Genetically Manipulated Crops: The GMO Catastrophe in the USA. A Lesson for the World – F. William Engdahl

(GlobalResearch) – Recently the unelected potentates of the EU Commission in Brussels have sought to override what has repeatedly been shown to be the overwhelming opposition of the European Union population to the spread of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) in EU agriculture. EU Commission President now has a Maltese accountant as health and enviromnent Commissioner to rubber stamp the adoption of GMO. The former EU Environment Commissioner from Greece was a ferocious GMO opponent. As well, the Chinese government has indicated it may approve a variety of GMO rice. Before things get too far along, they would do well to take a closer look at the world GMO test lab, the USA. There GMO crops are anything but beneficial. Just the opposite.

What is carefully kept out of the Monsanto and other agribusiness propaganda in promoting genetically manipulated crops as an alternative to conventional is the fact that in the entire world until the present, all GMO crops have been manipulated and patented for only two things—to be resistant or “tolerant” to the patented highly toxic herbicide glyphosate chemicals that Monsanto and the others force farmers to buy as condition for buying their patented GMO seeds. The second trait is GMO seeds that have been engineered genetically to resist specific insects. Contrary to public relations myths promoted by the agribusiness giants in their own self-interest, there exists not oné single GMO seed that provides a greater harvest yield than conventional, nor one that requires less toxic chemical herbicides. That is for the simple reason there is no profit to be made in such. Continue reading

Sugar Beets: Monsanto Wins Again

See Also: (ActivistPost) – Federal Judge Revokes USDA Approval Of Monsanto’s Genetically Modified Sugar BeetsRead More Here

(Infowars) – Last Friday a federal judge imposed a nationwide ban on GMO sugar beets and it was overturned the next business day.  Sugar beets comprise 50% of the sugar used in US food, and 95% of the sugar beets grown in the US are GMO.  It is the jurisdiction of the US Department of Agriculture to determine whether plants are environmentally safe; this case is about whether the plants can cross pollinate (by wind, insects, etc) and contaminate other plants.  This could have cost Monsanto billions of dollars. Continue reading

MSM: Genetically engineered salmon under FDA consideration

(LATimes) – AquaBounty is seeking FDA approval for a genetically engineered fish that reaches market weight in half the usual time. Some in the industry are leery.

With a global population pressing against food supplies and vast areas of the ocean swept clean of fish, tiny AquaBounty Technologies Inc. of Waltham, Mass., says it can help feed the world.

The firm has developed genetically engineered salmon that reach market weight in half the usual time. What’s more, it hopes to avoid the pollution, disease and other problems associated with saltwater fish farms by having its salmon raised in inland facilities.

The Food and Drug Administration has yet to approve what would be the nation’s first commercial genetically modified food animal. Full article here

Health News

(FoodOnline) – Coming soon from Cargill: Genetically-modified omega-3 oils

Cargill To Introduce Industry-First Healthy Oil Innovation, Clear Valley® Omega-3 Oil Made From Canola And Flax Seed, At IFT Food Expo Read More Here

(MailOnline) – The toxic truth about mega-farms: Chemical fumes, distressed animals and poisoned locals driven from their homes and worse

So what kind of ghastly chemical plant did the Brouses live next door to in Minnesota? in fact, the facility that was slowly poisoning this hapless family (and thousands like them across America) was a dairy farm. Not, however, a dairy farm as you might imagine, with cows chewing the cud or roaming freely in the fields.

This one was called a CAFO – a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation – a ‘mega-farm’ where cows by the thousand live on concrete and rarely get to see the sun, where they never actually graze, where their lives are shortened from round-the-clock milking. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Conventional prostate cancer treatments increase risk of blood clots by 250 percent

A recent study published in The Lancet Oncology has found that men with prostate cancer are twice as likely as healthy men to suffer a blood clot, and those with the disease who undergo certain conventional treatments are at an even greater risk. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Busted: Wyeth Used Ghostwriters To Place Over 40 “Scientific” Articles In Medical Journals

Documents unsealed as part of a lawsuit against drug giant Wyeth Pharmaceuticals reveal that the company used ghostwriters to prepare at least 40 medical journal articles promoting the use of its hormone-replacement drug Prempro. Read More Here

(WashExam) – Drug lobby showers money on its hero Harry Reid

No scalp would be as treasured by Republicans this fall as that of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. And no incumbent is receiving as much air support from the drug industry as is Reid, who championed a health care bill that pads drug company profits. Read More Here

Bill Gates now pushing genetically modified seeds in Africa

(NaturalNews) The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation continues to throw its support behind risky genetically modified (GM) seeds as a means for feeding hungry Africans, ignoring safer and more reliable technologies that already exist. Continue reading

MSM: Monsanto GM seed ban is overturned by US Supreme Court

(BBC) – The bio-tech company Monsanto can sell genetically modified seeds before safety tests on them are completed, the US Supreme Court has ruled.

