MSM: European police to spy on Britons: Now ministers hand over Big Brother powers to foreign officers

(DailyMail) – Ministers are ready to hand sweeping Big Brother powers to EU states so they can spy on British citizens.

Foreign police will be able to travel to the UK and take part in the arrest of Britons.

They will be able to place them under surveillance, bug telephone conversations, monitor bank accounts and demand fingerprints, DNA or blood samples.

Anyone who refuses to comply with a formal request for co-operation by a foreign-based force is likely to be arrested by UK officers. Read More Here

Orwell’s nightmare–big brother is here

(Examiner) – In George Orwell’s chilling novel, 1984, the author depicts a future society in which citizens are controlled by an all-seeing, all-knowing big government, referred to as ‘big brother.’  Orwell’s nightmare is here, now.

A sampling of the major news stories today merely prove we are now living under the very tyranny about which Orwell warned and about which stalwart defenders of liberty such as Ayn Rand, Barry Goldwater, M. Stanton Evans, and Whitaker Chambers kept an ever-watchful eye.

Here are but a few troubling examples: Continue reading

Video: Coast to Coast AM with Jim Marrs

Author and investigative journalist Jim Marrs talked about why he believes the International Elite are using economic collapse, man-made disease, and erosion of civil liberties to take down America. He referred to the US as a “zombie nation” because citizens and the country itself are trillions of dollars in debt. JFK ended up dead not longer after he issued $4.2 billion in currency that was printed by the Treasury instead of the Federal Reserve (in reality, a group of 12 banks that charge interest), he noted.

“They’re setting us up for a really big fall– because the United States has been a free nation and a republic,” and the biggest stumbling block to their plan for a New World Order– a global socialist state broken into three economic blocks (as George Orwell predicted in 1984), Marrs laid out. Rather than conservatives or liberals, Democrats or Republicans, he said the Global Elite is made up of various wealthy individuals– many Cabinet members of the last four administrations have been members of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), he added. Continue reading

A ‘Kill Switch’ for the State

(LewRockwell) – Two or more decades ago I wrote an article in which I suggested that, while the collapse of our civilization would ultimately prove beneficial to the productive purposes of society, the transition would, in the short-term, not be pretty to watch. The threat to the established order would be devastating, a challenge that would elicit the most violent and desperate efforts to defend the status quo. Wars, increased police powers, the enhanced regulation of and restrictions on alternative social systems, would become the norm. A society so constituted could well be symbolized as a faceless SWAT team member shoving his automatic rifle into the face of a cowering peaceful demonstrator. Continue reading

Every German household will have to have TV licence from 2013

(TheFluCase) – Every single household in Germany will have to pay a flat fee of €17.98 per month for a TV licence regardless of whether they have a TV or not under a new law due to come into force on January 1 2013.

The change will see public broadcasters ARD and ZDF getting an extra billion euros to fund government propaganda following the decision by the prime ministers of the federal states made on June 9 in Berlin. Continue reading

A comment: Revisiting George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four in 2010

(WSWS) – Since first appearing in the popular lexicon, the term “Orwellian” has conjured up a vision of the prototypical “totalitarian state”: a one-party dictatorship that swarmed with secret police, spied on its own people, quashed dissent, made arbitrary arrests, tortured prisoners, waged perpetual war, rewrote history for mere expedience, impoverished its own working population, and rooted its political discourse in doublethink—a thought system defined as “the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”

Many Americans would easily recognize this description of “Oceania,” the futuristic dystopia immortalized by George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, one of the most influential English-language novels of the mid-twentieth century.

Whether many Americans recognize that this description applies to their own society as well is another matter. But since the theft of the 2000 election—a period marked by such events as the 9/11 attacks, the invasion of Iraq based on fictitious “WMD” (weapons of mass destruction), the torture scandals, and the 2008 financial crash—it’s a point that increasing numbers of Americans seem to be grasping. Continue reading

Video: What Did You Learn In School Today?

See Also: (RedIce) – One in three UK secondary schools fingerprinting pupils as Big Brother regime sweeps education systemRead More Here

This was 50 years ago …. what has changed?? – Continue reading

From Britain To Brazil – Owning The Dystopian Daydream

(TheCleaver) – Since the end of World War II, the United Kingdom has steadily and perceptibly regressed into a psychotic quagmire of officialdom. This has been implemented according to an explicit strategy to remove the personal privacy, self empowerment and spiritual alignment from the people of Britain. The current subjects of the German Dynastic elites known as The House Of Saxe-Coburg And Gotha (renamed The Windsors in 1917 for public relations reasons), are seeing a rapid regression to the in-your-face serfdom that was previously believed to have been consigned to the dark days of the 17th century. Or so it would seem. Continue reading

Surveillance cameras in Birmingham track Muslims’ every move

(Guardian) – Counterterrorism police have targeted hundreds of surveillance cameras on two Muslim areas of Birmingham, enabling them to track the precise movements of people entering and leaving the neighbourhoods.

