Video: Ron Paul – Gold is Money! The Dollar’s Value is Destined to Go Down

(Goldseek) – Ron Paul talks to Chris Waltzek on GoldSeek Radio. Topics of discussion include the Financial Reform Bill, competing currencies, the gold price, and 2012. Continue reading

MSM: US breast cancer drug decision ‘marks start of death panels’

(Telegraph) – A decision to rescind endorsement of the drug would reignite the highly charged debate over US health care reform and how much the state should spend on new and expensive treatments.

Avastin, the world’s best selling cancer drug, is primarily used to treat colon cancer and was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2008 for use on women with breast cancer that has spread.

It costs $8,000 (£5,000) a month and is given to about 17,500 women in the US a year. The drug was initially approved after a study found that, by preventing blood flow to tumours, it extended the amount of time until the disease worsened by more than five months. However, two new studies have shown that the drug may not even extend life by an extra month. Read entire article

HR 1207 Hall Of Shame

(C4L) – The following U.S. representatives cosponsored H.R. 1207 but voted against Audit the Fed on a motion to return the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform bill to committee and add back in the thorough Audit. View More Here

FCC’s Stealth Plan to Censor Internet Content

(KurtNimmo) – In order to control the internet and do so without much notice, the FCC has rolled a censorship plan into its Net Neutrality scheme. Under the fallacious rubric of “consumer protection,” the FCC is calling for the regulation of television and internet broadband.

Kelly William Cobb, writing for Americans for Tax Reform, says “the FCC would begin regulating Internet access for the first time under a completely new regulatory scheme (even though they lack the authority to create it). Meanwhile, the FCC would push regulations – cloaked in the heart-warming language of competition and innovation – mandating that your cable box (known as a set-top box) become a ‘broadband gateway device’ controlling access to your Internet, TV, and phone. The FCC has already started looking at set-top box regulations in their National Broadband Plan.” Continue reading

Obama’s Wall Street “reform” bill passes – US Senate rubber-stamps the dictatorship of the big banks

(WSWS) – The US Senate’s passage of the Obama administration’s financial reform bill Thursday was hailed in the media and by official Washington as a landmark effort to curb the power of the big banks. But on Wall Street itself, the news was greeted with a mixture of dismissal and applause. Continue reading

The Continuing Erosion of the Bill of Rights

(NowPublic) – I keep seeing people go absolutely mad over Arizona’s immigration reform bill. But nobody seems to care about the ever growing erosion of our civil liberties by the federal government! Why is this?

Why do people get so worked up about a bill in a state that they don’t even live in, but completely ignore the fact that the federal government keeps chipping away at thier rights with a sledgehammer? Continue reading


(Telegraph) – Gulf of Mexico oil spill: US government extends no-fishing zone – Read More Here

(EconomicPolicyJournal) – On Naked Short Selling – Read More Here

(TimesOnline) – Watchdog finds massive ‘suckers list’

The Financial Services Authority is contacting more than 38,000 people across the UK to warn them they are being targeted by so-called ‘boiler room’ share fraudsters. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – ‘Major Crash’ Likely If Stocks Break May 7 Lows, Russell Says

Investors should sell U.S. stocks because the market is at risk of a “major crash,” Richard Russell, editor of the Dow Theory Letters newsletter, said in a note to subscribers today. Read More Here

(ZeroHedge) – Ex-Bundesbank Chief Says Greece Will Never Repay Debt, Says Bailout All About “Rescuing Banks And Rich Greeks” – Tyler Durden – Read More Here

(LarouchePac) – Blair Murdered Glass-Steagall, Charges French Society of Financial Analysts – Read More Here

(WashingBrainBlog) – The Bankster-Gangster Crowd..Murdering People for over 2,000 Years

International bankers saw that interest-free scrip would keep America free of their influence, so by 1781 banker-backed Alexander Hamilton succeeded in starting the Bank of America. After a few years of “bank money”, the prosperity of “Colonial Scrip” was gone. Benjamin Franklin said, “Conditions were so reversed that the era of prosperity had ended and a depression set in to such an extent that the streets of the Colonies were filled with the unemployed!” Bank money was like our FED money. It had debt and interest attached. Read More Here

