Video: Scott Brown’s One Night Stand

(SouthernAvenger) – The newest Republican senator from Massachusetts is not the man to lead the conservative movement. He isn’t even conservative.

2 thoughts on “Video: Scott Brown’s One Night Stand

  1. As the late George Wallace said ” there is not any difference between the Democrats or Republicans! The tea party needs to go into a third party!

  2. I believe that MA voted for Brown because

    A) There was a media blackout on the Independent Kennedy, and even if they had known about him, people don’t have the courage of their own convictions enough to vote their consience if they think their candidate “can’t win.”
    B) In her overweening desire to win this election Martha Jokely made a terrible public spectacle of herself locally. She would surely have won if the people were electing her to “town jerk”:
    1) One of her thug minions recently knocked down a local reporter; then she pretended she didn’t know about it, then when she was photographically “caught knowing,” she claimed he was a “stalker,” thus justifying the assault.
    2) EVERY DAY she filled the mailboxes of the local populace with expensive misleading flyers about herself and about Brown.
    3) As Attorney General, she has protected child molesters and criminal illegal immigrants against law-abiding citizens, and illegal immigrants don’t vote.
    4) Had bought-off workers do phone canvasses, asking us to vote for her based on the fact that she had bought them off, and thus revealed to a [slowly] awakening populace their utter ignorance about Jokely’s stance on the real issues, as well as their willingness to vote for someone based on ONE ISSUE ALONE.
    5) MA already has a mandate to force its citizens to buy private insurance, with the punishment of losing your exemptions on your income tax. That’s punishment enough, and this insurance mandate is already bankrupting the citizenry.
    So, is this a turn toward the Republicans? I don’t think so. She is just an incompetent fool, and lost everybody’s support by shooting herself in the foot.

    My husband and I voted for the Libertarian, Joe Kennedy–NOT one of “the Kennedys”–but we are not interested in voting for who’s
    “popular,” but for who’s RIGHT. Maybe next time, Kennedy.

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