Denninger: Let’s Cut the Crap — We Are in a Depression Right Now

(SHTFPlan) – So let’s cut the crap – we are in a Depression right now.  We are pretending we are not, just like you can pretend you didn’t really lose your job so long as your credit card does not reach its limit.  We have been in that depression for about 18 months and there is no evidence that we will exit it, as we have yet to find a way to pull back the deficit spending without an instantaneous collapse in the economy. Continue reading

Land Of The Puppet People

It oftentimes boggles the mind to try and understand the ease with which the Establishment can manipulate the American citizenry into another warmongering escapade..yet it is easy to comprehend this phenomenon, for we live inside the United States of Amnesia, a country where all semblance of the yesterday becomes but a haze of blatant forgetfulness and convenient whitewash.
American Heroin Continue reading

Wake Up, America!

(Pravda) – To my Fellow Americans,
I am concerned for the security of our great nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within” – General Douglas MacArthur.
What exactly did General MacArthur mean? Let me try to explain. The United States was founded as a Constitutional Republic based on liberty and the unalienable rights of the individual; and where the government exercised it’s limited power and authority with the consent of “We the people”. But slowly, over the course of the past 100 years, “invisible” forces have turned us into a socialist “Democracy” where government is the Ultimate power and authority; where every action of our lives is legislated and restricted, and where Rights are becoming nonexistent. Continue reading

The Truthseeker’s Imprisoned in Rothschild Castle

I’ve been patient. Each day I go to The Truthseeker web site and find that it’s gone- or still gone- as the case may be. It seemed that What Really Happened went down at the same time. This proved to be the result of a clerical error and then… very soon after, What Really Happened has come under persistent attack. Jeff Rense is also under attack. The forces behind the attacks are not a secret. Continue reading

H1N1 October surprise prevention

The core essence of “Greater Things” is that there is always a better way to do things — anything — whether it be religion, politics, science, academia — anything. To the extent that we get institutionalized and codified in a set belief system, is the extent that we inhibit the ability to grow and learn new and better ways. – Dr. Andrew Moulden. A growing number of doctors, other health professionals and citizens are attempting to prevent the humanitarian disaster planned for this October when the new H1N1 vaccine is to be deployed in a grand scale, military, war on terror manoeuvre . Continue reading

Video: Wake up America!!! – Alan Watt

(Oct. 10, 2008) – This is how the elite control us. This is basically a clear-cut blueprint of what they want to do to us in the next few years. Continue reading