(ChartinStocks) – China Enters Bear Market Territory – Read More Here

(OilPrice) – Chinese Market Indicates that US Stocks could be in for a Big Fall

The economies of China and the U.S. are in effect Siamese Twins, joined at the hip. By pegging their currency to the U.S. dollar, the Chinese central government has tethered its economy to both U.S. policy and the U.S. economy. Read More Here

(PajamasMedia) – Leaked Doc Proves Spain’s ‘Green’ Policies — the Basis for Obama’s — an Economic Disaster

Pajamas Media has received a leaked internal assessment produced by Spain’s Zapatero administration. The assessment confirms the key charges previously made by non-governmental Spanish experts in a damning report exposing the catastrophic economic failure of Spain’s “green economy” initiatives. Read More Here

(PaulWatson) – Video: Rand Paul Savages Obama’s Catastrophic “Green Economy”

After trouncing his neo-con opponent comprehensively in the Kentucky Senate primary, Rand Paul savaged the man-made global warming scam for what it truly represents – an attack on the middle class and the industrialized world, as he warned President Obama and his sycophants, “we’ve come to take our government back”. Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Snake Oil Salesman Obama Peddles Worthless Wall Street Reform

Congress will save us from Wall Street, Obama said in his weekly radio and internet address. The bill in Congress will curb predatory lending practices, prevent banks from taking on too much risk, and give shareholders more of a say, Obama insisted. “Put simply, Wall Street reform will bring greater security to folks on Main Street. My responsibility as president isn’t just to help our economy rebound from this recession; it’s to make sure an economic crisis like the one that helped trigger this recession never happens again,” he said. “That’s what Wall Street reform will help us do.” Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – Conspiracy of Banks Rigging States Came With Crash

A telephone call between a financial adviser in Beverly Hills and a trader in New York was all it took to fleece taxpayers on a water-and-sewer financing deal in West Virginia. The secret conversation was part of a conspiracy stretching across the U.S. by Wall Street banks in the $2.8 trillion municipal bond market. Read More Here

(YahooFinance) – Mortgage delinquencies, foreclosures break records

The number of homeowners who missed at least one mortgage payment surged to a record in the first quarter of the year, a sign that the foreclosure crisis is far from over. Read More Here

(CNC) – Derivative Disaster Spreads to Local Governments

The funding of road building, municipal utilities, school teacher pension funds and other local government projects are now threatened by derivatives gone bad. Read More Here

(EconomicCollapse) – 11 Signs That The U.S. Government Has Become An Overgrown Monstrosity That Almost Every American Is Dependent Upon For Economic Survival

Today, the number of Americans who are able to financially survive without any reliance on the U.S. government whatsoever is declining at a staggering rate. Whether it is through direct handouts, entitlement programs, student loans, government bailouts, government contracts or direct employment, the truth is that now a solid majority of the American people are at least partially dependent on the federal government for their economic survival. The sad thing is that the majority of the American people say that there is too much government in their lives when opinion polls are taken, but if you try to take the government check that they are getting away from them those same people will scream bloody murder. But the truth is that it is getting to be really, really hard to be completely independent of the U.S. government economically. Continue reading

MSM: States joined in suit against healthcare reform

(Reuters) – A national business lobbying group on Friday joined 20 U.S. states in a lawsuit challenging President Barack Obama’s overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system.

The joint lawsuit led by Florida and now grouping 20 states was filed on March 23 by mostly Republican attorneys general.

It claims the sweeping reform of the $2.5 trillion U.S. healthcare system, pushed through by Democrats in the U.S. Congress after months of bitter partisan wrangling, violates state government rights in the U.S. Constitution and will force massive new spending on hard-pressed state governments. Continue reading

Video: CrossTalk on Goldman Sachs – Dog & Pony Show?

