FDA, FTC threaten Dr. Weil over immune-boosting supplements for H1N1 swine flu (opinion)

(NaturalNews) – In working to protect the business interests of vaccine manufactures, both the FDA and FTC have declared all-out war against any products that might offer consumers options other than vaccines. This week, that war against natural remedies reached the shores of Dr. Andrew Weil, who is perhaps the best-known alternative medicine doctor in America. Continue reading

MSM: In a Flu Pandemic, What Can the Government Do to You?

(ABCNews) – Report by CDC, Released Tuesday, Raises Concern About Washington’s Potential Response to the H1N1 Virus Continue reading

Video: Obama Administration to Implement Government Flu Shot Program

“This is going to be a public relations TRUST your government and your health officials public campaign” – Dr. Nancy Schneiderman Continue reading

Video: What the hell are they spraying on us?

I need to bring up an important subject that I have not previously mentioned. I have waited to broach this topic because I have been doing research so that I may report my findings to you as accurately and as thoroughly as possible.

The subject is “Chemtrails.” Continue reading

Video: Concerns About Chemtrails Given Fresh Impetus

The Obama administration’s announcement to explore “geo-engineering” the environment in the name of preventing global warming has given fresh impetus to concerns about whether such programs are already underway in the guise of chemtrails.

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Obama’s Plan To “Geo-Engineer” The Planet Mirrors CFR Policy Documents

The Obama administration’s announcement that it is to consider radical planetary “geo-engineering”, such as “shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun’s rays”, exactly mirrors recent publications penned by the elite Council On Foreign Relations. Continue reading

The Government Is Already “Geo-Engineering” The Environment

The Associated Press reports today that the Obama administration has held discussions regarding the possibility of “geo-engineering” the earth’s climate to counter global warming by “shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun’s rays.” However, such programs are already being conducted by government-affiliated universities, government agencies, and on a mass scale through chemtrail spraying. Continue reading

How to Tell If You’re Poisoning Yourself With Fish

Researchers are creating genetic tests to determine if mercury hiding in that “healthy” dinner could be messing with your brain. Continue reading

British scientists condemn using children in GM food trials as unacceptable

Children have been used as ‘lab rats’ in GM rice trials that were carried out in breach of ethics rules drawn up in response to the medical crimes of Nazi Germany, it is claimed. Continue reading

Add Spirulina to Your Diet and Replace those Expensive Supplements

Spirulina is considered one of nature’s most perfect foods because it performs such a broad spectrum of activities in the body. Its nutritional profile shows it can replace many more expensive supplements, and its research profile reveals its dedication to promoting good health. Several animal studies have documented the ability of spirulina to arrest the development of cancer progression, reduce risk of cancer initiation, and boost the immune system. Continue reading

Film: Aerosol Crimes – AKA Chemtrails

This documentary produced by chemtrail researcher Clifford Carnicom is a must see and an excellent research tool. Five plus years into the operations has provided ample evidence in this 90min DVD that covers many topics. Over the years aerosol/chemtrail research has provided some leads but even more questions as to who and why the spraying occurs. Continue reading

Why Vaccinations Harm Children: Health Experts Sound Off

(NaturalNews) What follows is a collection of quotations from naturopathic physicians, health authors, researchers and doctors on the dangers of vaccines. I assembled these quotes from a private library of health books and published them here to make this entire collection public. Continue reading

Discover What Traditional Chinese Medicine Knows about Mushrooms

(NaturalNews) Mushrooms are gaining popularity as a beneficial super food in North America. They are high in vegetable proteins and low in calories, making them a valuable source of healthy nutrition. They also contain zinc, iron, chitin, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Not only are mushrooms a healthy addition to the diet, they also have important medicinal properties. Continue reading

Four Minor Hormones have Major Consequences in the Body

(NaturalNews) When hormones are in optimal amounts and balanced, the body is ready to play the music of life. Like an orchestra when some of the players have taken the day off, the body can’t make beautiful music without all of its hormones being present and working together. Achieving hormonal balance takes some time, dedication and work. It is best done with the help of a physician who specializes in anti-aging medicine or hormonal balance. It’s often achieved only after a period of trial and error, but it’s work that has a big payoff. Full hormonal orchestration not only makes you feel great, act great and look great, it provides the best protection there is against the horrors of aging and degenerative disease. In addition to the sex hormones, optimal levels and balance of four other minorhormones can keep you dancing to the music of the cosmos.
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Microwave Ovens Destroy the Nutritional Value of Your Food

The rise of widespread nutritional deficiencies in the western world correlates almost perfectly with the introduction of the microwave oven. This is no coincidence. Microwave ovens heat food through a process of creating molecular friction, but this same molecular friction quickly destroys the delicate molecules of vitamins and phytonutrients (plant medicines) naturally found in foods. One study showed that microwaving vegetables destroys up to 97% of the nutritional content (vitamins and other plant-based nutrients that prevent disease, boost immune function and enhance health). Continue reading