The project has principally been sold to locals as an attempt to combat antisocial behaviour, vehicle crime and drug dealing in the area. But the cameras have been paid for by a £3m grant from a government fund, the Terrorism and Allied Matters Fund, which is administered by the Association of Chief Police Officers. Read More Here

MSM: Michigan Considers Law to License Journalists

(Fox) – A Michigan lawmaker wants to license reporters to ensure they’re credible and vet them for “good moral character.”

Senator Bruce Patterson is introducing legislation that will regulate reporters much like the state does with hairdressers, auto mechanics and plumbers. Patterson, who also practices constitutional law, says that the general public is being overwhelmed by an increasing number of media outlets–traditional, online and citizen generated–and an even greater amount misinformation.

“Legitimate media sources are critically important to our government,” he said.

He told that some reporters covering state politics don’t know what they’re talking about and they’re working for publications he’s never heard of, so he wants to install a process that’ll help him and the general public figure out which reporters to trust.

“We have to be able to get good information,” he said. “We have to be able to rely on the source and to understand the credentials of the source.” Full article here

Open proposal to US higher education: end oligarchy economics, save trillions with education 3 of 4

(Examiner) – US universities and colleges could end unlawful US wars and stop banksters’ rigged-casino fraud if they taught the central facts of these issues. This four-part series of articles is an open proposal for their action. Feel free to share it.

This is my proposal for the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) Ed.L.D. program. I’ll add one link a day: Read More Here

Thought police muscle up in Britain

(TheAustralian) – BRITAIN appears to be evolving into the first modern soft totalitarian state. As a sometime teacher of political science and international law, I do not use the term totalitarian loosely.

There are no concentration camps or gulags but there are thought police with unprecedented powers to dictate ways of thinking and sniff out heresy, and there can be harsh punishments for dissent. Read More Here

MSM: Labour ready to let in the EU snoopers

(DailyMail) – British citizens face being subjected to secret EU ‘Big Brother’ spying missions.

Labour is supporting plans for a dramatic expansion in the powers available to fellow member states who accuse UK nationals of committing even the most minor crimes while visiting. Continue reading

That thing from 1984

(OpEdNews) –  It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.

So begins one of the most profound works of political literature, George Orwell’s 1984. The book was originally published in 1949, and yet has provided a persistent exploration of contemporary politics. The book describes a world at war with constantly switching sides and lies. All information is controlled by the state. All institutions are linked to the state and all individuals are dependent on the state. Continue reading

Video: The Shocking Truth About Public Schools – Robert Wanek

You must understand that school is simply a social-engineering center that wants to dictate the beliefs of young children. Creativity must be halted to ensure that popular belief maintains and that people cannot see through the false facade of bankers, politicians, and many other severe issues. Continue reading

Beyond Orwell: The Electronic Police State, 2010 – Tom Burghardt

(AntiFascistCalling) – A truism perhaps, but before resorting to brute force and open repression to halt the “barbarians at the gates,” that would be us, the masters of declining empires (and the chattering classes who polish their boots) regale us with tales of “democracy on the march,” “hope” and other banalities before the mailed fist comes crashing down. Continue reading

MSM: Senate Tells Employees Not to Read Drudge Report

(Drudge) – Just as the healthcare drama in the capitol reaches a grand finale, congressional officials are warning employees to avoid the DRUDGE REPORT! Continue reading

Video: Ron Paul – Oath to US Constitution rejected by both parties’ “leadership.” US revolt coming?

(Examiner) – Congressman Ron Paul spoke on the House floor for 5-minutes on US policy to assassinate US citizens at the dictate of the executive branch based on “secret evidence,” US policy of torture that includes American citizens and without legal recourse, US policy of rendition to secret prisons, and unlimited detention. Continue reading

Ron Paul: US has broken with reality, sanity, and rule of law; calls for “Revolutionary changes”

(Examiner) – Ron Paul made the following 4-minute speech on the House floor admonishing the American public to counter Orwellian conditions in the US with “revolutionary thinking,” and to prepare for “revolutionary changes in the not-too-distant future.” Continue reading

Welcome to Orwell’s World 2010 – John Pilger

In Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell described a superstate called Oceania, whose language of war inverted lies that “passed into history and became truth. ‘Who controls the past’, ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past’.” Continue reading

Turning children into Orwellian eco-spies

There is a long and sordid tradition of trying to socialise children by scaring them. The aim of such socialisation-through-fear is twofold: firstly, to get children to conform to the scaremongers’ values; secondly, to use children to influence, or at least to contain, their parents’ behaviour. Continue reading

Video: TIME Names Ben Bernanke as Person of the Year for 2009, but it’s 1984..