(RussiaToday) – April 30 – On this edition of Peter Lavelle’s ‘CrossTalk’ he asks his guests whether the US Senate hearings humiliating Goldman Sachs are merely a show trial with the aim of watering down global financial reform. Continue reading

Bailout Bill Would Require Banks to Track and Report Personal Checking Accounts to Feds

(CapitolConfidential) – It’s amazing to watch the civil libertarians hide when Democrats propose the most sweeping intrusions of privacy in generations. In addition to the litany of bad policies contained in the Dodd Financial Reform bill is this nugget on pages 1039-1040. In short, it extends government reach to every deposit account of every citizen. Continue reading

Congressman Waxman sneaks anti-vitamin amendment into Wall Street reform bill – Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) – Of all the sneaky tactics practiced in Washington D.C., this recent action by Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) is one of the most insidious: While no one was looking, he injected amendment language into the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (H.R. 4173) that would expand the powers of the FTC (not the FDA, but the FTC) to terrorize nutritional supplement companies by greatly expanding the power of the FTC to make its own laws that target dietary supplement companies. Continue reading


(Money&Markets) – Financial Ebola Sweeps Through Global Bond Markets

What does the end of the bond market world look like? Something like this … Read More Here

(Fox) – Top Treasury Official Is Involved in Subprime Mess?

A top Treasury Department official helping craft financial overhaul legislation is facing questions about his involvement in the subprime mortgage crisis. Conservative media outlets are looking at Eric Stein’s work as a senior vice president for the Center for Responsible Lending. Read More Here

(KSL) – Davis School District faces major budget shortfall

Davis School District is facing its most challenging budget season in its history: a budget shortfall of $30 million this year and $31 million next year. Read More Here

(USAWatchDog) – Video: Nouriel Roubini Talks Doom Again – Video Link Here

(BBC) – Video: Gulf of Mexico oil spill sparks new US drilling ban

The US administration has banned oil drilling in new areas of the US coast while the cause of the oil spill off Louisiana is investigated. Video Link Here

(BostonHerald) – Gas prices jump to more than $9 in Alaska town

Anchorage, Alaska — Most Americans are paying about $3 a gallon for gas. The residents of McGrath, Alaska, saw their gas prices jump by that amount in one night. Read More Here

(ChicagoTribune) – Chicago-area foreclosure auctions hit new high

More than 9,300 homeowners lost properties last quarter Read More Here

(PaulWatson) – Gold Hits 2010 High Amidst Debt Turmoil In Europe

Gold bullion reached a 2010 high today following concerns over euro zone sovereign debt levels after Greece, Spain and Portugal were hit with disastrous credit rating downgrades, with analysts now predicting that prices are set to move back towards their December high when gold peaked at $1,226.10 an ounce. Read More Here

(NYTimes) – Where All That Money Went

“We’ve lost almost $11 trillion of household wealth in the last 17 or 18 months,” lamented Senator Christopher J. Dodd, the Connecticut Democrat, on last Sunday’s “Meet the Press,” as he urged Congress to proceed with speedy deliberations on a finance reform bill.

Eleven trillion dollars! That’s over three-quarters of our current gross domestic product. Read More Here

(LATimes) – ‘99ers’ dread future without jobless benefits

They’ve exhausted 99 weeks of unemployment checks. Thousands are banding together to lobby Congress for another extension. Read More Here

(WSILTV) – Family Denied Medical Treatment Because of State’s Debt

A Carterville mom says she was denied medical care for her children because the state isn’t paying its bills. Read More Here

(Reuters) – TAKE-A-LOOK-US starts criminal probe into Goldman-source

U.S. federal prosecutors in New York have begun investigating Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N), raising the possibility of criminal charges against the company or its employees, a source familiar with the situation said on Thursday. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – Goldman Scrutinized by Prosecutors Examining SEC Case (Update1)

Federal prosecutors in New York are investigating transactions by Goldman Sachs Group Inc., accused by U.S. securities regulators of misleading investors, to determine whether to pursue a criminal fraud case, according to two people familiar with the matter. Read More Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: Down with ‘Too Big to Fail’ – Angry Americans march on Wall Street

The largest anti-Wall Street rally since the credit crunch has taken place in New York. Thousands of workers and trade union leaders marched in anger over lost jobs and ruined lives, demanding answers from the source of the trouble – the banks. Continue reading


(CSpan) – Video: Ron Paul On Foregoing Congressional Pay Raise

Congressman Paul speaks on the House floor in support of a bill that stops the automatic payraise for Members of Congress. View Video Here