A lower court had barred the sale of the modified alfalfa seeds until an environmental impact study could be carried out.

But seven of the nine Supreme Court Justices decided that ruling was unconstitutional. Continue reading

Total sellout: Leading agricultural scientist says “organic” farmers should plant GM crops

(NaturalNews) – A former British agricultural government advisor has said that organic farming should embrace genetically modified (GM) crops as a way to make large-scale agriculture more environmentally sustainable.

Gordon Conway, a professor of international development at Imperial College London, told the Times of London that organic agriculture focuses excessively on what is “natural.” Referring to the exclusion of synthetic technologies from the definition of organic as “rigid,” he said that GM technology should be used to increase crop yields while limiting ecological damage. Continue reading

Genetically Modified Fooods (GMO) Causes Sterility, Organ Failure And Oral Hair Growth; Obama Administration Pushes It

(OfGoats&Men) – Yippie. Your corporations love you. Monsanto loves you. They want you to grow hair in your mouth and your children not be able to reproduce.

Research Links Genetically Modified Food To Long Term Sterility from PSKF

A new study done by Russian scientists suggests that Genetically Modified Food may cause long term sterility, that is, sterility in second and third generations… Read More Here

Health News

(NYTimes) – Researchers Ponder a Hurricane Hitting the Oil-Slicked Gulf of Mexico

The Atlantic Ocean hurricane season begins June 1, and scientists tracking the Gulf of Mexico oil spill are beginning to think about what would happen if a storm hit the growing slick. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Now independent thinkers are considered diseased by psychiatry

Psychiatrists have been working on the fourth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and, in it, they hope to add a whole slew of new psychiatric disorders. Unfortunately, many of these disorders are merely differences in personality and behavior among people. Read More Here

(Telegraph) – Landmark study set to show potential dangers of heavy mobile phone use

Prolonged mobile phone use could be linked to a type of cancer, the largest investigation of its kind will show next week. Read More Here

(CNN) – Video: Jenny McCarthy how she cured her sons Autism caused by VACCINATIONS! – Video Link Here

(DiscoveryNews) – Gulf Wildlife ‘Dead Zone’ Keeps Growing

Experts who assessed the Exxon Valdez disaster describe how the Gulf oil spill could affect birds, reptiles, shrimp, fish and other wildlife. Read More Here

(WashingtonsBlog) – Dispersants Might Be INCREASING Damage From Gulf Oil Spill – Read More Here

(GodLikeProductions) – Genetically modified crops failing worldwide

The Green Revolution — a misleading name applied by PR firms to the onset of globalized, chemical-intensive, industrial agriculture that is anything but friendly to the environment — is coming unraveled around the world, bringing devastation to farmers from the plains of China to the plains of America. Read More Here

(DailyKos) – Haitian Farmers Commit to Burning Monsanto Hybrid Seeds

“A new earthquake” is what peasant farmer leader Chavannes Jean-Baptiste of the Peasant Movement of Papay (MPP) called the news that Monsanto will be donating 60,000 seed sacks (475 tons) of hybrid corn seeds and vegetable seeds, some of them treated with highly toxic pesticides. The MPP has committed to burning Monsanto’s seeds, and has called for a march to protest the corporation’s presence in Haiti on June 4, for World Environment Day. Read More Here

FLASHBACK – (Rense) – Hidden Sources Of MSG In Foods – Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD

What if someone were to tell you that a chemical (MSG) added to food could cause brain damage in your children, and that this chemical could effect how your children’s nervous systems formed during development so that in later years they may have learning or emotional difficulties?

What if there was scientific evidence that these chemicals could permanently damage a critical part of the brain known to control hormones so that later in life your child might have endocrine problems? How would you feel? Read More Here

(Reuters) – Study suggests processed meat a real health risk

Eating bacon, sausage, hot dogs and other processed meats can raise the risk of heart disease and diabetes, U.S. researchers said on Monday in a study that identifies the real bad boys of the meat counter. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Diet soda now promoted as medicine to stop kidney stones (opinion) – Mike Adams

The “most retarded science journal of the year” award goes to the Journal of Urology which has published an article suggesting that diet soda is actually an effective type of medicine for preventing kidney stones (April 19, 2010 issue). The research was led by Dr Brian H. Eisner, a urologist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, who is apparently completely clueless about human nutrition and the toxicity of aspartame. Read More Here

(MiamiHerald) – Prescription drugs bust nets 135 arrests

A pharmacy might sell a single dose of oxycodone at $1 per pill, will on the streets it’s up to $30 a pill. Read More Here

(ABCNews) – Can Pesticides Cause ADHD?

