MSM: Texas case could decide health care reform suit

(HoustonChronicle) – A Texas high school student’s decision to bring a .38-caliber handgun to school in 1992 could end up at the center of the legal fight over President Barack Obama’s health care reform plan. Continue reading

Video: Man takes city to Supreme Court over handgun ban

(ABC) – A grandfather is taking his 2nd Amendment fight to the U.S. Supreme Court in what is expected to be a landmark case. Otis McDonald, 76, is suing the city of Chicago over its handgun ban. View Video Here

Schwarzenegger signs ammunition sales bill

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger today signed into law a bill that requires buyers of handgun ammunition to leave thumbprints and detailed personal information with registered ammo sellers, as well as put restrictions on online bullet sales. Continue reading

The Real Reason for Gun Ownership

The State Creates It’s Own Enemies

Goulishly capitalizing on the tragedy of a mass murder, the anti-gun forces are surging forward with their plans for total gun confiscation. If law-abiding private citizens were disarmed, they claim, criminals and crazies would be unable to kill and maim. Continue reading

The ammo boom is no dud

As a growing number of gun shoppers are discovering these days, it’s becoming easier to buy a gun than it is to purchase the ammunition for it. Shortages of popular handgun calibers in particular have dealers and customers fuming, and ammo makers have shifted their production lines into overdrive to keep up with the demand. How long will the “bullet bubble” last? Continue reading

Holder Living Up To Reputation As Gun Grabber

The choice of Eric Holder for attorney general sends an alarming signal to gun owners about how the Obama administration will view individual gun rights, as affirmed this year by the Supreme Court. Continue reading

HR 45 May be More Troubling Than the Average Anti-gun Bill

Those of you who regularly peruse the GOA website know that there are dozens of anti-gun abominations which are introduced as legislation in the Senate and House each Congress. These include, particularly, national gun licensing and broad gun bans. Continue reading