(SteveWatson) – Goldman “Sideshow” Hyped To Push Through Obama Banking Reform

Financial experts are in agreement that the Goldman Sachs fraud revelations are being artificially hyped in Washington in order to force through president Obama’s financial regulatory reform measures, proposals that will not punish bigger banks like Goldman and will not protect the American people from the banking cartels at the centre of the economic meltdown. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – Pennsylvania Capital Told to Consider Bankruptcy Protection

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, which has missed $6 million in debt payments since Jan. 1, should consider Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection, City Controller Dan Miller told a three-hour special committee hearing today. Read More Here

(BusinessInsider) – Why Today’s Gold Spike Is Important And Could Mark The Start Of Something Big

Gold has been rallying for awhile — nearing all time highs in the dollar, even while breaking all-time highs in the euro — but the metal’s action hasn’t been all that noteworthy. Read More Here

(MSNBC) – Goldman to Congress: We didn’t mislead clients

Top Goldman Sachs officials defended their conduct in the financial crisis on Tuesday, flatly disputing the government’s fraud allegations against the giant financial house. “I did not mislead” investors, insisted a trading executive at the heart of the government’s case. Video Link Here

(SteveWatson) – Goldman “Sideshow” Hyped To Push Through Obama Banking Reform

Financial experts are in agreement that the Goldman Sachs fraud revelations are being artificially hyped in Washington in order to force through president Obama’s financial regulatory reform measures, proposals that will not punish bigger banks like Goldman and will not protect the American people from the banking cartels at the centre of the economic meltdown. Read More Here

(NewsWeek) – Video: Levin to Goldman Sachs – ‘You Knew It Was a S–tty Deal!’

After two years of hemming and hawing in Washington about the real culprits on Wall Street, Sen. Carl Levin’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations finally got to the heart of the matter this morning. Drawing on a voluminous collection of internal Goldman e-mails and other exhibits, Levin and the ranking acting co-chair, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, tore into an array of current and former Goldman mortgage traders, including the recently indicted Fabrice “Fabulous Fab” Tourre, over the one fundamental question hanging over the whole financial catastrophe. Was Goldman honest with its clients about what was happening in the markets? Continue reading


(Rense) – FIRA – The 800 LB Gorilla In The Financial ‘Reform’ Bill – Joel Skousen

The lackluster Republican opposition to Senator Dodd’s Financial Reform bill is focused on whether or not the Democratic proposal allows for or prohibits additional bailouts. A secondary hot topic is the supposed derivative limitations. Frankly, these are both red herrings. They serve to mask an even larger danger that no one is talking about: a huge new government agency that will control all financial institutions in the US–and not just the “too big to fail” ones. Read More Here

(BBC) – UK unemployment increases to 2.5 million

The number of people unemployed in the UK rose by 43,000 to 2.5 million during the three months to February, official figures have shown. Read More Here

(BBC) – UK borrowing hits record £163.4bn – Read More Here

(WSJ) – 2nd UPDATE: US Regulators Close Seven Illinois Banks – Read More Here

(EPJ) – Understanding Just How Dangerous a Value-Added Tax Is – Read More Here

(EconomicPolicyJournal) – Here’s the Serious Situation that Could Blow Goldman Sachs Out of the Water – Read More Here

(WSWS) – Collapse of the Standard of Living in the USA

Studies Reveal Declining Living Standards and Increasing Anger Read More Here

(NPR) – Goldman Sachs Boasted As The Meltdown Unfolded

E-mails released Saturday morning show top executives at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. boasting about the money the firm was making as the national housing market collapsed in 2007. Read More Here

(MyBudget360) – The Futile Act of Saving in America Today – No Money Down Car Purchases, Low Down Payment for a big Mortgage, and High Interest Credit Cards for Everyday Spending – Read More Here

(BigGovernment) – IndyMac Attack: Did Schumer, Paulson, Soros, and the CRL Kill the Bank and Profit From Its Collapse? – Read More Here

(WSWS) – Obama Reassures Wall Street on Bank Regulation Bill

President Barack Obama went to lower Manhattan Thursday to deliver a message to Wall Street: Your profits and bonuses will not be disturbed by the regulatory overhaul making its way through Congress. Read More Here

(ZeroHedge) – Greece Welcomes Its New IMF Overlords With Day Of Rioting And National Strikes – Read More Here

(WashingtonPost) – For nations living the good life, the party’s over, IMF says

In the lingo of the International Monetary Fund, the future of the world hinges on “rebalancing and consolidation,” antiseptic words that would not seem to raise a fuss.