Study Says Pesticide May Contribute to ADHD, But More Research Needed Read More Here

Disturbing Questions Remain about GM Flax Contamination

(OrganicConsumer) – Last September, the Flax Council of Canada (FCC) announced that an unapproved variety of genetically modified flax was detected in food products in Europe. The GM flax variety was identified as FP967 or “Triffid,” which had been developed in Canada, but was never commercialized and has been illegal to grow in Canada since 2001. Since the initial announcement last September, GM flax contamination has been reported in 35 countries. Continue reading

Killing The Food Supply: The Dangers of Genetically Modified Food

(Infowars) – Genetically modified food has entered the food supply through secrecy and deception. Some claimed that genetically modifying the food supply could even put an end to world hunger. At first glance, genetic modification really does look like a great idea. It allows for larger crops, enhanced growing seasons, and even bigger animals. The truth of the matter is that genetically modified food has been shown to sterilize the population, lead to infant mortality, and exacerbate the usage of pesticides on a global scale. Continue reading

GMO alert: U.S. attempting global censorship of GMO food labeling – Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) I received an urgent alert from Jeffrey Smith today about a dangerous situation taking place right now at the international CODEX conference. The U.S. is attempting to push its agenda to censor all GMO labeling of foods everywhere around the world. This would result in a global GMO cover-up as consumers are left in the dark about whether their foods and grocery products are genetically modified or not.

Your help is urgently needed to send a message to the Secretaries of State (Clinton), Agriculture (Vilsack), and Health and Human Services (Sebelius) to urge them to halt the USA’s nefarious attempts to install a global GMO deception. Continue reading

Feds on GMO Labeling: Don’t Tell, Don’t Ask

(TheAtlantic) – If you were hoping there might be some change in the U.S. government’s official position on genetically modified and genetically engineered (GM/GE) foods under the Obama administration, tough luck. Continue reading

US Supreme Court eyes bar on Monsanto GM alfalfa

(RawStory) – Supreme Court justices sounded critical Tuesday about the federal court decision blocking US biotech giant Monsanto’s sale of genetically modified alfalfa because some farmers fear their crops will be contaminated.

A federal judge in California in May 2007 ruled in a finding upheld on appeal in 2009 to block the sale of Monsanto’s GM alfalfa seeds. Continue reading

Russia says genetically modified foods are harmful

(RUVR) – Russia has started the annual Days of Defence against Environmental Hazards from the 15th of April to the 5th of June with the announcement of sensational results of an independent work of research. Scientists have proved that Genetically Modified Organisms are harmful for mammals. The researchers discovered that animals that eat GM foodstuffs lose their ability to reproduce. Campbell hamsters that have a fast reproduction rate were fed for two years with ordinary soya beans, which are widely used in agriculture and those contain different percentages of GM organisms. Another group of hamsters, the control group, was fed with pure soya, which was found with great difficulty in Serbia because 95 percent of soya in the world is transgenic. Continue reading

GMO Case Before Supreme Court

(InterPressService) – The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments Tuesday in its first-ever case involving genetically modified crops. The decision in this case may have a significant impact on both the future of genetically modified foods and government oversight of that and other environmental issues.

The case, Monsanto Co. v. Geertson Seed Farms, revolves around an herbicide-resistant alfalfa, the planting of which has been banned in the U.S. since a federal court prohibited the multinational Monsanto from selling the seeds in 2007. Continue reading

Health News

(ABCNews) – Flu shots suspended after kids hospitalised

The Western Australian Government has suspended all flu vaccinations for children under five while it investigates a spike in admissions to Princess Margaret Hospital in Perth. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Millions drink toxic water in the USA, but it’s EPA-approved

It has been so long since the federal law regulating tap water has been updated that since 2004, more than one-fifth of the U.S. population has consumed tap water that the government classifies as toxic, but still approves for human consumption.
“People don’t understand that just because water is technically legal, it can still present health risks,” said Pankaj Parekh, director of water quality for the City of Los Angeles. Read More Here

(LaudyMS) – Genetically Modified Soy Linked to Sterility, Infant Mortality in Hamsters

