Video: Banks, drugs and US-sponsored terrorism – Peter Dale Scott

See Also: (Bloomberg) – Banks Financing Mexico Gangs Admitted in Wells Fargo Deal – Read More Here

Also: (AlterNet) – Wall Street Is Laundering Drug Money And Getting Away With It – Read More Here

REPOST – (CorbettReport) – May 4 – Renowned poet and political analyst Peter Dale Scott joins The Corbett Report to discuss the deep history of the drug trade and its connections to the financial industry and intelligence agencies. Continue reading

Video: US Constitution May Be Suspended – War, National Emergency and “Continuity of Government” – Peter Dale Scott

In July 1987, during the Iran-Contra Hearings grilling of Oliver North, the American public got a glimpse of “highly sensitive” emergency planning North had been involved in. Ostensibly these were emergency plans to suspend the American constitution in the event of a nuclear attack (a legitimate concern). But press accounts alleged that the planning was for a more generalized suspension of the constitution.

As part of its routine Iran-contra coverage, the following exchange was printed in the New York Times, but without journalistic comment or follow-up: Continue reading

Video: Satan is going on vacation and needs a replacement

WARNING – Explicit Content

Satan is going on vacation and needs a replacement. Candidates for the job include Scott Silverman from Positive ID, Verichip , Raytheon , Monsanto and Goldman Sachs.

Audio: “The Accountability Movement” Leading Journalists Expose The Myth of a Free Press” and “Feet to the Fire

(Guns&Butter) – Interview with investigative reporters and authors, Kristina Borjesson, Charlotte Dennett and Peter Dale Scott. – Audio Link Here

The Alex Jones Show – April 8

Video: Jason Bermas Recalls G20 Ordeal on The Alex Jones Show – View Video Here

Video: Alex Jones – Ruled by The Banking Family Crime Syndicate – View Video Here

Video: Peter Dale Scott Reveals Secret Order within U.S. Gov. on Alex Jones Tv Hosted by Jason Bermas

Peter Dale Scott, a former Canadian diplomat and English Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, is a poet, writer, and researcher. He was born in Montreal in 1929, the only son of the poet F.R. Scott and the painter Marian Scott. He is married to Ronna Kabatznick; and he has three children, Cassie, Mika, and John Scott, by a previous marriage to Maylie Marshall. His prose books include The War Conspiracy (1972), The Assassinations: Dallas and Beyond (in collaboration, 1976), Crime and Cover-Up: The CIA, the Mafia, and the Dallas-Watergate Connection (1977), The Iran-Contra Connection (in collaboration, 1987), Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies, and the CIA in Central America (in collaboration, 1991, 1998), Deep Politics and the Death of JFK (1993, 1996), Deep Politics Two (1994, 1995, 2006), Drugs Oil and War (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, March 2003), The Road to 9/11 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007), and The War Conspiracy: JFK, 9/11, and the Deep Politics of War (Ipswich, MA: Mary Ferrell Foundation Press, 2008). Continue reading

MSM: Mass. doctor pleads guilty to research fraud

‘Prosecutors alleged the former chief of acute pain at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield sought and received research grants from pharmaceutical companies but never performed the studies. They said he fabricated patient data and submitted information to anesthesiology journals that unwittingly published it.’
(AP) – A doctor accused of faking research for a dozen years in published studies that suggested after-surgery benefits from painkillers including Vioxx and Celebrex pleaded guilty Monday to one count of federal health care fraud. Continue reading

Microsoft exec pitches Internet usage tax to pay for cybersecurity programs

(TheHill) – A top Microsoft executive on Tuesday suggested a broad Internet tax to help defray the costs associated with computer security breaches and vast Internet attacks, according to reports. Continue reading

Obama Now Selling Judgeships for Health Care Votes?

(WeeklyStandard) – Tonight, Barack Obama will host ten House Democrats who voted against the health care bill in November at the White House; he’s obviously trying to persuade them to switch their votes to yes. One of the ten is Jim Matheson of Utah. The White House just sent out a press release announcing that today President Obama nominated Matheson’s brother Scott M. Matheson, Jr. to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit.