Who doesn’t want more balance in their life? Read More Here

(InfoClearingHouse) – Six Banks Control 60% of Gross National Product

Is the U.S. at the Mercy of an Unstoppable Oligarchy? Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Mortgage Madness: Financial Fraud in the Housing Market – Mike Whitney – Read More Here

(TruthDig) – The Story of the Financial Debacle: Goldman Plays, We Pay

The story of the financial debacle will end the way it began, with the super-hustlers from Goldman Sachs at the center of the action and profiting wildly. Never in U.S. history has one company wielded such destructive power over our political economy, irrespective of whether a Republican or a Democrat happened to be president. Read More Here

(WashingtonPost) – The best financial reform? Let the bankers fail

The trouble with Wall Street isn’t that too many bankers get rich in the booms. The trouble, rather, is that too few get poor — really, suitably poor — in the busts. Read More Here

(BoomBustBlog) – What We’re Looking For To Go Splat!

We have started picking new companies for forensic analysis, along with the ongoing study of the Pan-European Debt Crisis. Below you will find a sneak peak of what we have unearthed but first, the obligatory romp through recent news… Read More Here

(GoldScents) – On The Bring of an Asset Explosion II

Let me start off by saying the market should be correcting. Sentiment has reached ridiculous bullish extremes, the kind of extremes that led to the January /February correction. Read More Here

(CNN) – Video: SEC Watching Porno Not Wall St! – Jack Cafferty Continue reading

MSM: Texas case could decide health care reform suit

(HoustonChronicle) – A Texas high school student’s decision to bring a .38-caliber handgun to school in 1992 could end up at the center of the legal fight over President Barack Obama’s health care reform plan. Continue reading

Indiana Joins Legal Challenge to Health Care Law

(PoliticsDaily) – Indiana will join a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the health care reform bill Congress passed in March, The Hill reports. The state’s Republican attorney general, Greg Zoeller, said Sunday on Fox News that Indiana would become the 15th state involved in the legal action. Continue reading

How Private Health Insurers Purchased Healthcare Reform

(SOTT) – In a moment of frank political revelation, Firedoglake reports that Senator Max Bacchus has confirmed that former WellPoint Vice President Liz Fowler wrote substantial portions of the recently approved Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Left-wing opponents of the bill had already claimed that private insurers exercised significant influence on the proceedings in the House and Senate. Bacchus’ revelation takes these claims to a new level as they prove that the private health insurance lobby literally wrote the bill that is being passed off as a “reform” of the healthcare system. Continue reading


(RawStory) – Insurers agree to fix loophole that would allow them to reject sick kids

If you can’t beat them, join them.
After nearly a year battling President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats over the health care overhaul, the insurance industry says it won’t block the administration’s efforts to fix a potentially embarrassing glitch in the new law. Read More Here

(AP) – US healthcare reform is boon for India outsourcing companies

With 22 pen strokes, President Obama signed into existence not just a historic healthcare reform law but also monumental piles of paperwork: New member registration forms. More claims. Ever-expanding databases. And on top of that, pressure to cut costs. Read More Here

(BMJournal) – Bill Moyers: The Health Bill Is a Bonanza for the Insurance Industry

So we got health care reform last week — but it’s a far cry from reformation. For all their gnashing of teeth, the insurance companies still make out like bandits. Read more Here

(WATimes) – Supreme Court May Ultimately Decide Fate of Obamacare

The same Supreme Court justices whom President Obama blasted during his State of the Union address this year may ultimately decide the fate of his crowning achievement as more than a dozen states have called on the courts to strike down the health insurance mandate of Democrats’ health care overhaul – a move that would threaten the entire law. Read More Here

(ABCNews) – Health Reform Law to Spawn More Tax Men?