“This study was just routine,” said Russian biologist Alexey V. Surov, in what could end up as the understatement of this century. Surov and his colleagues set out to discover if Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) soy, grown on 91% of US soybean fields, leads to problems in growth or reproduction. What he discovered may uproot a multi-billion dollar industry. Read More Here

(AlterNet) – Food in the U.S. Is Still Tainted with Chemicals That Were Banned Decades Ago

Thirty-eight years after DDT was banned, Americans still consume trace amounts of the infamous insecticide every day, along with more than 20 other banned chemicals. Read More Here Headlines

Artificial sweeteners alter how body handles real sugar

Artificial sweeteners may cause metabolic changes in how the body reacts to real sugar, according to a study conducted by researchers from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Read More Here

Bayer admits GMO contamination out of control

Drug and chemical giant Bayer AG has admitted that there is no way to stop the uncontrolled spread of its genetically modified crops. Read More Here

Poor children more likely to be put on antipsychotic drugs

Poor children are vastly more likely to be given antipsychotic drugs than middle class children, and often for less serious conditions, according to a study conducted by researchers from Rutgers and Columbia Universities and released ahead of publication. Read More Here

America does not have a shortage of doctors, it has an excess of disease

Now that health reform relying on monopolized pharmaceutical medicine has become the law of the land across America, the mainstream media is reporting on a sudden shortage of doctors. The nearly one million doctors who already treat a sick, diseased population is no longer enough, it seems, and medical schools are ramping up to churn out more doctors to treat yet more disease. There are never enough doctors to go around when everybody’s sick, it seems… Read More Here

Commission gives green light to genetically-modified potato

(Euractiv) – In a controversial move, the European Commission yesterday (2 March) gave the green light for the first genetically-modified potato to be cultivated in the European Union. Continue reading

The multiple ways Monsanto is putting normal seeds out of reach

(OpEdNews) – People say if farmers don’t want problems from Monsanto, just don’t buy their GMO seeds.

Not so simple. Where are farmers supposed to get normal seed these days? How are they supposed to avoid contamination of their fields from GM-crops? How are they supposed to stop Monsanto detectives from trespassing or Monsanto from using helicopters to fly over spying on them?

Monsanto contaminates the fields, trespasses onto the land taking samples and if they find any GMO plants growing there (or say they have), they then sue, saying they own the crop. It’s a way to make money since farmers can’t fight back and court and they settle because they have no choice. Read More Here

Say No to GMO Corporatism

(C4L) – This week I heard a disturbing commercial on the radio which was produced by Monsanto. If you aren’t familiar with Monsanto already, they are the corporation who created Roundup weed killer and Agent Orange, the chemical which caused over 400,000 deaths and disabilities during the Vietnam War. Some of Monsanto’s most recent controversies are engineering rBST (recombinant Bovine Somatotropin) or rBGH (recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone) and Genetically Modified Organisms or GMO’s. These industrialized forms of food have saturated the diet of Americans for years now without consumers even noticing. Continue reading

BULGARIA: Govt Forced Down on Genetically Modifed Crops

(IPS) – Campaigning by environmental groups and the general public has weakened the determination of the Bulgarian government to allow the cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops in this country. Continue reading

Stop Monsanto’s GMO Contamination

(CredoAction) – During the Bush administration, Monsanto illegally won USDA approval for its genetically engineered (GE) alfalfa by convincing regulators to bypass a mandatory environmental review. In response to a lawsuit by consumer groups, the courts then stepped in and banned GE alfalfa until the USDA followed the law. Read More Here

10 reasons why we don’t need GM foods

If you want to print this article as an A4 leaflet, download a PDF.

With the cost of food recently skyrocketing – hitting not just shoppers but the poor and hungry in the developing world – genetically modified (GM) foods are once again being promoted as the way to feed the world. But this is little short of a confidence trick. Far from needing more GM foods, there are urgent reasons why we need to ban them altogether. Continue reading

Monstanto – Public Enemy Number One

A Monsanto official told the New York Times that the corporation should not have to take responsibility for the safety of its food products.
“Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food,” said Phil Angell, Monsanto’s director of corporate communications. “Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the FDA’s job.”

