Deepwater Horizon and Global Financial Meltdown: Each Mirrors The Other

(OfTwoMinds) – The explosion of Deepwater Horizon and the collapse of Lehman Brothers share similar characteristics of risk, denial and coverup. My good friend G.F.B. recently observed that the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe uncannily mirrors the global financial meltdown that was triggered by the September, 2008 collapse of Lehman Brothers.

G.F.B. suggested that the Deepwater Horizon fiasco mirrored the global financial meltdown, almost as if it were a physical manifestation of the same hubris, denial of risk, manipulation and misinformation which collapsed the global financial house of cards. Continue reading

Professor Auerbach Provides More Evidence of Fed’s Coverup Regarding Watergate and Iraq

(WashingtonsBlog) – Editor’s note: More evidence of criminal behavior. Fire Bernanke and End the Fed!

Professor Robert Auerbach was kind enough to send me an email to let me know that Ron Paul read the following letter written by Auerbach into the Congressional record today Continue reading

Video: Dear Main Stream Media, Climategate Story’s Not Going Away

Dear Main Stream Media,
We know you are doing your best to cover this up. It is understandable, but very immoral. Instead of focusing on one of the biggest scientific scandals ever, and identifying the real scoundrels involved, you have given in to both corporate and governmental pressure. A lot of big companies pay you a great deal of money to advertise their products and they really want to continue the lies about the existence of global warming that they have helped perpetuate. Governments have their own shady agendas. Continue reading

Public Health Officials in Canada Engaged in Cover-Up Operation To Conceal Flu Origin

The Canadian Medical Association Journal reported that public health officials in British Columbia are advising doctors to assume that all flu symptoms are the results of the H1N1 virus. Continue reading

Video: Massive Corporate Media Coverup of Real Numbers at D.C. Rally

The Gray Lady of Operation Mockingbird, the New York Times, reports today that “thousands” of patriots protested against Obamacare, cap and trade, the bankster bailout, and unchecked federal government power in the District of Criminals yesterday. Continue reading

ElBaradei Foes Leak Stories to Force His Hand on Iran

Western officials leaked stories to the Associated Press and Reuters last week aimed at pressuring the outgoing chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed ElBaradei, to include a summary of intelligence alleging that Iran has been actively pursuing work on nuclear weapons in the IAEA report due out this week. Continue reading

More Senior Military Sources Confirm Rape and Sodomy At Abu Ghraib

Fresh confirmations have emerged from senior military sources that suppressed photographs of the torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison show scenes of rape, sexually explicit acts, sodomy and forced masturbation. Continue reading

Film: Confronting the Evidence

Philanthropist Jimmy Walter analyzes 9/11 conspiracy, coverup. Continue reading