Ask critics of the Democrats’ health care overhaul about the law’s impact, and among the “horrors” they may describe is an army of Internal Revenue Service agents with “dangerously expanded authority.” Read More Here

(RevoltofthePlebs) – The K Street Hustlin’ of Obamacare

Oooh snap! Looks like we’ve been right all along. All the big K Street money pumped into the House and Senate has been overwhelmingly one-sided in favor of Obama’s horrendous new healthcare legislation. Go figure. According to a study released over the weekend by “The Center for Public Policy”, a non-partisan public interest think tank in Washington D.C., it is estimated that a record $120 million was spent lobbying for health reform. In addition to direct lobbying, some of the top firms also rewarded members of Congress with campaign contributions through political action committees and individual lobbyist donations. The largest of these firms, Patton Boggs LLP, contributed more than $55,000 almost exclusively to Democrats. Read More Here

(ABCNews) – IRS Says It Needs More ‘Resources’ to Implement Tax Provisions of New Law

Ask critics of the Democrats’ health care overhaul about the law’s impact, and among the “horrors” they may describe is an army of Internal Revenue Service agents with “dangerously expanded authority.” Read More Here

Health reform bill includes $250M for new abstinence-only programs

(RawStory) – Buried in the landmark health care bill passed by Democrats is $250 million over 5 years for state programs to try to convince young people to wait until marriage for sex.

Proponents of abstinence-only education are thrilled, but there is little evidence this money will be effective in fighting pregnancy or HIV. Continue reading

Another Poll Reveals Most Americans Oppose Obamacare

(KurtNimmo) – Yet another poll reveals the obvious — large numbers of Americans oppose Obamacare. “A Mason-Dixon poll of Florida voters released over the weekend offers the dose of cold water Democrats may need to temper their expectations on health care’s electoral impact,” writes Politico. – Continue reading

MSM: AT&T sees $1 billion healthcare related charge

(Reuters) – AT&T Inc (T.N) said on Friday it would record a $1 billion non-cash charge for the current quarter related to the new U.S. health care reform law, as lawmakers called on the company and three other large employers to testify about expected cost hikes. Continue reading

Returning the Beast to its Cage

(TenthAmendmentCenter) – The pen that the President used has already been tucked away for it’s ‘historic value’. The bill has been printed with congressional approval and now that Barack Obama’s signature appears on it we have officially entered an age of unprecedented Federal control over the most tangible aspect of our human experience- our bodies. Continue reading

Dates That Destroyed America – Chuck Baldwin

Passage of the so-called “health care reform” bill in the House of Representatives this past Sunday, March 21 (I won’t even address the inferred unconstitutionality of Congress doing business on the Lord’s Day. See Article. I. Section. 7. Paragraph. 2.) drove yet another stake into the heart of America. For all intents and purposes, it is the health of the United States that is in dire need of healing. In fact, the US has been on extended life-support for decades. With its condition being rendered critical, and absent major surgery, its days are numbered. The passage of this bill only serves to further weaken an already frail Constitution. Continue reading

An attack on health care in the guise of reform

(WSWS) – The vote Sunday night by the US House of Representatives to approve Obama’s health care overhaul was accompanied by declarations that the measure represents the greatest social reform in generations.

With predictable demagogy, Obama, in a statement following passage of the bill, hailed the measure as a historic reform a century in the making, a vindication of the “American dream” and proof that “government of the people and by the people still works for the people.” Continue reading

Video: Alex Breaks Down What’s Really in Stalinist-like “Obamacare”

Alex breaks down the latest on “Obamacare” and what affects it will have on americans if this bill is signed into law. Mainstream media keeps spinning the health-Care bill to death, but alex will tell you what’s really in the bill, and you won’t like what you hear today on another important sunday broadcast
of the alex jones show. Continue reading

Last-Minute Change In HCR Bill Makes Student Loan Reform Disappear

(Crooks&Liars) – I’m still looking for an explanation for the abrupt about-face on this (I’m guessing it bought a needed vote to pass the healthcare bill) and will fill you in when I find out: Continue reading

MSM: Congress health care vote – a dark day for freedom in America

(Telegraph) – The passage last night of Barack Obama’s health care reform bill through the House of Representatives is yet another blow to freedom in America inflicted by the Obama administration. The legislation, which comes at a staggering cost of $940 billion, will hugely add to the already towering national debt, now at over $12 trillion. It is yet another millstone round the necks of the American people, already faced with the highest levels of unemployment in a generation. Continue reading

