Audio: Top Construction Firm – WTC Destroyed By Controlled Demolition

(PaulWatson) – Respected Middle East expert and former BBC presenter Alan Hart has broken his silence on 9/11, by revealing that the world’s most prominent civil engineering company told him directly that the collapse of the twin towers was a controlled demolition.

Speaking on the Kevin Barrett show yesterday, Hart said he thought the 9/11 attack probably started as a Muslim operation headed up by Osama Bin Laden but that the plot was subsequently hijacked and carried out by Mossad agents in collusion with elements of the CIA, adding that since its formation, Israel has penetrated every Arab government and terrorist organization.

“My guess is that at an early point they said to the bad guys in the CIA – hey this operation’s running what do we do, and the zionists and the neo-cons said let’s use it,” said Hart, making reference to how top neo-cons like Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and their fellow Project For a New American Century authors had called for a “catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor,” the year before 9/11. Audio Link Here

MSM: Gore takes cash for water campaign from chemical firm

(Independent) – Al Gore, the self-styled squeakiest-clean and deepest-green politician in American history, has some explaining to do this weekend. His environmental
organisation has taken money to raise awareness about the need for clean water from a controversial chemicals company.

Dow Chemical, the US firm, is sponsoring Life Earth events in 150 cities today. The event aims to raise money for clean water programmes. Research by environmental organisations has found dangerous levels of highly toxic chemicals in rivers, lakes and other water supplies close to several other factories owned by Dow and its subsidiaries in countries including the United States, Brazil and South Africa. Read More Here

MSM: TrimTabs suggests government manipulated stocks

(MarketWatch) – The unusual circumstances that led the U.S. market to rally powerfully in 2009 might be explained by secret government moves to buy stocks, according to Charles Biderman, the founder and chief executive of TrimTabs, a research firm that tracks liquidity flows in the market. Continue reading

Exclusive: U.S. Spies Buy Stake in Firm That Monitors Blogs, Tweets

America’s spy agencies want to read your blog posts, keep track of your Twitter updates — even check out your book reviews on Amazon. Continue reading

A/H1N1 was reassorted in a lab

(WayneMadsen) – A virologist who has been researching the A/H1N1 virus has concluded after months of research that the ”novel” influenza was re-assorted in a laboratory from eight genes consisting of avian, swine and human type influenza A virus. Continue reading

Monopoly blocks swine flu vaccine

A SMALL Adelaide firm that has created a “superior” swine flu vaccine will be forced to sell its product overseas because of a monopoly on the market by a company contracted by the Federal Government. Continue reading

Financial Meltdown: The Financial Edifice of U.S. Imperialism is in Danger of Crumbling

The events of the last ten days on Wall Street represent a new and more destabilizing phase of the turmoil gripping financial institutions and markets in the U.S. A financial crisis has been unfolding for more than a year. It is now the most serious financial crisis of U.S. capitalism since the Great Depression of the 1930s. And it is by no means contained or under control. Continue reading

Video: This is a Financial Controlled Demolition – Like 9/11

Afshin Rattansi in Tehran talks to Max Keiser in Paris about the end of Wall Street, dollars and toilet paper – and Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs no longer being investment banks. Continue reading

Paulson’s former firm to be among largest beneficiaries of bailout: bank

It certainly pays to be Treasury Secretary if your former firm is a brokerage house, a new study says.

Goldman Sachs Group — formerly run by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, and Morgan Stanley, stand to be among the biggest beneficiaries of a $700 billion US bailout. Continue reading