In a time fitting for a George Orwell novel, Ben Bernanke has been named person of the year. Why is this appalling? Well the Federal Reserve’s job is to keep us from having recessions and depressions, very simply, that is their job, along with keeping stability in the markets. Bernanke failed, and accordingly this announcement comes one day before the Senate Banking Committee recommmends his confirmation to the full Senate for another 4 year term as Chairman of the Federal Reserve. Continue reading

Video: Dennis Kucinich – These Wars Are Corrupting our Nation!

On Sat., Dec. 12, 2009, Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) was one of the featured speakers at the emergency End-the-U.S.-Wars rally. See for background: The event was held in Lafayette Park, opposite the White House. Rep. Kucinich has acted as the conscience of the House of Representatives in opposing U.S. wars of aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan. Continue reading

Controlling The Minds Of The Masses: How It Is Done And Why

“Mind Control” is a loaded term, often associated with science fiction and the fantastical by people who are not aware of its very real history. Images of Orwell’s “1984” or Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” are conjured; dystopic nightmare landscapes assumed only possible in pulp literature. What many people do not know or realize is that these books were based on actual ideas and theories that had been put forward by social and scientific elites for decades, and in some cases, centuries. The desire of the “ruling class” to understand the mechanics of the human mind has left a trail of misery dating back to earliest recorded history. It was not enough for them to subjugate the masses through force; the Elites wanted the people to accept their slavery, to integrate it into their psyches. They wanted us to be “thankful” for our servitude, for only then, would they truly be in control of the world. Continue reading

Digits and Revolution – Dr Gary North

“To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.” ~ George Orwell
We are seeing the beginning of a social revolution. This revolution will spread to politics. It is happening under our noses. Continue reading

Is FCC Declaring ‘Open Season’ on Internet Freedom?

The FCC, in proposing to change the definition of an “open Internet” from competition-driven to government-driven is setting a very dangerous precedent; that it is acceptable for countries to preemptively regulate the Internet for what might happen in the future, even if they lack the legitimacy of constitutional or legal authority to do so, or even if there is thinnest of justification or evidence to support it. Continue reading

The End of America happens in the middle of the night

While normal everyday oblivious Americans were preparing their beds to sleep Saturday night their elected officials quietly passed H.R. 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act. Indeed, the passage of this act deals one of the final death blows to the Constitution and with it our liberties. Continue reading

Obama’s Prize tells world ‘War is Peace’

Last month, Barack Obama became the third U.S. president to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. The Norwegian Nobel Committee lauded Obama for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.” Continue reading

Video: LAPD’s creepy Orwellian anti-terrorism ad

Ever get the feeling you’re being watched?
Check out the Los Angeles Police Department’s creepy new public service announcement for its city-wide anti-terrorism iWatch program. The civilian program was launched earlier this month and is endorsed by 63 police chiefs around the country. Continue reading

MSM: Big Brother Britain – £380 a MINUTE spent on tracking your every click online

(DailyMail) – An astonishing £380 a minute will be spent on surveillance in a massive expansion of the Big Brother state. Continue reading

Is a Weak Dollar a Strong Sign? Not So Fast!

(C4L) – Readers of George Orwell’s 1984 might recall Big Brother’s claims that “war is peace” or “freedom is slavery.” Orwell was writing a novel, but some of the commentary these days makes me think that elite economists have taken residence in Oceania’s “Ministry of Truth.” Continue reading

Why Do Chemtrails Not Exist? Because They Exist

After reading a Time Magazine article Moscow Mayor Promises a Winter Without Snow last Friday it became evident to me that the spraying of aerosols into the atmosphere exist only if you choose not to believe in it. This may sound Orwellian, but the United States, the Chinese and now Russian governments have all admitted that they are manipulating the weather. Let’s take a moment to ask ourselves why such sick delusional minds would still conjure up such nonsense. Continue reading

Europeans Reject Swine Flu Vaccine

Danes, Finns, Germans, French, Spanish, Belgians, Dutch all refusing to roll sleeves up despite government, media pressure Continue reading

Thought Police

In the movie “1984”, there was a group called “thought police” who would control the thoughts of the people in a “police state” atmosphere. Information was constantly controlled as history would be re-written in the film to shape and mold the minds of the people-slaves in the controlled cities. This film, however, is not just a fantasy any longer. Continue reading

Video: Ministers target climate change doubters in prime-time TV advert

(Times) – Climate change sceptics are to be targeted in a hard-hitting government advertising campaign that will be the first to state unequivocally that Man is causing global warming and endangering life on Earth. Continue reading