Health care reform bill dooms America to Pharma-dominated sickness and suffering – Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) – Today the medical mafia struck another devastating blow to the health and freedom of all Americans. With the support of an inarguably corrupt Congress that has simply abandoned the real needs of the American people, the sick-care industry has locked in a high-profit scheme of disease and monopoly-priced pharmaceuticals in a nation that can ill afford either one. Continue reading

Pharma Backed Australian of the Year Psychiatrist Wants Millions in Government Funding for Brave New World of “Pre-Drugging” Kids

(CCHRInt) – Who is Patrick McGorry and what does he promote?  He’s a psychiatrist just named Australian of the Year for his work in “youth mental health reform.”  What does that reform consist of?  What he calls a “new form of climate change.” It sure is. Continue reading


(KrugmanInWonderland) – The Most Bizarro Health “Reform” Arugment: ObamaCare Will Cut the Deficit

Is Paul Krugman an economist or a political operative? Seven years ago, I said it was the latter, and nothing Krugman has written since then has changed that opinion. In this blog post, Krugman once again exposes himself as the politically-partisan shill that he has become. Read More Here

Spiegel: 2009 swine flu pandemic a boost for Big Pharma/R. C. Camphausen

Those who suspected a money- and greed-driven conspiracy behind the 2009 swine flu outbreak – declared a pandemic by overzealous WHO officials and their advisers from within the industry – are being proven right by recent revelations in Der Spiegel. Read More Here

Video: The Best investment opportunity in 30 years Silver – Investment Tips – Video Link Here

(PressTV) – Anti-Berlusconi strike paralyzes Italy

Italy has been hit by a nationwide worker strike following a call by the country’s largest trade union, which has protested at Rome’s economic and immigration policies. Read More Here

(SmirkingChimp) – United States of Foreclosures: How ‘Bankquakes’ Shake People from Their Homes

The financial crisis started as a housing bubble with the financial industry convinced that home values never fall. How wrong they were even as they leveraged and securitized their investments to create a global crisis. Read More Here

(RealNewsNetwork) – Video: Wars sending U.S. into ruin

Eric Margolis: Obama the peace president is fighting battles his country cannot afford View Video Here

(DailyMail) – UK taxpayer ‘WILL pay tens of billions of euros for Greek rescue’

The UK taxpayer could still end up forking out for the bailout of debt-stricken Greece despite Treasury assurances, politicians warned last night. Read More Here

(DailyBreeze) – Report: One-fourth of welfare payments go to illegals

Nearly one-quarter of state welfare payments and food stamps issued in Los Angeles County go to children whose parents are in the U.S. illegally, according to January figures released today. Read More Here

(FT) – Alleged Tarp fraud at The Park Avenue Bank [UPDATED]

Watch this space: at 1pm ET on Monday, Tarp overlord Neil Barofsky will discuss the arrest of one Charles J Antonucci Sr, the former president and chief executive of the (failed) Park Avenue Bank in New York. Read More Here

(WSJ) – Maryland’s Mobile Millionaires

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn is the latest Democrat to demand a tax increase, this week proposing to raise the state’s top marginal individual income tax rate to 4% from 3%. He’d better hope this works out better than it has for Maryland. Read More Here

(MCall) – Recession hitting returning vets hard

Despite skills acquired, those who served have higher unemployment rate than that of the general population. Read More Here

(Time) – China Takes Aim at the U.S. on Currency Conflict

At one moment during Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao’s press conference on Sunday, it was easy to confuse whom he was criticizing when he denounced efforts by some countries to lower the value of their currency to boost trade. Read More Here

(Mirror) – Cabin crew strikes will ‘kill’ British Airways

British Airways could go bust if cabin crew strikes go ahead, Transport Secretary Lord Adonis warned yesterday. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – U.S., U.K. Move Closer to Losing AAA Credit Rating

The U.S. and the U.K. have moved “substantially” closer to losing their AAA credit ratings as the cost of servicing their debt rose, according to Moody’s Investors Service. Read More Here

MSM: Senate Health Care Bill Dead on Arrival, Pro-Life House Democrats Say

(FoxNews) – The health care reform bill passed by the Senate on Christmas Eve appears to be dead on arrival in the House, as seven anti-abortion Democrats intend to join the ranks of lawmakers who plan to vote against the legislation, Fox News has confirmed. Continue reading