Video: Oklahoma bans independent militias

(RussiaToday) – An Oklahoma house bill aims to outlaw the forming of a militia without the state’s approval. Citizens believe that the state is taking away their rights to form a lawful militia and it is becoming more of a tyrannical state. Sheree Geo says that the bill makes militia members the same as gang members. Continue reading

Video: The McVeigh Tapes – A Fairy Tale Designed to Demonize the Patriot Movement

(KurtNimmo) – On the fifteenth anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, MSNBC ran a documentary supposedly detailing Timothy McVeigh’s death row “confession.” The documentary — actually a fairy tale of easily debunked government propaganda hosted by the “progressive” Rachel Maddow — employs alleged tape recordings of McVeigh coupled with cheesy computer simulations intended to dredge up the government version of events and thus rekindle hysteria manufactured in the 1990s concerning the threat posed by militias and patriot groups. Continue reading

MSNBC to Run McVeigh Propaganda Myth on Anniversary of OK City Bombing

(KurtNimmo) – It is perfectly timed to feed into the current campaign by the government and corporate media to demonize the patriot movement and portray militias around the country as domestic terrorists — MSNBC’s “The McVeigh Tapes: Confessions of an American Terrorist” will run on April 19. Continue reading

MSM: Chavez Says Venezuela to Prepare for War as Deterrent (Update3)

(Bloomberg) – Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez told the military and civil militias today to prepare for war as a deterrent to a U.S.-led attack after American troops gained access to military bases in neighboring Colombia. Continue reading

Rise in militias, ‘lone wolf’ militants alarms officials

(RawStory) – Militia groups with gripes against the government are regrouping across the country and could grow rapidly, according to an organization that tracks such trends Continue reading

So This Is What Victory Looks Like? – Scott Ritter

Fireworks lit up the Baghdad sky on the evening of June 30th, signaling the advent of “National Sovereignty Day.” Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki declared the new holiday to commemorate the withdrawal of American combat troops from the Iraqi capital and all other major urban centers, although thousands of “advisers” would remain in the cities, embedded with Iraqi forces. Continue reading

From Bunker Hill to Baghdad – Pinter’s Dispatch to Obama

Brzezinski was right, of course. Obama was the perfect choice for president. Not because of his experience. He had none. He was a two year senator with a resume’ small enough to fit on the back of a matchbox. Still Obama had what Brzezinski and Co. were looking for, symbolism; the kind of symbolism that connected him to people around the world and made them feel like one of their own had finally clawed their way to the top. Continue reading

Virginia Fusion Center Releases “Homegrown Terrorism” Document

2009 Virginia Terrorism Threat Assessment produced by state police lists “Militias” and “Sovereign Citizen Extremists” as dangerous terrorists. Continue reading

MIAC Report Blowback!!!

A controversial report from the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) is getting a lot of attention at the State Capitol and has prompted Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder (R-MO) to ask that Missouri Public Safety Director John Britt be placed on administrative leave. MIAC works with the Department of Homeland Security. Continue reading