Video: FDA’s Mercury Ruling Defies ALL Scientific Reasoning

In the video above I speak with Charles Brown, legal counsel for the Consumers for Dental Choice, which is a nonprofit corporation whose purpose is to educate the public about the health and environmental dangers of mercury fillings, and to ensure more effective government oversight on amalgam. Continue reading

Chlorella can Replace a Closet Full of Expensive Supplements

If you could only have one supplement, which one would you choose? For its high nutrient content and potent defense against disease and the ravages of aging, many people have put chlorella at the top of their list. Now there are even more reasons to cheer for chlorella. Scientists are documenting its potent cancer fighting abilities including its ability to repair damage to DNA and influence gene expression. Continue reading

How to Tell If You’re Poisoning Yourself With Fish

Researchers are creating genetic tests to determine if mercury hiding in that “healthy” dinner could be messing with your brain. Continue reading

Video: Smoking Teeth = Poison Gas

The dramatic video titled Smoking Teeth = Poison Gas has had a tremendous impact on both the public and professional audiences.The full version plays 40 minutes with interviews of experts in the fields of mercury toxicology, environmental medicine, politics and dentistry. Continue reading