MSM: Kids roll up sleeves for H1N1 clinical trial

(CNN) – Because the younger population, from 6 months to 24 years, is at high risk of developing complications from the H1N1 virus, the National Institutes of Health is conducting a clinical trial specifically to make sure the vaccine is safe for children. Vaccine developers hope to get the doses out by mid-October, before the flu season really shifts into high gear. Continue reading

Health Care Bill Will Fund State Vaccine Teams to Conduct ‘Interventions’ in Private Homes

(CNSNews) – There is a knock at the front door. Peeking through the window, a mother sees a man and a woman, both in uniform. They are agents of health-care reform. Continue reading

How to Tell If You’re Poisoning Yourself With Fish

Researchers are creating genetic tests to determine if mercury hiding in that “healthy” dinner could be messing with your brain. Continue reading