The Slippery Definition of Extremism – Campaign for Liberty

Americans are once again hearing of the perils of extremism. But the definition of this offense is slippier than a politician’s campaign promise. The definition of extremism has continually been amended to permit government policies that few sober people previously advocated. Continue reading

Children Prisoners of the U.S. War of Terror

(Uruknet) – Many people in this country are aware of the atrocious conditions and treatment of adult prisoners in the U.S. war of terror. These prisoners have been held at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, Bagram, and other hellholes run by the U.S. But few are aware that thousands of children have also been taken by the U.S. and its allies in this war of terror. Continue reading

2 GOP-Appointed Judges Shame America

The federal Appeals Court decision to toss a lawsuit claiming contractors tortured detainees in Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison is what you’d expect from a tyranny. Continue reading

CIA Atrocities Revealed to a National Shrug

We Have met The Nazis, And They Are Us
Godwin’s Law be damned–it’s impossible to read the newly-released CIA report on the torture of Muslim prisoners without thinking of the Third Reich. Continue reading

Why Psychologists Are Infinitely More Dangerous Than Conspiracy Theorists

According to a Psychology Today hit piece written by psychologist John Gartner, people prone to thinking that powerful men might actually get together and plan to maintain and advance their power are borderline psychotics who are a danger to society. In reality, hundreds of years of history has taught us that psychologists routinely aid authoritarian regimes in enforcing tyrannical and inhumane policies while helping them crush political opposition by defining suspicion of authorities as a mental illness. Continue reading

Obama Ignores Torture – Helen Thomas

Secrecy is endemic in all governments. It goes with the turf, especially if their leaders hope to hide illegal or immoral behavior, such as torture of foreign prisoners. Continue reading

President Carter: Many Children Were Tortured Under Bush

Red Cross, Amnesty International and the Pentagon “have gathered substantial testimony of torture of children, confirmed by soldiers who witnessed or participated in the abuse.” In “Our Endangered Values” Carter said that the Red Cross found after visiting six U.S. prisons “107 detainees under eighteen, some as young as eight years old.” And reporter Hersh, (who broke the Abu Ghraib torture scandal,) reported 800-900 Pakistani boys aged 13 to 15 in custody. Continue reading

CIA Crucified captive in Abu Ghraib Prison

The Central Intelligence Agency crucified a prisoner in Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad, according to a report published in The New Yorker magazine. Continue reading

Obama to ban PoW photos exposing rape, torture

The US administration asks an appeals court to stop the release of prisoner abuse images, showing that Obama has fully backtracked on his promise of transparency. Continue reading

More Senior Military Sources Confirm Rape and Sodomy At Abu Ghraib

Fresh confirmations have emerged from senior military sources that suppressed photographs of the torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison show scenes of rape, sexually explicit acts, sodomy and forced masturbation. Continue reading

Fake Rape Photos Re-Emerge Again To Discredit Real Torture Scandal

Staged images proven to be lifted from amateur porn websites five years ago poison the well and distract from documented accounts of sexual abuse detailed in Taguba military report Continue reading

U.S. Military Investigator Confirms Women and Children Were Raped At Abu Ghraib

After years of corporate media whitewashing Abu Ghraib abuse in the context of college fraternity-style humiliation, truth about rape and sexual torture of women and children finally being reported Continue reading

Video: Torturing the Rule of Law – Dr. Ron Paul

While Congress is sidetracked by who said what to whom and when, our nation finds itself at a crossroads on the issue of torture. We are at a point where we must decide if torture is something that is now going to be considered justifiable and reasonable under certain circumstances, or is America better than that? Continue reading

U.S. Officials Admitted that Boys Were Sodomized In Iraq Prison

Many people have heard Pulitzer prize winning reporter Seymour Hersh’s claim that boys were sodomized at Abu Ghraib and that the Pentagon has video of the rapes.

Many people think that they’ll believe it when and if they ever see the video. But we don’t need to wait for the military to release the videos. There is already proof that Hersh is right. Continue reading

Torture Memos Expose Dark, Imperial Presidency

This was not a happy week for the torture lobby, nor its defenders, derailing months of charm offensive by Bush-Cheney legacy boosters. A wary President Obama backed off attempts to defuse the torture parade – fretting over divisive investigations and hard-to-win court convictions. Public indignation likely surpassed February polling when 65% favored torture investigations, 40% criminal prosecutions. Continue reading

MSM: Condoleezza Rice approved ‘torture’ techniques

Condoleezza Rice, President George W. Bush’s Secretary of State, personally approved a CIA request to use “waterboarding” and other harsh interrogation techniques. Continue reading

Video: Disgraced commander calls out Cheney for ‘scapegoating’ Abu Ghraib soldiers

A Senate report revealed that former President George Bush and top-ranking officials in his administration approved harsh interrogation techniques that were later used in prisons at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib. Former Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski claims soldiers convicted in the Abu Ghraib torture scandal were victims of scapegoating and had been merely obeying orders. Continue reading