The End Of The Rule Of Law

(PersonalLibertyDigest) – Some call the Barack Obama administration progressive. Some call it socialist. Other terms used are Marxist and communist.

I have called it fascist and corporatist in the past. Now I’ll just call it Evil.

That’s because the rule of law is dead in America. Now we have the rule of man—or government agency. The rule of man—or government agency—is a rule of Evil because it knows only the moral bounds of those making the rules. And it’s evident this administration, its appointments and its goals are amoral, if not immoral. Continue reading

Why Arizona Drew The Line

(Rense) – Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona signed a law – SB 1070 – that prohibits the harboring of illegal aliens and makes it a state crime for an alien to commit certain federal immigration crimes. It also requires police officers who, in the course of a traffic stop or other law-enforcement action, come to a “reasonable suspicion” that a person is an illegal alien verify the person’s immigration status with the federal government.

Predictably, groups that favor relaxed enforcement of immigration laws, including the American Civil Liberties Union and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, insist the law is unconstitutional. Less predictably, President Obama declared it “misguided” and said the Justice Department would take a look.

Presumably, the government lawyers who do so will actually read the law, something its critics don’t seem to have done. The arguments we’ve heard against it either misrepresent its text or are otherwise inaccurate. As someone who helped draft the statute, I will rebut the major criticisms individually: Continue reading


(BusinessInsider) – CHART OF THE DAY: 49 Out Of 50 State Economies Are Still Underwater – Read More Here

(Telegraph) – ECB may have to turn to ‘nuclear option’ to prevent Southern European debt collapse – Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – College Graduates’ Debt Load May Outstrip Ability to Repay

Students, especially at for-profit universities, are leaving college in the U.S. with a debt load large enough to raise questions about the ability of many to repay loans, a study found. Read More Here

(EconomicPolicyJournal) – Trillion Dollar Bailout for Greece – Read More Here

(Telegraph) – Goldman boss Lloyd Blankfein denies moral obligation towards clients – Read More Here

(InternationalForecaster) – Frauds And Scandals Follow The Collapse Of The Financial System – Bob Chapman

As the world faces an ongoing sovereign debt debacle we see an attempt to defuse an oncoming scandal involving Goldman Sachs, Paulson and perhaps others.

The collapse of the fiat money system is underway and each day picks up momentum. The only question is how long it can survive? In the interim we are faced with inflation and perhaps hyperinflation as the privately owned Federal Reserve and other central banks add stimulus and money and credit into their financial systems. Read More Here

(10TV) – Cabinet Plant, Largest Employer In Pike Co., Closing

More than 1,200 jobs were being eliminated on Tuesday, after the Masco Cabinet Group announced it was closing its Hopewell Road facility. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – Barofsky Says Criminal Charges Possible in Alleged AIG Coverup – Read More Here

(WSJournal) – Video: Contagion Getting Worse – Video Link Here

(Bloomberg) – ‘Debt Like Cancer’ Addressed by Obama Commission on U.S. Debt

President Barack Obama’s debt commission started grappling with how to reduce the U.S. government’s red ink in the first of a series of meetings aimed at producing a plan to be sent to Congress. Read More Here

(CNNMoney) – S&P slashes Spain’s debt rating

Standard and Poor’s downgraded the sovereign debt ratings of Spain to a lower investment grade status Wednesday, citing “risks to budgetary position” for the troubled European nation. Read More Here

(TarpleyNet) – Video: Seize and Liquidate Goldman Sachs – Webster Tarpley

Today’s Senate hearings, carried on CNBC, Bloomberg, and C-SPAN, represent the first major exposure of the American people to the scandalous frauds of the derivatives casino, including synthetic collateralized debt obligations (synthetic CDOs or CDO²). These are things most people have heard very little about. They begin to open up the shocking reality behind such shopworn euphemisms like “toxic assets,” “exotic instruments,” and “troubled assets.” Read More Here

(MarketWatch) – Royal Dutch Shell profit surges 57%

Royal Dutch Shell on Wednesday reported a 57% climb in first-quarter profit, with the energy giant benefiting from a surge in oil and gas prices as well as improving production. Read More Here

(MSNBC) – Markets shudder as Greek debt woes spread

‘Chances of a default … are increasing not by the day but by the hour’ Read More Here

(RevolutionaryPolitics) – Video: Chris Christie Speech Declaring Fiscal Crisis Emergency – View Video Here

(WSJ) – States Bristle as Investors Make Wagers on Defaults

As U.S. cities and towns wrestle with financial problems, investors are finding a new way to profit on their misery: by buying derivatives that essentially bet municipalities will default. Read More Here

(DailyMail) – BP earns £463 a second… as motorists suffer record petrol prices

Motorists paying record prices at the pumps reacted with fury at news of a 135per cent rise in profits by oil giant BP – earning a massive £463 a second.

