading

Healthcare System or Disease Industry?

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it” – Adolf Hitler
Billions of dollars are pumped into the U.S. “healthcare” system annually, and therein lies the problem. According to Transparency International’s influential Global Corruption Report 2006, medical care is one of the most corrupt industries in the world – precisely because such an enormous amount of public wealth is made available to those who profit from it. Continue reading

Dan Rather Slams the Corporate Media

Dan Rather slammed the corporate media in a talk Tuesday for the erosion of quality journalism, and the corporatization, politicization, and “trivialization” of news. Continue reading

We’ve only just begun

According to the CIA’s World Factbook, Americas GDP for 2008 was $14.58 trillion dollars. Fox News reported The United States Government and The Federal Reserve have so far pledged & committed $23.7 trillion dollars, an amount that far exceeds the value of everything we produced in this country in 2008. Continue reading

Carbon Trading Giants and Big Energy Are Steering the Global Warming Debate Away from REAL Solutions

Goldman Sachs and the other financial giants who brought us the economic meltdown and manipulation of the economy argue that carbon trading will solve all of our problems. If we just let them make out like bandits off of carbon trading, then everything will be fine. Continue reading

Socialized Healthcare vs. The Laws of Economics

(Mises) – The government’s initial step in attempting to create a government-run healthcare monopoly has been to propose a law that would eventually drive the private health insurance industry out of existence. Additional taxes and mandated costs are to be imposed on health insurance companies, while a government-run “health insurance” bureaucracy will be created, ostensibly to “compete” with the private companies. Continue reading

MSM: Gov’t Spending Shatters Postwar Records

(NYPost) – Congress is burning through the nation’s community chest, spending trillions in tax dollars as if it were Monopoly money. Continue reading

Monopoly blocks swine flu vaccine

A SMALL Adelaide firm that has created a “superior” swine flu vaccine will be forced to sell its product overseas because of a monopoly on the market by a company contracted by the Federal Government. Continue reading

Obama’s Rollback Strategy – Honduras, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan(and the Boomerang Effect)

The recent events in Honduras and Iran, which pit democratically elected regimes against pro-US military and civilian actors intent on overthrowing them can best be understood as part of a larger White House strategy designed to rollback the gains achieved by opposition government and movements during the Bush years. Continue reading

International Bankers – Quotes from great people

Want to eliminate war? Eliminate the globalist bankers, starting with the Federal Reserve.. Continue reading

The Most Powerful Military Force in the World is the American People

The Most Powerful Military Force in the World is the American People. It is the Last Jeffersonian Militia on the Planet, and the New World Order is Powerless Against it Continue reading

Ahmadinejad Vows to Break Global Monopoly After Win Approved

(Bloomberg) – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he wants to interact with the world using an “approach of change” to “break the monopoly of global powers,” the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency reported. Continue reading

In 1969, Rockefeller Official Said US Would Be De-industrialized

On March 20, 1969, Dr. Richard Day, the National Medical Director of the Rockefeller-sponsored “Planned Parenthood” told a meeting  that American industry will be sabotaged and shown to be uncompetitive. Continue reading

Who Is Winning the Arctic Game of Monopoly?

There are five states competing for control of the Arctic’s oil and gas reserves, with Russia leading the pack. The US looks likely to remain on the sidelines, but what opportunities will the natural resource grab present for Canada, Norway and Greenland? Continue reading

The New Paradigm

Our paradigm or worldview provides a framework to organize new information. This is how we “make sense of the world.”  We filter out what doesn’t fit. We can’t seem to learn what doesn’t conform to our  paradigm, i.e. prejudices or “education.” Paradigms can be liberating or prisons, depending on how true to reality they are. Continue reading

The Destabilization of Pakistan: Finding Clarity in the Baluchistan Conundrum

Like all histories in South Asia, or Middle East, the history of Baluchistan is long, complex, and would require a long article to cover all the details. So a brief synopsis is sufficient to get us rolling before we come to the point. Continue reading

CFR Unveils Global Governance Agenda

The Council on Foreign Relations, often described as the “real state department”, has launched an initiative to promote and implement a system of effective world governance. Continue reading

Silver, but no Silver Lining – Robert Singer

As the financial collapse gathers steam, gold and silver oracles who have been predicting for years the launch of the price of silver to the moon will see their prophecy fulfilled, but a celebration is not in order. Being wealthy during the last 60 years of unprecedented prosperity at the expense of the Third World and the environment is one thing, but profiting from silver when millions are starving is quite another. Continue reading

Video: Violence is not the solution, A statist intervention

Hear more from Stefan Molyneux at FreedomainRadio.com. Continue reading

Video: Update on Martial Law Preparations – Alex Ansary

The Government seems to have a interesting habit of picking small towns to host Anti-terror drills that involve US Troops patrolling US Streets. The alarming number of drills indicate that the government is accelerating their efforts to be as prepared as they can to deal with an angry American population. Continue reading