Video: Food Crisis 2010 and US Dollar Impact

(SicSemperTyrannis) – There has been lots of talk about a coming food crisis due to the massive looting of the nations under the cover of an “economic crisis”. Recently, a report published by The Trumpet has shown food prices spinning out of control.

In the article it shows some of the most startling year-over-year price increases in the U.S. markets: Continue reading

Video: Andrew Maguire finally exposes systemic fraud by CFTC & JPMorgan

I don’t ask for my videos to be forwarded and spread often, but this is one that really needs to get out there. This is the only video with all the currently known information that I know of. Thanks for rating, commenting, favouriting, and sharing this extremely important info! Continue reading

Carbon market chaos strikes again

What a surprise: The free-market-that-is-not-free leaps from one scandal to the next. In a real free market where salesmen sell something real, and buyers buy something they want, people can’t get away with cheating, or not for long. Continue reading

Video: “You can’t manage a financial system by fiat money.”

On Monday night, Congressman Paul appeared on CNBC to debate former ITC chief economist Peter Morici over the Federal Reserve’s role in the economy and the need for greater transparency at the Fed.

Fiat Money: The Fuel of Government

According to Paul, the best case against the Fed is simply that it’s immoral. When government prints a new dollar, the value of each one in circulation goes down. The government shouldn’t be allowed to print money for the same reason you or I aren’t allowed to counterfeit. Continue reading

Updated and expanded: Dr. Van de Meer predicts monetary collapse of US starting on September 30th

A private but extremely influential silent individual,  Dr. Michael Van de Meer is the person predicting a financial collapse of the United States starting on September 30th. That is the end of the fiscal year and the final date for payments the Federal Reserve Board wants to act, but cannot, because it is in a catatonic state, as the leaders of every state in the world is. Continue reading

Derivatives Collapse and the China Gold and Silver Markets

(BobChapman) – In 2009, China opened up various exchanges for investment in both gold and silver to the Chinese public, which previously was not allowed to invest in gold and silver. The opening of silver exchanges to the Chinese public is the most recent development and was accompanied by a ban on silver exports. The Chinese government is actively touting both gold and silver as an investment to the Chinese public, and with good reason. Continue reading

The Future of Silver – TELEPATHIC interview with Adam Smith – Robert Singer

(MarketOracle) – Robert Singer, recently proclaimed a Junior Mogambo Ranger (JMR) interviews Adam Smith, telepathically. I got out my new Matrix Mind-ray Scanner, delivered before The Sharper Image and our way of life filed for bankruptcy and Googled “who is the founding father of economics”. Results: Richard Cantillon, Alexander Hamilton and Adam Smith. I never heard of Cantillion and Hamilton is the father of Crony Capitalism. I selected Adam Smith and set the device on “Interview” and typed Continue reading

Video: Adam Kokesh on Russia Today Discussing the Fed

(08-03-09) – Congressional candidate Adam Kokesh on RT regarding the Federal Reserve and HR1207. Continue reading

Thomas Jefferson’s Warning

Why are the stocks of so many corporations taking plunges? Because many of them are over-leveraged, meaning simply: they have too much debt. Why do they have too much debt? Jefferson answered this very question over a hundred years ago. To wit: Continue reading

Full-Spectrum Breakdown

On Friday morning, Senator Christopher Dodd, the head of the Senate Banking Committee, was interviewed on ABC’s “Good Morning America.” Dodd revealed that just hours earlier at an emergency meeting convened by Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke, lawmakers were told that “We’re literally maybe days away from a complete meltdown of our financial system.” Dodd added somberly, that in his three decades of serving in public office, he had “never heard language like this.” Continue reading

America In A State Of Irreversible Collapse

There was a time in this country when those who advocated a Fiat Monetary Standard were considered certifiable crackpots, monetary quacks and dangerous interventionists set on domination of both the political and economic processes in this country, the roles have been reversed and those who advocate sound money are assigned such epitaphs of derision. Continue reading