Are Google and Verizon Trying to Choke the Net Too Early?

(WallStCheatSheet) – The Information Age is hardly out of the womb. It’s still gasping for first breaths while we clean it off to get a better look.

However, many people and businesses act as if the Information Age is ready for Long Term Care Insurance. Don’t buy what they’re selling.

Recently, Google (GOOG) and Verizon (VZ) started lobbying to end net neutrality. Essentially, they want to create multiple lanes of information traffic, and each lane will have different delivery speeds (see their clever loophole below). This is great for the companies because they want to better price discriminate among their customers. This is horrible for the Internet (in current form) because we have no idea how badly we will choke information and innovation if we cut the cloth this early in the game. Read entire article

Did Google Block “Barry Soetoro” Search Term?

(PaulWatson) – Screenshots obtained by a Prison Planet reader suggest that Google may have moved to de-list “Barry Soetoro” as a popular search term shortly after it rose to the top of the Google Trends charts after yesterday’s effort by radio talk show host Alex Jones to focus attention on Barack Obama’s real name.

The search term reached number one on Google Trends soon after Alex Jones began discussing the issue on his show yesterday and Prison released an article on the same topic. However, within the space of about an hour, the term quickly slipped down the list of hot search terms and by the end of the day was gone completely. Continue reading

Another Victory: “Google Spies” Number 1 Searched Term on Google

(Infowars) – In another show of incredible determination, we have managed to fight  back censorship and tyranny with truth by getting “Google Spies” to the  top searched term of July 19, 2010. This is one of several victories  that have been accomplished thanks to our amazing listeners and readers.  This is a direct assault on the cover-up being pulled on the American  people by the cartel of elite corporations.

Mainstream news, popular blogs and talk shows regularly refer to  Google trends for topics and for the past few days the leading stories  have been The Obama Deception, Infowars, Fall of the Republic, Google  Censorship and most recently Google Spies. This is a major blow to the  establishment and with you help we can keep the truth on top of  nonsensical topics like Lindsey Lohan’s legal troubles. Continue reading

Genetically Modified Fooods (GMO) Causes Sterility, Organ Failure And Oral Hair Growth; Obama Administration Pushes It

(OfGoats&Men) – Yippie. Your corporations love you. Monsanto loves you. They want you to grow hair in your mouth and your children not be able to reproduce.

Research Links Genetically Modified Food To Long Term Sterility from PSKF

A new study done by Russian scientists suggests that Genetically Modified Food may cause long term sterility, that is, sterility in second and third generations… Read More Here

CDC Drafts “Isolation Order” for H1N1

The following draft of an “isolation order” was discovered on the CDC’s website. It is a template for state and local officials to impose quarantines and what would effectively be martial law. Continue reading

MSM: US May Face ‘Armageddon’ If China, Japan Don’t Buy Debt

(CNBC) – The US is too dependent on Japan and China buying up the country’s debt and could face severe economic problems if that stops, Tiger Management founder and chairman Julian Robertson told CNBC. Continue reading

2008 Financial Collapse: An Inside Job – Robert Singer

(Dprogram Exclusive) – Maybe it’s the smoke from Mt. Vesuvius that keeps Arianna Huffington and the financial community from seeing that the economic collapse has nothing to do with the Fed “missing” the warning signs leading up to the October meltdown. Continue reading

MSM: Health insurers want you to keep smoking, Harvard doctors say

(ScientificAmerican) – Health and life insurance companies in the U.S. and abroad have nearly $4.5 billion invested in tobacco stocks, according to Harvard doctors. Continue reading