“Scott Matheson is a distinguished candidate for the Tenth Circuit court,” President Obama said.  “Both his legal and academic credentials are impressive and his commitment to judicial integrity is unwavering.  I am honored to nominate this lifelong Utahn to the federal bench.” Continue reading

MSM: New U.S. senator helps Democrats advance jobs bill

(Reuters) – A modest job-creation bill advanced in the U.S. Senate on Monday as the chamber’s newest Republican bucked his party and sided with Democrats on a $15 billion package of tax cuts and highway spending. Continue reading

Video: The secret behind the Rush of The International Mining Companies to Haiti

Canadian CKUT Radio from Montreal host Chris Scott interviews Marguerite Laurent of the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN) on Haitian resources and the secret behind the rush of international mining companies to Haiti taking advantage of the Chaos and lack of legislation and a strong government. Continue reading

Rule by the Rich – Paul Craig Roberts

The election of Republican Scott Brown to the U.S. Senate by Democratic voters in Massachusetts sends President Obama a message. Voters perceive that Obama’s administration has morphed into a Bush-Cheney government. Obama has reneged on every promise he made, from ending wars, to closing Gitmo, to providing health care for Americans, to curtailing the domestic police state, to putting the interests of dispossessed Americans ahead of the interests of the rich banksters who robbed Americans of their homes and pensions.

But what can Obama do other then spout more rhetoric? Continue reading

A giant leap towards fascism

On January 21, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling that some are calling the Court’s biggest blunder since the Dred Scott Decision.
In the case of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the Court ruled that corporations may spend unlimited amounts of money at any time to influence elections. Continue reading

Video: Scott Brown Elected – Now He’s Suddenly FOR the Health Care Reform

(CSPAN) – January 20,2010 – Sen-Elect Scott Brown (R) the next day after getting elected… “There are some very good things in the national plan that’s being proposed…” Continue reading

Video: Brown Election Victory A Direct Response To Obama’s Broken Promises

(SteveWatson) – Scott Brown’s election victory in Massachusetts represents a direct response to the false promises of hope and change made by president Barack Obama and could pave the way for meaningful change in 2012. Continue reading

Video: Scott Brown Election Win A Massive Rebellion Against Big Government

(PaulWatson) – Scott Brown’s stunning underdog victory over Democrat Martha Coakley to become Massachusetts’ next U.S. Senator is a crushing blow for the Obama administration’s big government agenda – not because Brown has an R next to his name, and not because of Judas goats like Glenn Beck who will attempt to hijack genuine populism once again – but because his victory was thanks to the 51% of Independents who are now the majority in the state. Continue reading

Obama’s Alternate Universe – Scott Ritter

As America enters the year 2010 and President Barack Obama his second year in office, the foreign policy landscape presented by American policymakers and media pundits appears to be dominated by two physical problems—Iraq and Afghanistan—which operate in an overarching metaphysical environment loosely defined as a “war on terror.” The ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, entering their seventh and ninth years respectively, have consumed America’s attention, treasure and blood without producing anything close to a tangible victory. Continue reading

Our Murderers in the Sky – Scott Ritter

War is hell, as the saying goes. Murder, on the other hand, is a crime. In this age of the “long war” pitting the United States against the forces of global terror, it is critical that the American people be able to distinguish between the two. The legitimate application of military power to a problem that manifests itself, directly or indirectly, as a threat to the legitimate national security interests of the United States, while horrible in terms of its consequences, is not only defensible but mandatory. Continue reading

VeriChip buys Steel Vault, changes name to “PositiveID”, creating micro-implant health record/credit score empire

VeriChip (CHIP), the company that markets a microchip implant that links to your online health records, has acquired Steel Vault (SVUL), a credit monitoring and anti-identity theft company. The combined company will operate under a new name: PositiveID. Continue reading

McChrystal Doesn’t Get It – Does Obama? – Scott Ritter

There is a curious phenomenon taking place in the American media at the moment: the lionization of Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the American military commander in Afghanistan. Although he has taken a few lumps for playing politics with the White House, McChrystal has generally been sold to the American public as a “Zen warrior,” a counterinsurgency genius who, if simply left to his own devices, will be able to radically transform the ongoing debacle that is Afghanistan into a noble victory that will rank as one of the greatest political and military triumphs of modern history. Continue reading

Back to Business: Updates

A Few New Developments in The Makings of a Police State
What happened to the month of September?! For me, it just flew by: The Krikorian Case, the American Conservative Magazine article, the latest from former FBI CI Specialist John Cole, several interesting interviews for our upcoming Boiling Frogs Show, building and designing my soon-to-be-launched website…and of course full-time motherhood and my part time job. Well, I am still standing! Continue reading

Keeping Iran Honest – Scott Ritter

Iran’s secret nuclear plant will spark a new round of IAEA inspections and lead to a period of even greater transparency Continue reading

