MSM: Kids roll up sleeves for H1N1 clinical trial

(CNN) – Because the younger population, from 6 months to 24 years, is at high risk of developing complications from the H1N1 virus, the National Institutes of Health is conducting a clinical trial specifically to make sure the vaccine is safe for children. Vaccine developers hope to get the doses out by mid-October, before the flu season really shifts into high gear. Continue reading

Give Gardasil to Boys too, Experts Say

Editor’s note: Are we having another WTF? moment in world health affairs in which the elite decide how best to make us sick or possibly dead? Continue reading

President Carter: Many Children Were Tortured Under Bush

Red Cross, Amnesty International and the Pentagon “have gathered substantial testimony of torture of children, confirmed by soldiers who witnessed or participated in the abuse.” In “Our Endangered Values” Carter said that the Red Cross found after visiting six U.S. prisons “107 detainees under eighteen, some as young as eight years old.” And reporter Hersh, (who broke the Abu Ghraib torture scandal,) reported 800-900 Pakistani boys aged 13 to 15 in custody. Continue reading

Prisons expert: Palestinian children in Israeli prison are deprived the most basic of human rights

There are 345 Palestinian children in Israeli prisons where physical and psychological torture are both practiced. Continue reading

MSM: Chemical cocktail ‘risk to boys’

Chemicals found in many food, cosmetic and cleaning products pose a real threat to male fertility, a leading scientist has warned. Continue reading

MSM: List of 140 Afghan dead includes 93 children

(Reuters) – Ninety-three children and 25 adult women are among a list of 140 names of Afghans who villagers say were killed in a battle and U.S. air strikes last week, causing a crisis between Washington and its Afghan allies. Continue reading