The End Of The Rule Of Law

(PersonalLibertyDigest) – Some call the Barack Obama administration progressive. Some call it socialist. Other terms used are Marxist and communist.

I have called it fascist and corporatist in the past. Now I’ll just call it Evil.

That’s because the rule of law is dead in America. Now we have the rule of man—or government agency. The rule of man—or government agency—is a rule of Evil because it knows only the moral bounds of those making the rules. And it’s evident this administration, its appointments and its goals are amoral, if not immoral. Continue reading

Video: Love Conquers All – The Message At the Heart Of The Road

(SteveWatson) – Warning: This contains spoilers for those who have not yet seen the movie or read the book!

The Road, directed by John Hillcoat based on the Cormac McCarthy novel of the same name, is an extremely powerful film because it explores the fundamental human condition and the basic struggle between good and evil.

The imagery in the movie provides the perfect backdrop for a stunning exploration of the greatest threat to our civilization – barbarism.

The near future post-apocalyptic landscape serves as a physical embodiment of the spiritual decline of humanity we see unfolding all around us today. Continue reading

Bilderberg 2010: Jim Tucker’s Final Report

See Also: (Guardian) – Bilderberg 2010: Out of the darkness, into the lightRead More Here

(AmericanFreePress) – Bilderberg boys were so depressed as they gathered at the Dolce luxury hotel in Sitges, Spain June 3 that “many important people are not showing up,” because “they always find out and we get into trouble at home,” said one, echoing the sentiments of all.

Still, they hope to inflict much evil on the world. An unprecedented but fruitless effort to hide the Bilderberg meeting this year was conducting the Group of 20 (G-20) economic meeting in Busan, South Korea. Continue reading

Sixteen Years of Democracy Has Not Freed the Imprisoned Mind

(LindaSmith) – In their search for meaning and worthiness, people align with causes tender to their heart. Some turn to politics to attempt to resolve the world’s wows. They use it as a stage to give their voice wings. With nobility they plead for the cause of those, whom they deem, as weak and unfortunate.

Some, in their state of insanity, use politics as a platform from which to launch their evil. With loud-mouthed guile they whip unthinking mobs into frenzied mania.

Politics is the great manipulating machine that lures us along with promises and lies. It incarcerates our minds, steals our power and removes our choice. With slick words and invisible threads of cunning, politicians reel us in to slave for their cause. Continue reading

Video: Mike Rivero on Alex Jones Tv – America Has Become The Evil Empire

Alex talks with regular guest and editor and publisher of the WRH news portal and GCN radio talk show host Mike Rivero.Alex & Mike go over the latest on the Full body scanners now going into Airports all across america, and discuss how this is not only bad for your health, but also is Government sponsored “PORNOGRAPHY!!!” Alex & Mike are Calling for a full boycott of using airports that are going to be using these scanners on people, and to file lawsuits, or call your Rep, and tell them to stop this. Continue reading

MSM: MI5 Money Got Mussolini Started in Politics

(Guardian) – History remembers Benito Mussolini as a founder member of the original Axis of Evil, the Italian dictator who ruled his country with fear and forged a disastrous alliance with Nazi Germany. But a previously unknown area of Il Duce’s CV has come to light: his brief career as a British agent. Continue reading

PM Netanyahu’s UN Speech – The Pathology of Evil

Israeli PM Netanyahu’s speech at the UN is a major insight into the Israeli’s mentality, psyche and logic. In his speech Netanyahu, a prolific and charismatic speaker, gives air to his genocidal inclinations, he brings to light the Israeli supremacy but he also allows us to detect some shaky and vulnerable spots at the heart of the Jewish national narrative. Continue reading

Let Us Not Become the Evil We Deplore – Amy Goodman

On Sept. 14, 2001, the U.S. House of Representatives considered House Joint Resolution 64, “To authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States.” The wounds of 9/11 were raw, and the lust for vengeance seemed universal. Continue reading

Nazis and U.S. Politics

During the past several months in the American press, the Democrats have frequently denounced the Republicans as Nazis due to their attempts to control runaway federal spending. How very ironic. I remember the Nazis. Let me share a little about them and recall some of their exploits. Continue reading

The Big Whorehouse On The Potomac – Paul Craig Roberts

As Americans celebrate July 4th, they can contemplate that the union of “free and independent states,” like the former British colonial power, has evolved into its final manifestation – a complete whore house. While Members of Parliament in London charge their expense accounts with every personal expenditure, including the rental of adult xxx-rated films, an American newspaper put the reporting of public policy out to bids until blew the whistle. Continue reading

The New Paradigm

Our paradigm or worldview provides a framework to organize new information. This is how we “make sense of the world.”  We filter out what doesn’t fit. We can’t seem to learn what doesn’t conform to our  paradigm, i.e. prejudices or “education.” Paradigms can be liberating or prisons, depending on how true to reality they are. Continue reading

MSM: Gingrich – Remove Iranian regime

WASHINGTON(JTA) – Newt Gingrich at the AIPAC policy conference called for ousting the regime in Iran and bombing its missile sites. Continue reading

Video: What the hell are they spraying on us?

I need to bring up an important subject that I have not previously mentioned. I have waited to broach this topic because I have been doing research so that I may report my findings to you as accurately and as thoroughly as possible.

The subject is “Chemtrails.” Continue reading

The Point of No Return

Dictators do not appear overnight. They must gradually assume more and more power over time so that the population does not realize what is going on, or does not feel it is worthwhile to object.

But to maintain control, dictators “seduce” their population into greater and greater atrocities, over time. There is more than simply acclimating the population involved to the dictator’s agenda. By tricking the population into acceptance of greater and greater atrocities, the dictator will eventually reach a position where the people will be too afraid to examine what they themselves have become. Trapped by the fear of examining themselves, such people turn into the most fanatical of the dictator’s supporters. They dare not look at the dictator’s evil for to do so is to look at their own. Continue reading