Preparing for a riot – Area agencies receive crowd-control training

Like “Star Wars” stormtroopers, police officers and sheriff’s deputies wielding batons and face-shielded helmets on order march tightly bunched together up the steps to the bleachers at Round Rock ISD Athletic Complex Thursday. Continue reading

Weaponizing Psychology – Treating People Like Dogs

Nearly all of the Pentagon’s counter-insurgency warfare doctrine has been based on distortions of the pirated theories of former president of the American Psychological Association, Prof. Martin Seligman.  Now we learn that post traumatic stress disorder (ptsd) treatments for war veterans have been developed from his work as well. Continue reading

This Isn’t Reform, It’s Robbery

Percentage change since 2002 in average premiums paid to large US health-insurance companies: +87%
Percentage change in the profits of the top ten insurance companies: +428%
Chances that an American bankrupted by medical bills has health insurance: 7 in 10 Continue reading

The Real Grand Chessboard and the Profiteers of War

In the Road to 9/11 I summarized the dialectic of open societies: how from their energy they expand, leading to a higher level of more secretive corporations and agencies, which eventually weaken the home country through needless and crushing wars.[4] I am not alone in seeing America in the final stages of this process, which since the Renaissance has brought down Spain, the Netherlands, and Great Britain. Continue reading

White House criticizes swastika outside Ga. office

The White House says anyone who painted a swastika on a sign outside the office of a congressman recently involved in a heated argument over health care should be ashamed. Continue reading

MSM: You’re (Probably) a Federal Criminal

(Fox) – Federal law now criminalizes activities that the average person would never dream would land him in prison. Consequently, every year, thousands of upstanding, responsible Americans run afoul of some incomprehensible federal law and end up serving time in federal prison. Continue reading

Decreases in Cosmic Rays Affect Atmospheric Aerosols and Clouds

Explosive events on the sun provide natural experiments for testing hypotheses about solar influences on the Earth. A conspicuous effect is the sudden reduction, over hours to days, in the influx of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs), first noticed by Scott E. Forbush in 1937. Continue reading

US air strikes kill Afghan civilians

Attacks by US warplanes this week killed up to six Afghan civilians, including a four-year-old girl, and left another 16 wounded. The incidents in Afghanistans southern Kandahar province have again underscored the grim human cost of the military escalation ordered by the Obama administration. Continue reading

Inflation, Deflation and “Got You” Prices

Scott Patterson writes in the Wall Street Journal that we won’t get inflation until unemployment is down below 5%:

A rule of thumb is that inflation doesn’t become sticky until the unemployment rate dips below 5%… Continue reading

Video: CIA Assassination Program Revealed – Nothing New Under the Sun

The New York Times and the corporate media are all over a recent report that the CIA had planned to assassinate al-Qaeda leaders. “Since 2001, the Central Intelligence Agency has developed plans to dispatch small teams overseas to kill senior Qaeda terrorists, according to current and former government officials,” Mark Mazzetti and Scott Shane reported for the Times on July 13. “The plans remained vague and were never carried out, the officials said, and Leon E. Panetta, the C.I.A. director, canceled the program last month.” Continue reading

So This Is What Victory Looks Like? – Scott Ritter

Fireworks lit up the Baghdad sky on the evening of June 30th, signaling the advent of “National Sovereignty Day.” Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki declared the new holiday to commemorate the withdrawal of American combat troops from the Iraqi capital and all other major urban centers, although thousands of “advisers” would remain in the cities, embedded with Iraqi forces. Continue reading

“FEAR” Note From a Cop / Scott Wagner is a Police Academy Commander

The fear on the street is palpable. Ever since the election of Barack Obama as President of these United States in November 2008, coupled with the election of a democrat party majority in both the U.S. House and Senate, concern for the United States and personal safety has ignited like a fire in dry grass. Continue reading

Madison mayor wants landlord registration, parental consent for gun searches

Madison police would enlist parental permission to search for guns in their children’s bedrooms in one part of a multifaceted plan outlined Thursday by Mayor Dave Cieslewicz. Continue reading

More Senior Military Sources Confirm Rape and Sodomy At Abu Ghraib

Fresh confirmations have emerged from senior military sources that suppressed photographs of the torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison show scenes of rape, sexually explicit acts, sodomy and forced masturbation. Continue reading

Law Professor: “We May Not Have Realized It At The Time, But In The Period From Late 2001-January 19, 2009, This Country Was A Dictatorship.”

Scott Horton – a professor at Columbia Law School and writer for Harper’s – says of the Bush administration memos authorizing torture, spying, indefinite detention without charge, the use of the military within the U.S. and the suspension of free speech and press rights: Continue reading