The ‘war on terror’ has become nameless since our administration changed. But it is the same war, it has the same goals and it is as unwinnable as it always was. But certainly there are other ways of conquering the planet, says Washington. Read More Here

Genetically Modified Organism News

(Cryptogon) – Monsanto’s GM Corn Damages Organs: A Comparison of the Effects of Three GM Corn Varieties on Mammalian Health

We present for the first time a comparative analysis of blood and organ system data from trials with rats fed three main commercialized genetically modified (GM) maize (NK 603, MON 810, MON 863), which are present in food and feed in the world. NK 603 has been modified to be tolerant to the broad spectrum herbicide Roundup and thus contains residues of this formulation. Cryptogon

(NaturalNews) – Three Approved GMO Crops Linked to Organ Damage, New Study Shows

Genetically Modified crops (or GM) are genetically modified organisms (GMO) that have been altered to meet a specific profile. They have also been the subject of controversy almost since their introduction two decades ago. A new study pinpoints three variations of GM corn (maize) as being linked to organ damage in mammals. Natural News

(Times) – Organic farmers must embrace GM crops if we are to feed the world, says scientist

The organic movement should overcome its hostility to genetically modified crops and embrace the contribution that they can make to sustainable farming, one of the world’s leading agricultural scientists has told The Times. Times Online

Video: Everything you HAVE TO KNOW about Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods

Expert Jeffrey M. Smith, author of the #1 GMO bestseller Seeds of Deception, and Genetic Roulette, entertains a wildly appreciative audience with shocking facts about how genetically modified organisms (GMOs) entered our lives. Smith links GMO to toxins, allergies, infertility, infant mortality, immune dysfunction, stunted growth, and death. Whistleblowers were fired, threatened, and gagged, and warnings by FDA scientists were ignored. Start today to protect yourself by joining the Campaign for Healthier Eating in America— a plan that gives the consumer the power to end the genetic engineering of our food supply.

Video Link Here

Monsanto Named ‘Company of the Year’ by Forbes Magazine

St. Louis-based Monsanto has been named “2009 Company of the Year” by Forbes Magazine. The publication cites Monsanto‘s on-going work in the field of bio-engineering to improve crop yields and feed an ever-growing world population. Spokesman Darren Wallis says while chief executive Hugh Grant and everybody else at Monsanto are pleased with the honor, they remain focused on keeping their customers satisfied. “Mr. Grant has a great saying that we earn farmers’ business every spring at the kitchen table,” Wallis tells KMOX News. Forbes noted that Monsanto has been able to avoid the brunt of the Recession, earning more than $2 billion on revenue of $11.7 billion in fiscal ’09, with sales increasing at an annualized 18% clip over the last five years… read the full article on Forbes’ choice of Monsanto as the “2009 Company of the Year

MSM: Britain must launch GM food revolution, says chief scientist

(Guardian) – Britain must embrace genetically modified crops and cutting-edge developments such as nanotechnology to avoid catastrophic food shortages and future climate change, the government’s chief scientist will warn today. Continue reading

The Effects of Genetically Modified Foods on Animal Health

In what is being described as the first ever and most comprehensive study of the effects of genetically modified foods on mammalian health, researchers have linked organ damage with consumption of Monsanto’s GM maize. Continue reading

France Finds Monsanto Guilty of Lying

(Mercola) – France’s highest court has ruled that U.S. agrochemical giant Monsanto had not told the truth about the safety of its best-selling weed-killer, Roundup. The court confirmed an earlier judgment that Monsanto had falsely advertised its herbicide as “biodegradable” and claimed it “left the soil clean.” Roundup is the world’s best-selling herbicide. Continue reading

Video: Secret FDA Memos Reveal Concerns About Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs)

Shelly Roche – September 9th, 2009 Continue reading

MSM: International Paper Treads Monsanto’s Path to ‘Frankenforests’

(Bloomberg) – International Paper Co., the world’s largest pulp and paper maker, plans to remake commercial forests in the same way Monsanto Co. revolutionized farms with genetically modified crops. Continue reading

MSM: Monsanto to Charge as Much as 42% More for New Seeds

(Bloomberg) – Monsanto Co., the world’s largest seed maker, plans to charge as much as 42 percent more for new genetically modified seeds next year than older offerings because they increase farmers’ output. Continue reading

MSM: Monsanto, Dow stack up the genes

(AsiaTimes) – The most complex genetically engineered corn (maize) yet has been approved for use next year in Canada and the United States without its potential health and environmental risks being investigated, anti-biotech activists claim. Continue reading

MSM: A cancerous conspiracy to poison your faith in organic food

(DailyMail) – Despite its obvious benefits for our health and for the environment, organic food continues to be denigrated by the political and corporate establishment in Britain. Continue reading

GMO Scandal: The Long Term Effects of Genetically Modified Food on Humans

One of the great mysteries surrounding the spread of GMO plants around the world since the first commercial crops were released in the early 1990’s in the USA and Argentina has been the absence of independent scientific studies of possible long-term effects of a diet of GMO plants on humans or even rats. Continue reading