Gates Foundation Suggests Sterilizing Males with Ultrasound

(SovereignIndependent) – Among the 78 research projects to receive $100,000 grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation earlier this week as part of the Grand Challenges in Global Health initiative, is an effort by researchers at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, to develop a non-invasive, reversible form of birth control for men — using ultrasound. Based on preliminary trials in rats, researchers James Tsuruta and Paul Dayton hope to develop a technique that would render men temporarily infertile for up to six months after one or two ultrasound exposures. Continue reading

Obama’s Budget Revealed: Money for Wars and Weapons, While More Americans Face Joblessness and Hunger

(TomDispatch) – Send up a flare! The 2011 federal budget has sprung some leaks in the midst of a storm. Not sure there’s enough money for life rafts!  Forget women and children first!

Buffeted by economic hard times, the 2,585-page, $3.8 trillion document is already taking on water, though this won’t be obvious to you if you’re reading the mainstream media. Let’s start with the absolute basics: 59% of the budget’s spending is dedicated to mandatory programs like Medicaid, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, Social Security, and now Pell Grants; 34% is to be spent on “discretionary programs,” including education, transportation, housing, and the military; 7% will be used to service the national debt.

A serious look at this budget document reveals some “leaks” — two in actual spending practices and two in the basic assumptions that undergird the budget itself. Ship-shape as it may look on the surface, this is a budget perilously close to an iceberg, and it’s not clear whether the captain of the ship will heed the obvious warning signs. Read More Here

Video: DHS Doles Out Fed Cash to Deploy Military LRADs in U.S. Cities

The LRAD devices used against protesters and the residents of Pittsburgh last month were a beta test for things to come. As reported by the Washington Times on October 1, the Department of Homeland Security is doling out federal money to get police departments around the country stocked up on the LRAD weapons. Continue reading

MSM: The Real Reason Americans Are Angry – It’s The Big Government, Stupid

(NYPost) – It’s been a hilarious August, watching media supporters of President Obama’s health care package puzzle over the obscure motivations of the noncompliant Americans rallying against it. Continue reading

DHS: Expect your computer to be seized without suspicion

In what was presented to the public this week as a clarification of its privacy policy, the US Dept. of Homeland Security published a paper referring to new guidelines for its immigration and customs agents regarding how they may conduct border searches of travelers’ computers and electronic media. Continue reading

MSM: Agencies to set up mass swine flu vaccinations

(SFGate) – Public health experts are gearing up for swine flu vaccinations this fall in what could be the largest mass-immunization campaign since the polio vaccine was introduced more than 50 years ago. Continue reading

MSM: Obama Administration Looks to Colleges for Future Spies

(WashPost) – To the list of collegiate types – nerds, jocks, Greeks – add one more: spies in training. The government is hoping they’ll be hard to spot. Continue reading

Nonprofits land security money without proving real danger

In the past four years, the federal government has given $64 million in grants to nonprofit groups it considers at risk of attack from international terrorists.

But is that the best use of the nation’s Homeland Security money? Continue reading

Banker CEOs Lied to Congress

This article is about how the CEOs of the largest Banks in the world lied to the U.S. Congress about the extent of their equity compensation bonuses. Their deliberate lies were pre-meditated and were intended to deceive the Congress and the viewing public. Continue reading