Video: Steve Watson – Google Launches Cover-Up of ‘Google’ Spies’ Story – Alex Jones Tv

The ongoing saga with Google censorship has continued today as it emerged that once again the search engine giant removed a key term from it’s trends pages. Continue reading

Another Victory: “Google Spies” Number 1 Searched Term on Google

(Infowars) – In another show of incredible determination, we have managed to fight  back censorship and tyranny with truth by getting “Google Spies” to the  top searched term of July 19, 2010. This is one of several victories  that have been accomplished thanks to our amazing listeners and readers.  This is a direct assault on the cover-up being pulled on the American  people by the cartel of elite corporations.

Mainstream news, popular blogs and talk shows regularly refer to  Google trends for topics and for the past few days the leading stories  have been The Obama Deception, Infowars, Fall of the Republic, Google  Censorship and most recently Google Spies. This is a major blow to the  establishment and with you help we can keep the truth on top of  nonsensical topics like Lindsey Lohan’s legal troubles. Continue reading

MSM: How your Apple iPhone spies on you

(Telegraph) – As the communications device grows in popularity, technology experts and US law enforcement agencies are devoting increasing efforts to understanding their potential for forensics investigators.

While police have tracked criminals by locating their position via conventional mobile phone towers, iPhones offer far more information, say experts. Continue reading

Video: Webster Tarpley On The Draconian Internet Takeover

(RussiaToday) – Webster Tarpley on Google’s announcement that it will tighten its relationship with the NSA and how this is another leap forward in the agenda to take over and regulate the free Internet under the cover of fighting foreign cyber spies in China and Russia. Continue reading

Exclusive: U.S. Spies Buy Stake in Firm That Monitors Blogs, Tweets

America’s spy agencies want to read your blog posts, keep track of your Twitter updates — even check out your book reviews on Amazon. Continue reading

Australian Law Proposal to Turn ISPs Into Copyright Cops

There’s a disturbing new development in Australia. A law proposal was disclosed to the public that would get ISPs to spy on the contents of all communications to monitor for compliance. Presumably, the amendments would get Australian ISPs to monitor their networks for p2p activity and hand all their information to copyright holders. Continue reading

UK Government To Install Surveillance Cameras In Private Homes

The UK government is about to spend $700 million dollars installing surveillance cameras inside the private homes of citizens to ensure that children go to bed on time, attend school and eat proper meals. Continue reading

Internet Attack Propaganda Increases as Cyber Bill Approaches

Earlier this week South Korean intelligence (a creation of U.S. military intelligence) blamed the enfeebled Stalinist regime in North Korea for a series of cyber attacks on the U.S. government and commercial websites. As numerous observers have noted since the attacks, it is unlikely North Korea was behind the attacks. Continue reading

Big Brother is Watching You: Pervasive Surveillance Under Obama

Under the rubric of cybersecurity, the Obama administration is moving forward with a Bush regime program to screen state computer traffic on private-sector networks, including those connecting people to the Internet, The Washington Post revealed July 3. Continue reading

MSM: Israel keeps Mossad chief on for Iran “shadow war”

(Reuters) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu extended the tenure of the Mossad chief to an eighth year on Sunday, a testament to the spymaster’s perceived success in waging shadow wars against Iran and its allies. Continue reading

MSM: Obama Administration Looks to Colleges for Future Spies

(WashPost) – To the list of collegiate types – nerds, jocks, Greeks – add one more: spies in training. The government is hoping they’ll be hard to spot. Continue reading

Setting the Stage for Obama’s Control Over the Internet: Electricity Grid in U.S. Penetrated by Spies

Editor’s note: Funny how spies are now swarming the electric grid as Senate bills No. 773 and 778 — creating the Office of the National Cybersecurity Advisor and giving Obama the power to shut down the internet — are under consideration. See Rockefeller: Internet is “Number One National Hazard” and Cybersecurity Bill Gives Obama Dictatorial Power Over Internet. Continue reading

Iran not moving on bomb, say US spies

IRAN has not produced the highly enriched uranium necessary for a nuclear weapon and has not decided to do so, US intelligence officials told Congress. Continue reading

Neurological Warfare & United States Experiments

I am a targeted individual (TI) whose surveillance goes back three decades and whose covert electronic stalking and mind control (ESMC) experiences began in the 1990’s. However, I did not fully realize that I had been targeted until December, 2005. Since the latter date, I have kept a detailed journal of the effects of the electronic and psychological torture and my empirical thoughts about them. Those notes now comprise five volumes of journals, totaling over eight hundred pages of single-spaced typescript.

I recently wrote an article called Mind Control and Law Enforcement Complicity, in which I state that the U. S. intelligence community and law enforcement in general must either conduct the electronic stalking and mind control (ESMC) activities or knowingly aid and protect the organizations that do so. ESMC activities simply cannot be conducted without the knowledge and acquiescence of U. S. intelligence. Period. Continue reading