General Electric pays $23 million to settle Iraq bribery charges

(RawStory) – US industrial titan General Electric has agreed to pay over 23 million dollars to settle allegations that it bribed Iraqi officials, a US financial watchdog said on Tuesday.

GE had been accused by the Securities and Exchange Commission of being part of “a 3.6 million dollar kickback scheme with Iraqi government agencies to win contracts to supply medical equipment and water purification equipment.”

Four subsidiaries of the Connecticut-based company were accused of bribing officials at the Iraqi ministries of health and oil, trading cash, computer equipment and medical supplies to win lucrative contracts. Continue reading

MSM: Biometric ATM gives cash via ‘finger vein’ scan

See Also: (Telegraph) – Intelligent cars will report accidents to authoritiesRead More Here

(CNN) – Poland’s cooperative BPS bank says it’s the first in Europe to install a biometric ATM — allowing customers to withdraw cash simply with the touch of a fingertip.

The digit-scanning ATM, introduced in the Polish capital of Warsaw, runs on the latest in “finger vein” technology — an authentication system developed by Japanese tech giant Hitachi.

The company says that an infrared light is passed through the finger to detect a unique pattern of micro-veins beneath the surface – which is then matched with a pre-registered profile to verify an individual’s identity.

“This is a substantially more reliable technique than using fingerprints,” Peter Jones, Hitachi’s head of security and solutions in Europe, told CNN. Full article here

MSM: Gore takes cash for water campaign from chemical firm

(Independent) – Al Gore, the self-styled squeakiest-clean and deepest-green politician in American history, has some explaining to do this weekend. His environmental
organisation has taken money to raise awareness about the need for clean water from a controversial chemicals company.

Dow Chemical, the US firm, is sponsoring Life Earth events in 150 cities today. The event aims to raise money for clean water programmes. Research by environmental organisations has found dangerous levels of highly toxic chemicals in rivers, lakes and other water supplies close to several other factories owned by Dow and its subsidiaries in countries including the United States, Brazil and South Africa. Read More Here

Video: Andrew Maguire finally exposes systemic fraud by CFTC & JPMorgan

I don’t ask for my videos to be forwarded and spread often, but this is one that really needs to get out there. This is the only video with all the currently known information that I know of. Thanks for rating, commenting, favouriting, and sharing this extremely important info! Continue reading

Video: Use Cash And Enjoy Privacy? You’re A Terrorist

(PaulWatson) – A new government commercial currently running on one of Britain’s most popular radio stations is selling one thing – fear – by encouraging Londoners to report their neighbors as terrorists if they use cash, enjoy their privacy, or even close their curtains. Continue reading

Video: Paul, Bernanke, Waxman and $12 Billion in Cash Squandered

(KurtNimmo) – On February 24, Rep. Ron Paul asked Fed mob boss Ben Bernanke about $12 billion in cash. Paul said “a lot of cash was passed through — and a lot of people suppose it was passed through the Federal Reserve — when there was a provisional government [in Iraq] after the 2003 invasion. That money was not appropriated by the Congress as required by law.” Continue reading

Video: California the canary in coalmine of US economy

State Controller John Chiang issued a stern warning Friday about California’s cash reserves, telling legislative leaders and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger they must act on nearly $9 billion in budget cuts the governor is seeking by March — or the state will run out of cash to pay its bills. — Denis C. Theriault Mercury NewsContinue reading

MSM: Haiti Gets a Penny of Each U.S. Aid Dollar

(CBSNews) – Only 1 cent of each dollar the U.S. is spending on earthquake relief in Haiti is going in the form of cash to the Haitian government, according to an Associated Press review of relief efforts. Continue reading

MSM: Home equity lines have dried up across U.S.

(MSNBC) – Borrowing on the home for quick cash is a lot harder than it used to be in the United States, and it’s causing headaches for homeowners, banks and the economy. Continue reading

MSM: The US cash behind extremist settlers

(Guardian) – The Hebron Fund is raising vast sums for Israeli settlements that violate the Geneva convention, with little scrutiny Continue reading

MSM: Euros Become Currency of Drug Cartels

(Guardian) – International drug cartels have abandoned the US dollar for high denomination euros to launder millions in illegal profits, Europol has revealed. The gangs no longer use $100 bills because €500 notes – the largest denomination of euro – take up less room when transporting large amounts of cash across the world. Continue reading

MSM: Marc Faber, Dollar Will Eventually Go to Value of Zero

(Bloomberg) – Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, appeared on Bloomberg today, expanding his view on the inflation/deflation, strong and weak US dollar debate. According to him, the losers will be cash and treasury bond and the winners will be foreign currency and commodities. Equities have some power to hedge inflation. Continue reading

The Very Busy Politicians in Washington DC – Ron Paul

(C4L) – With a faltering economy, multiple wars, and the approaching demise of the dollar’s reserve status, there are more than enough problems to keep politicians in Washington working day and night. In between handing out cash for clunkers and nationalizing healthcare, the administration is busy sending more troops overseas, escalating existing wars, and seeking out excuses to start new wars. Continue reading

MSM: Dollar loses reserve status to yen & euro

(NYPost) – Ben Bernanke’s dollar crisis went into a wider mode yesterday as the greenback was shockingly upstaged by the euro and yen, both of which can lay claim to the world title as the currency favored by central banks as their reserve currency. Continue reading

Gold Touches a New Record

“Gold continues to climb…stoked by inflation worries,” says a headline in the International Herald Tribune.
Yesterday, it touched a new record – $1,050 – even as the dollar rose, oil slumped under $70 and stocks dipped very slightly. Continue reading

The bear market rally will soon be over

(BobChapman) – There is only one place to be and that is in gold and silver related assets. Continue reading

US: Over a quarter million jobs lost in September

The US unemployment rate reached 9.8 percent and the economy lost 263,000 jobs in September, according to figures released Friday by the Labor Department. The latest figures undermine claims of an imminent economic recovery and point to the likelihood that the US economy will remain mired in recession for the foreseeable future. Continue reading

MSM: McClatchy Announces Financial New World Order

One year after the near collapse of the global financial system, this much is clear: The financial world as we knew it is over, and something new is rising from its ashes. Continue reading

MSM: The Real Reason Americans Are Angry – It’s The Big Government, Stupid

(NYPost) – It’s been a hilarious August, watching media supporters of President Obama’s health care package puzzle over the obscure motivations of the noncompliant Americans rallying against it. Continue reading

Nazi-Style Denunciation Campaign Urges Americans To Report Each Other

WeTip program offers cash rewards for anonymous tips about guns, child abuse and suspicious behavior Continue reading

Video: “Cash for Clunkers” Hurts the Poor – Ron Paul

(C4L) – In his latest C4L video, Dr. Paul discusses the true effects of the “Cash for Clunkers” program and talks about how government intervention into the economy will only make things worse. Continue reading

Video: Glenn Beck – Cash For Clunkers is a government scam to gain access to your computer

(Fox) – July 31, 2009 Continue reading

Video: Turn in your Neighbor for $1000

Step right up and help us confiscate guns! Make a phone call with an anonymous tip an well pay you tax free cash once we get the guns! Continue reading

Former Treasury Official who Devised Formula for Rate-Setting Based on Outlook for Inflation and Growth Warns that Inflation Looms, Slams Fed Policy

Many of us have predicted deflation, followed by massive inflation.

Well, we’re experiencing deflation.

Now, one of the leading experts on interest rates warns that massive inflation looms unless the government starts raising interest rates now. Continue reading