BP said on Tuesday that profits hit £3.6 billion ($US5.6 billion) in the first three months of 2010 – more than double the level last year. Read More Here

(FauxCapitalist) – An illegal bank is the second-largest holder of U.S. treasury securities

From the U.S. Treasury Department’s latest numbers of major foreign holders of treasury securities, we see that China owned $877.5 billion and Japan owned $768.50 billion in February 2010. Read More Here

(WashingtonExaminer) – Barbara Hollingsworth: Fannie Mae owns patent on residential ‘cap and trade’ exchange

When he wasn’t busy helping create a $127 billion mess for taxpayers to clean up, former Fannie Mae Chief Executive Officer Franklin Raines, two of his top underlings and select individuals in the “green” movement were inventing a patented system to trade residential carbon credits. Read More Here

(EconomicPolicyJournal) – S&P on Greek Debt Downgrade to Junk Status: Options Are Narrowing Read More Here

(MarketWatch) – Goldman culture crash

More than anything else, the Securities and Exchange Commission’s fraud case against Goldman Sachs Group Inc. has illustrated the fall of the firm from Wall Street’s preeminent bank to riverboat casino. Read More Here


(WebMe) – Global Warming: the Collapse of a Grand Narrative – Read More Here

(WebMe) – Nails in the Global Warming Coffin

My silence since mid-February has not meant that I have taken my eye off the climate-change scene. Far from it, although I have to confess that I have become increasingly wearied and bored by the fatuous lack of reality exhibited on this topic by many UK politicians. It is so glaringly obvious that, since the debacle in Copenhagen, ‘global warming’ is dying as a major political trope that I find it less and less exercising as an issue. Indeed, I do not want to waste too much energy in flogging a fundamentally dead corpse.

This last week, however, the nails in the global warming coffin have been driven in so thick and so fast that I thought it might be worth bringing attention once again to what is happening around the world – “You will therefore permit me to repeat, emphatically, that Global Warming is as dead as a door-nail,” although I suspect that the Global Warming Ghost will hang around moaning and wailing for quite a while yet. Read More Here

(Blog) – Angela Merkel gives up binding carbon treaties Read More Here

(NationalPost) – Lawrence Solomon: Australia won’t cap and trade

Seeing countries around the world back away from their climate change commitments, and seeing his own electoral support crumble, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced today that Australia will be shelving its cap and trade program for at least three years, until after the next election. “That will provide the Australian government at the time with a better position to assess the level of global action on climate change,” he told the Australian press. Read More Here

(OzClimateSense) – Carbon storage premise ‘totally erroneous’ – Read More Here

Top Ratings Agency Warns Austerity Riots Could Hit America

(PaulWatson) – Top ratings agency Moody’s has predicted that the U.S. and the UK could witness similar riots to those seen in Greece in response to emergency austerity measures imposed by governments in an effort to retain their AAA credit status. Continue reading

Video: Adrian Salbuchi – 2010 Forecast Status Report

Adrian Salbuchi’s first follow-up report on how the 12 Transitional Triggers designed by the New World Order Power Elite to wrap-up Globalization and usher in a World Government, are being deployed. The original description can be found on the 14-December-2009 video “2010 Forecast: Transition from Globalization to World Government”. Continue reading

The Very Busy Politicians in Washington DC – Ron Paul

(C4L) – With a faltering economy, multiple wars, and the approaching demise of the dollar’s reserve status, there are more than enough problems to keep politicians in Washington working day and night. In between handing out cash for clunkers and nationalizing healthcare, the administration is busy sending more troops overseas, escalating existing wars, and seeking out excuses to start new wars. Continue reading

The lying game: how we are prepared for another war of aggression – John Pilger

In his latest column for the New Statesman, John Pilger compares the current drum-beating for war against Iran, based on a fake “nuclear threat”, with the manufacture of a sense of false crisis that led to invasion of Iraq and the deaths of 1.3 million people. Continue reading

MSM: Dollar loses reserve status to yen & euro

(NYPost) – Ben Bernanke’s dollar crisis went into a wider mode yesterday as the greenback was shockingly upstaged by the euro and yen, both of which can lay claim to the world title as the currency favored by central banks as their reserve currency. Continue reading

Video: Jim Rogers “Quite Sure” Gold Will Hit $2000, Dollar Will Lose Reserve Status

(YahooFinance) – Famed investor Jim Rogers is “quite sure gold will go over $2000 per ounce during this bull market.” Continue reading

The Currency Cabal – Campaign for Liberty

On October 6th, The Independent newspaper of London set off shock-waves around the world with a report that secret meetings were held between the OPEC states, China, Russia, and others, in which the participants charted a course toward a new world reserve currency. Not surprisingly, the U.S. dollar nosedived on the news. The rout was only stemmed by Saudi and Chinese officials publicly denying the story. Continue reading

Swine flu vaccine recipients could be tracked with RFID bracelets using Big Brother medical technology

(NaturalNews) – Here’s the scene from some dark, present-day action movie: David Balfour breathed hard. He could hear the thumping of heavy boots outside his door, down the hall, mixed with the muffled grunts of military men. He had known they would come. It was obvious from the moment he refused the VaxTrax bracelet at the county clinic. They said it would keep him safe because they could pinpoint his location if he ever suffered a heart attack or an accident. Continue reading

US Occupation of Iraq Continues Unabated – Dahr Jamail

“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”
– George Orwell

On July 4 in Baghdad, Vice President Joe Biden, who campaigned with Barack Obama on a platform of ending the occupation of Iraq, found himself in one of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s lavish buildings, the Al-Faw Palace. Continue reading

You Know Things Are Bad When Even Newsweek Is Slamming the Obama Administration for Caving in to the Financial Status Quo

You know things are bad when even one of the most mainstream publications – Newsweek – is slamming the Obama administration for caving to the financial status quo, and sounding the same themes that I and other “alternative” writers have been shouting into the wind about for many months. Continue reading

Americans Denounced As Terrorists While Criminals Embraced

While federal agencies across the country write dossiers on how some of the most patriotic people in America are terrorists and criminals, the Obama administration is set to embark on a push to legalize the estimated 20 million immigrants who have already broken the law by entering the country illegally.

Continue reading